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'Up To The Task' trophy still obtainable?


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19 minutes ago, Stevieboy said:

Chances are those people did the 2 online challenges when it was still possible to do them and have only gotten round to doing the rest of them recently. I know a lot of people just played up until the point they could do those 2 challenges before the online was shut down and planned to play the rest of the game later.

Definitely this. After the online component was shutdown I tested for a friend if the scrap tasks were still obtainable, unfortunately the scrap that collects while you're offline wasn't rewarded after I logged back in the next day. Sorry.

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13 minutes ago, Deceptrox said:

If someone started the game like 5 days before the shutdown then that person had enough time to get all scrap crew challenges done. You can tell if the trophies are legit if they got "Just Walk Away" and "On the Road to Nowhere" as their first trophies.


They would definitely needed to have at least earned "Everything Lost Again" for finishing Act 1 before the shutdown date, as you didn't get access to the online challenges until Act 2.

Edited by Stevieboy
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If you just started now, you can no longer get Up to the Task because the daily scrap challenge doesn't give you scrap due to the server shutdown. Those who are still getting the trophy probably gotten the daily scrap challenge finished before the server deadline.

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11 minutes ago, Stevieboy said:


They would definitely needed to have at least earned "Everything Lost Again" for finishing Act 1 before the shutdown date, as you didn't get access to the online challenges until Act 2.


True, but the trophies I mention must be the first earned trophies since you need to travel a lot, and the only means to do that is on foot or driving a car.


The distance required to travel for those trophies is not that much so those will pop just some minutes after starting the game.

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2 minutes ago, Deceptrox said:


True, but the trophies I mention must be the first earned trophies since you need to travel a lot, and the only means to do that is on foot or driving a car.


The distance required to travel for those trophies is not that much so those will pop just some minutes after starting the game.


Yeah for sure, but they would also had to have earned the one I mentioned too.

Edited by Stevieboy
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34 minutes ago, celobrock said:

I've read somewhere that it was still possible with the physical disk, without updating, as there were no online features at the release. Can anyone confirm that?

I didn't even know the game got a physical release. If this is true though, that'd be great for the otherwise unobtainable platinum.

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  • 1 month later...

I hate shit like this man. SP games with a server based trophy. All this can do in the long run is prevent sales from gamers who go for the 100% or gamers new to trophies. Didn't they do the same with the Mordor games too?


It was actually a great game on release and would have loved to have 100% completed it again. Silly tits at WB. 

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On 25/10/2021 at 7:41 PM, AngryAdam- said:

I've noticed people have been getting the 'Up to the task' trophy on Mad Max recently, is this a glitch or can it be obtained?

If you did the online stuff which is very simple, before servers went down and then do the other stuff later. Before servers closure people did those challenges and kept the game untouched for later. I know I did that.

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6 hours ago, MAUSZX said:

If you did the online stuff which is very simple, before servers went down and then do the other stuff later. Before servers closure people did those challenges and kept the game untouched for later. I know I did that.

Still a buggy ass game that can bug out when you've gotten 100% and then you have to replay 30+ hours.

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8 hours ago, OmegaRejectz said:

Still a buggy ass game that can bug out when you've gotten 100% and then you have to replay 30+ hours.

Cloud save is your friend the usual challenge that gets glitched is the one of grabbing all the scrap.but you can check your stats with the challenge progress and know if it glitched on you.

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14 hours ago, MAUSZX said:

Cloud save is your friend the usual challenge that gets glitched is the one of grabbing all the scrap.but you can check your stats with the challenge progress and know if it glitched on you.

I know.

I did it.


Doesn't mean checking your stats constantly to double-check the buggy-ass game didn't bug out isn't a massive pain in the ass.

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11 minutes ago, OmegaRejectz said:

I know.

I did it.


Doesn't mean checking your stats constantly to double-check the buggy-ass game didn't bug out isn't a massive pain in the ass.

Wasn'tt the issue that caused this a really simpple to avoid one? Iirc you just have to avoid dieing while saving after collecting the scrap.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So is it possible or not and what is the online stuff which is needed? In my first playtrough I missed this challenge and I don’t know why; but I don’t have a savegame in my Cloud or somewhere and I started a new game last year but don’t play until the first chapter ended. So it’s done for me? It’s really shit cause this game is also a Ps+ Game for new players but a Alltime Missable Platinum?

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On 1/8/2024 at 2:54 PM, alexandra-jane09 said:

Unless you got "Up To The Task"  before the 31st of October 2020 then no, the Platinum for this game is no longer available beyond this point unless you did what @Geridian did and backed up saves.

Sorry to correct you, but the part I marked with bolt letters is false.

Partially quoting myself from another post I wrote:

  • If somebody never played this game some days before 31 October 2020 and still got the "Up to the Task" trophy, it is 100% cheated.
    • Reason: The Scrap Crews did not gather the scraps instantly. You had to quit the game and needed to wait one day for more scraps to collect. This could be completed faster, if you rushed from the beginning of the game to the point where you where able to build the Scrap Crew for every outpost.
  • And even if somebody played this game a long time before the server shutdown, he could have done all challenges needed for the trophies, then stopped playing because no interest in doing the challenges himself which are not needed for trophies and later returning to the game with a cheated savefile where only one simple challenge must be completed.
  • It is also sad that the "Up to the Task" trophy is not only related to challenges, which are always unlocking a trophy when completed. 

= Which means: 

Unless you started playing this game before the 31st of October 2020 ..  then no, the Platinum for this game is no longer available beyond this point.

/edit You can get "Up to the task" legit, if you prepared accordingly before 31st October 2020.


Long explanation:


What this means:

1. Everybody could have, like I did, complete the two challenges (A Penny Saved - Earn 500 scrap from Scrap Crews AND Dividend - Earn 2000 scrap from Scrap Crews) before 31st October 2020 and afterwards resume playing this game years later. But then there should be timestamps from other trophies of this game before 31st October 2020.

2. Everybody who started playing this game after 31st October 2020 and got the platinum can be reported asap, because "Up to the task" is 100% obtained via using a downloaded save. 

3. Most cheaters which platinumed this game are caught, because "Up to the task" popped before certain trophies:

- Completing some challenges are not only a prerequisite for "Up to the task", but some challenges are also popping a trophy when completed. 

- If trophies for these prerequisites pop after "Up to the task", it is cheated. 


And tbh, I think that every account who got every other trophy besides "Up to the task" , but obtained "Up to the task" years later after all other trophies and as the platinum unlocker, suspicious. 

Maybe somebody else likes to check such accounts..

Edited by Geridian
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