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9 hours ago, ArmoredSnowman said:

@BlindMango So, I think it'd be proper to refer to the two new Project Nimbus as Rereleases (with appropriate region), as the original lists (no DLC) are delisted from the PSNStore. 


This game is a tough one because I can only tag North America *or* Re-release, and not both, I may have to get Sly to make one that combines both, such as "North American Re-release"


Also the Knights of Valour trophy list you sent me for Taiwan: I also need to have Sly make a region tag for Taiwan as well 


:hmm: Please stand by lol

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Metal Wolf ChaosXD for PS4 needs a trophy list rescan. The list order of trophies is different than on this site. As a result, for certain levels that I've cleared and earned trophies for, the wrong trophy is registering on this site. Also, the trophy


"Fake News"

has been changed to


"Next Question."


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https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/5474-薄櫻鬼-真改-風之章 shouldn't this be Hong Kong, or at least Asia, since it's on the Hong Kong and Taiwan PSNStores, and use Asian physical id, not Chinese. 


And same for https://psnprofiles.com/game-leaderboard/6734-薄櫻鬼-真改-華之章 since it has HK earners and appears in Taiwan psnstore.

Edited by ArmoredSnowman
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The following Arcade Archive list needs rescanning please, because it has since been localised and given a English game icon :): https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/5630-arcade-archives-haunted-castle


VR Games:





Edited by HuntingFever
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Hello there,

For the "Playstation Series" feature, there is the "Omega Labyrinth" series, with the following games :

Stage 1 : Omega Labyrinth (オメガラビリンス) :

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/4057-オメガラビリンス (JP)


Stage 2 : Omega Labyrinth Z (オメガラビリンスZ)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/6329-オメガラビリンスz (JP)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/6546-オメガラビリンスz (AS)


Stage 3 : Labyrinth Life (They dropped the "Omega" part of the title due to sony's new heavy censorship policy - the "same" game was released uncensored on Switch under the name Omega Labyrinth Life) :

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/9461-labyrinth-life (JP)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/9438-labyrinth-life (AS)


I think that's the whole series (and regions) so far. Thank you !


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On 23/12/2019 at 3:09 PM, ArmoredSnowman said:

So Sony's anti-Greek alphabet now? 

Yep, gotta hide that greek alphabet and protect the children ! But only lowercase Omega (ω), not uppercase (Ω), so they don't have to patch all the God of War games.


More seriously, the "Omega Labyrinth" games are sexy/ecchi games full of what people call "fan service", and the Omega part of the title (and logo) directly refers to a part of the female anatomy. Since they had to heavily censor the game on PS4, they also dropped the Omega part of the title.

More info here if you're interested and don't know about that story yet : https://youtu.be/YRS79oYkGXA?t=162


Anyway, I have another series for the "Playstation Series" feature (which I love, thanks to whoever implemented it) :

Series : Toukiden

Stage 1 : Toukiden : The Age of Demons


https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2013-討鬼伝 (JP)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2127-討鬼傳 (HK)


Stage 2 : Toukiden : Kiwami


https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/3402-讨鬼传-极 (CN)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/3011-討鬼傳-極 (HK)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/3273-토귀전-극 (KR)

https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2833-討鬼伝-極 (JP)


Stage 3 : Toukiden 2



I think that's all the games in that series. Thanks again !

Edited by Kurty9
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