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YOU got the data, so, show us the average time to platinum!

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Since psnprofiles has stored the platinum completion time of every user for every game, why not make use of it and show us the AVERAGE time to platinum for every game? It's a question of simple math.


Yeah, yeah, for 100% with multiple DLCs, the average time to completion wouldn't be that accurate, but for average time to platinum, the data is the best on the Internet and should greatly incentivate the engagement of some not so well known games that don't have guides.


To make it clear, only the users that completed the game should be accounted (platinum club / 100% club) and must be a minimum of 10 or so completions to the information be displayed.

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since it's not the actual play time what good would this be really? you mention additional dlc's making times inaccurate but who doesn't have a few platinums with or without dlc they've dropped for a few months or years before finishing? 

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21 minutes ago, Vanilla said:

since it's not the actual play time what good would this be really? you mention additional dlc's making times inaccurate but who doesn't have a few platinums with or without dlc they've dropped for a few months or years before finishing? 


16 minutes ago, Squirlruler said:

Yea, not a fan of this. I have games that were completed over 8 years, but actually only took like 50 hours...


More in favor of a vote system "Took me X long to get" with those results being displayed.


Yeah, some complete in days, others take years, that's why is called average, and at least for me, it's a relevant information that I would like to known.


"How Long to Beat" does what I sugested with the steam api (yeah, the api can return only played hours tho), so, I think it would be great to have that same information on psnprofiles for almost ALL ps games.


it's just a general statistic, it wouldn't shame anyone, but of course you can disagree.


2 minutes ago, Sly Ripper said:

We don't (currently) store the time to platinum


Game Over.

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23 minutes ago, andreofgyn said:

Yeah, some complete in days, others take years, that's why is called average, and at least for me, it's a relevant information that I would like to known.


A suggestion for you would be to look at the median completion time; if the data is normally distributed, then the median equals the mean (yay statistics!). If the data isn't normally distributed, the median is actually better than the average anyway. The median is pretty easy to find from the fastest achievers list.


I personally look at the 25th percentile time when determining the true time it'll take me to complete a game as I find my completion times tend to be closer to that than the median.

Edited by eigen-space
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32 minutes ago, Sly Ripper said:

We don't (currently) store the time to platinum


Hey boss. @HusKy's got a nice addition to his PSNP+ plugin to sort trophy profiles by completion time. I've wanted this for so long; could you add this or a similar feature if you get bored?



Edited by Helyx
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2 hours ago, andreofgyn said:


Yeah, some complete in days, others take years, that's why is called average, and at least for me, it's a relevant information that I would like to known.


"How Long to Beat" does what I sugested with the steam api (yeah, the api can return only played hours tho), so, I think it would be great to have that same information on psnprofiles for almost ALL ps games.

These two pieces of data are not equivalent. Steam can pull the amount of time a user has actively played a game, while PSNP only tracks the time between the first trophy and the most recent trophy. This information is useless as I could start a game like Frogger Returns, earn one trophy and leave it for a decade even though the list takes only a few minutes. This estimate would be way off to the point it’s meaningless.

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It would definitely not be as simple as taking the average or median of the set of completion time.
Something more mathematically sophisticated would be needed such as taking the 25 percentile (like @eigen-space mentioned) and making an accurate estimate from there.

The first pass might also involve filtering out records that are way off (eg. played tutorial mode to pop a trophy, returned months later).

Regardless, it is indeed problematic as the only data points are when trophies popped. Doesn't say anything about whether the player took breaks, how many hours they slept in between etc.

With that said we could still home in on a good estimation engine, but it's not as simple as some make it out to be..
To further train the engine we could have a voting system where users cast votes to "correct the estimates" and feed that data back to the engine.

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On 4/29/2020 at 2:03 PM, andreofgyn said:

"How Long to Beat" does what I sugested with the steam api (yeah, the api can return only played hours tho), so, I think it would be great to have that same information on psnprofiles for almost ALL ps games.


However, Steam also records the actual time the game is running.  On Steam if I load up a game and play for five minutes and earn an achievement and then stop playing for a year before I go back and play five minutes and earn another achievement, Steam is still only going to report that I played for 10 minutes.  PSNProfiles would report my playtime as a year because there is a year difference between the two achievements earned.


Even Steam's method isn't perfect though.  For one, people can hide their playtime (which is actually enabled by default now) and many people idle games for cards before they actually play them or after they play them if the game gets cards added later (though this has been resolved with games now automatically dropping the cards after they are added to any players with enough playtime).  The timer also keeps going even if someone clicks off the window to take a break (which is a big part of why I have 600+ hours in Ys Origin, I needed a lot of breaks between time attack battles and attempts).  It is still far closer to the actual playtime than just going off timestamps between first achievement/trophy and last achievement/trophy.


One other thing that hasn't been mentioned is that an average is going to be especially poor for games where there is a decent sized group that skips text or cutscenes, like VNs.  Most trophy guides list inaccurate times to get the plat for most VNs because the time they give is for skipping the text and many people do play VNs to actually read the story (unless it ends up being terrible, then they might skip on the additional routes).  To a lesser degree games with multiple stacks/versions can also have inaccurate times since players playing it again will obviously be much faster than first time players. 

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