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Best save spots for your Inferno S rank.


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This is of course my opinion but I looked at the guide and I disagree. I prefer to do the HARD parts RIGHT AFTER rather than before with the exception of the final bosses. So here's my save spots. 


1. After the intro, when you first encounter the item and see the typewriter, because the intro is hard since you're only giving 5 bullets of pistol which isn't enough to kill a zombie on that difficulty. There's 2 zombies in your way that can easily fuck you over and 2 hits from them without healing or defense coins is death.

2. When you first get into the sewers after escaping Nemesis since even on that difficulty. He can be a pain because his movements is fast and he can easily hit you enough in a few hits.

3. When you first control Carlos and get to the police station since that's another time after you escape from Nemesis in which he has the RL.
4. Right before the final boss. 'Nuff said.

So yeah, I used 4 saves. I probably could've used another but the game between saves 3 and 4 were a breeze. Maybe you can use another save spot after the 2nd to final boss. 

Edited by ARH65512
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24 minutes ago, ARH65512 said:

This is of course my opinion but I looked at the guide and I disagree. I prefer to do the HARD parts RIGHT AFTER rather than before with the exception of the final bosses. So here's my save spots. 


1. After the intro, when you first encounter the item and see the typewriter, because the intro is hard since you're only giving 5 bullets of pistol which isn't enough to kill a zombie on that difficulty. There's 2 zombies in your way that can easily fuck you over and 2 hits from them without healing or defense coins is death.

2. When you first get into the sewers after escaping Nemesis since even on that difficulty. He can be a pain because his movements is fast and he can easily hit you enough in a few hits.

3. When you first control Carlos and get to the police station since that's another time after you escape from Nemesis in which he has the RL.
4. Right before the final boss. 'Nuff said.

So yeah, I used 4 saves. I probably could've used another but the game between saves 3 and 4 were a breeze. Maybe you can use another save spot after the 2nd to final boss. 

Confused for your run just use the rocket launcher .. No problem with the zombies in the beginning?? 

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1 hour ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

Confused for your run just use the rocket launcher .. No problem with the zombies in the beginning?? 

I'm talking about the beginning BEFORE the first item box/typewriter encounter. There's 2 zombies in the way that can kill you. The one near the gate right after you get the pistol and the one near the elevator.

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28 minutes ago, ARH65512 said:

I'm talking about the beginning BEFORE the first item box/typewriter encounter. There's 2 zombies in the way that can kill you. The one near the gate right after you get the pistol and the one near the elevator.

JUst use Infinite Rocket Launcher its one hit kill :) 

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1 hour ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

JUst use Infinite Rocket Launcher its one hit kill :) 


You can't use the rocket launcher on the zombies he's talking about because Jill doesn't have access to the item box yet.


I always use the perfect dodge on the zombie near the gate. It's risky but i haven't had a problem with him. The zombie near the elevator can bite you once and still live as long as he lets go of you quickly. I sometimes manage to avoid him by dodging backwards but more often than not he tends to grab me.


The zombie in the beginning i had the most problem with was after the meeting with Brad. During a cutscene Jill will say "there's so many" and after the cutscene ends a couple of zombies appear and if you're not quick one of them will get you, killing Jill immediately. Well. I found that by skipping the cutscene the zombie would always get me. So, i just let the cutscene play out and somehow the zombie doesn't notice Jill as quick. Now, i know this is probably bad RNG luck on my part as I've seen people skip that cutscene, immediately run, and have no problem but for me it happened 3 times in a row. So, better safe than sorry.


As for save spots, i only saved right before the final boss. I know the Drain Deimos can be tricky and if not careful you can easily die even with the health and defense coins so i thought about saving before them but i figured you get there so quick that having to restart wouldn't be much of a setback so i didn't.

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1 hour ago, Taizuke said:


You can't use the rocket launcher on the zombies he's talking about because Jill doesn't have access to the item box yet.


I always use the perfect dodge on the zombie near the gate. It's risky but i haven't had a problem with him. The zombie near the elevator can bite you once and still live as long as he lets go of you quickly. I sometimes manage to avoid him by dodging backwards but more often than not he tends to grab me.


The zombie in the beginning i had the most problem with was after the meeting with Brad. During a cutscene Jill will say "there's so many" and after the cutscene ends a couple of zombies appear and if you're not quick one of them will get you, killing Jill immediately. Well. I found that by skipping the cutscene the zombie would always get me. So, i just let the cutscene play out and somehow the zombie doesn't notice Jill as quick. Now, i know this is probably bad RNG luck on my part as I've seen people skip that cutscene, immediately run, and have no problem but for me it happened 3 times in a row. So, better safe than sorry.


As for save spots, i only saved right before the final boss. I know the Drain Deimos can be tricky and if not careful you can easily die even with the health and defense coins so i thought about saving before them but i figured you get there so quick that having to restart wouldn't be much of a setback so i didn't.

Now I see Thought you just start the game with it lol :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saved it everytime before a Nemesis encounter/fight. 

1. Just after Drain Deimos. 

2. Before the fight on the roof. 

3. Before the clock tower fight. (died here with a one hit kill with full health). 

4. Biggest gap but just before the fight in the acid chamber. 

5. A must save, before the final encounter.

I had only unlock the rocket launcher right before the final fight which made it a lot easier. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/17/2020 at 3:58 PM, ARH65512 said:

I'm talking about the beginning BEFORE the first item box/typewriter encounter. There's 2 zombies in the way that can kill you. The one near the gate right after you get the pistol and the one near the elevator.

for future help for anyone reading this, the elevator zombie i spam R1 as i skip the cutscene immediately spam r1 and ive seemed to dodge the elevator zombie and have enough time to hit the button and not get hit. that first zombie though is luck he lunges so far ahead i havent figured out how to dodge him

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1. before the bugs nest

2. after the bug nest

3. when controlling carlos in hospital 

4. bofore last boss


idk i just anxious at bugs part even with rocket launcher, and im finding the part with nemesis in the city is tricky, after that its smooth sailing until that annoying last bost and its slapping combo

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On 17/04/2020 at 11:11 PM, RedDeadWitcher93 said:

1. Before the Drain Deimos. Wasn’t sure what to expect from them on Inferno difficulty and I definitely didn’t want to do the prologue again if things went south.

2. Kendo’s. Before the rolling head cause I hate that thing.

3. As Carlos right before the hospital defence bit cause I wasn’t sure which enemies Inferno would send through the windows at me.

4. Before getting the fuses. Meant if I messed up in NEST, specifically the Hunter corridor, I wouldn’t have to do the Carlos defence bit again. 

5. Before final Nemesis encounter. This is an absolute 100% must. Somehow I managed it first time round but I was certain I would die loads of times before getting him. Just got super lucky. But it was nice going into that fight knowing I had a save right beforehand.

Working for me using the infinite cheese launcher. 

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  • 4 months later...

One question semi-related to this, which typewriter is missing in inferno? (as stated in the loading screen).


In my own inferno run i skipped the typewriter in donut shop, sewers(2), ground floor of the construction site, police station dark room if there's any. Others i either used them or saw them. Wonder if the skipped ones are actually present or not.

Edited by Maverick6146
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On 08/12/2020 at 3:51 PM, Maverick6146 said:

One question semi-related to this, which typewriter is missing in inferno? (as stated in the loading screen).


In my own inferno run i skipped the typewriter in donut shop, sewers(2), ground floor of the construction site, police station dark room if there's any. Others i either used them or saw them. Wonder if the skipped ones are actually present or not.


The donut shop one is defo missing, cant recall the rest

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NEST 2 is missing. I had planned to save there for my 4th save. I wasn't sure how lucky I would get with the group of Hunter Betas, but it was gone and I had to wait until the room before the Pit Fight. Which really freaked me out cause Save 3 was at Clock Tower Plaza Fight safe room. 


What I did:

First Safe Room

Before the Substation Maze (Drain Deimos

Clock Tower Plaza

Pit Fight

Final Boss


What I would do differently:

Before the Substation Maze (Drain Deimos

Clock Tower Plaza

Before the Fuse Maze

Pit Fight

Final Boss


You could use up an earlier save at Kendo's if you plan to skip the Pit Fight save. Thus rendering one of the most dangerous parts, Nemesis with a Rocket Launcher, a bit less stressful. With four Assault Coins the boss fights don't last much longer than the death animations. it is when you're stuck running away from Nemesis with random zombies around that he is at his most dangerous.


And in case anyone is wondering, I did purchase the $5 Unlock All the Stuff thing. It made the final boss as hard as aiming the rocket launcher and pressing R2. Maybe that is a factor you can consider if you're having a hard time with Inferno. I wasn't happy with how tough it was in comparison to the rest of the fairly simple game. 


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  • 8 months later...

If you have Rocket Launcher and all the coins, then:
1) very first typewriter right after prologue

2) after escaping Rocket Launcher Nemesis, before playing as Carlos for the first time, zombified Brad can be tricky
3) before the final boss (the railgun fight)

that's all I needed, the game was pretty easy with the shop stuff, if you want peace of mind you can save before the two Nemesis fights too but they're pretty easy as all you need to do is spam rockets

edit: oh and I almost forgot, it's also a good idea to save at Kendo's, since there's rolling head part ahead and you only have a split second to react, which can be tricky. I managed to do it on my first try but it's one of those silly instant death moments.


edit 2: Kendo's save point and my save point number 2 migh have been the same and I might be retarded :D but you get the idea

Edited by czDante92
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  • 1 month later...

FYI as it answers one of the earlier questions...


I used in Nightmare: 


1. First one after prologue

2. One in Kendo's shop

3. One in hospital at start of Carlos' section

4. First one in NEST

5. Before final boss


I had planned to do the same in Inferno, but save point 4 in NEST isn't there. So I replaced that by the one just before the penultimate boss, which wasn't really necessary but figured I might as well. In hindsight I could have used an extra one earlier maybe in the sewers. Although the only bits I struggled with were the very start - I kept messing up on an early zombie to get to Brad by the door on my Nightmare run for some reason, though had no problems on Inferno - and the final boss. I didn't have any problems with the rolling head so maybe they patched it to make it easier? Just running and dodging once or twice seemed to avoid any issues. But still seemed sensible to save there in case I messed up that or the Nemesis launcher escape. In practice with that bit I just turned around and shot him...he then had his revenge killing me about 20 times as the final boss. Karma I suppose.


Incidentally, you can get 12 bullets in the opening parts (there is a pack next to the van where the guy locks himself inside) so you can knock down the elevator zombie at least as long as you back away when he rushes you (check out @Optinooby's great video guides).

Edited by bobthecrazydog
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  • 3 months later...

Hello. My 5 saving points during Inferno run - with a short description:

1. After the Drain Deimos - why "after" and not "before"? You can shoot them with a rocket launcher without fear of injury (defense coins), they aren't really a threat, you just have to be vigilant. Make sure they are not around when we switch the fuse... Once we deal with the them, we back to the exit - fast, efficient action.


...and now we face Nemesis - and this is where I had the most problems - especially when going down to the subway. I didn't always manage to dodge (he was too close) and then his series of blows was lethal. It was easier for me to start again after Drain Deimos.


2. Scaffolding on the construction site - BEFORE the Nemesis boss fight - EASY - accurate fire from the rocket launcher - I changed position only once.

3. The clock tower - BEFORE Nemesis, the boss fight - VERY EASY - again, uninterrupted, accurate fire from the rocket launcher - he won't even have time to move.

4. In the lab - in a large circle. The penultimate form of Nemesis - VERY EASY - uninterrupted rocket launcher fire - he won't even have time to move.

5. Before Final Nemesis fight (100% must)


As I wrote at the beginning. I had the most problems in direct fights with Nemesis. I have repeated it 3 times. However, you have to be vigilant everywhere else. For example, in the sewers, when Gamma jumps at us, it can eat us all at once - have your rocket launcher ready. Be alert and focused.

What a great remake! I played the original in 1999 - today I'm starting a remake of RE2. It can only get better.

Best regards!

Edited by Kessarath
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  • 2 years later...
  1. At the very first typewriter just after prologue.
  2. At Kendo's Gun Shop.
  3. As Carlos, when you arrive at the hospital.
  4. Right after using the three fuses.
  5. Before the last encounter with Nemesis.


P.S. By equipping 4 Defense Coins and 4 Recovery Coins, the final boss is a joke. Jill may be pounded numerous times by Nemesis, and she will still be at "Fine" status. 😂

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