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Contagion Mode


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I can confirm that contagion can be completed with Krafton cloud savescumming without PS+.

All you need to do is to be online in the start of the every chapter, than turn off psn and complete chapter till the end. Before beginning of the new chapter turn online and it will be  uploaded to krafton cloud.
You should play your chapters offline, turn online only in the beginning of chapters to drop save to krafton cloud, then turn offline again.

If you die (you should be offline) delete your contagion save and close the game. Than turn online and start the game, it will download your last save from krafton cloud. So it can be done with krafton cloud saves.

I hope it helps!

Edited by DireIvan
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On 22/06/2023 at 10:50 PM, DireIvan said:

I can confirm that contagion can be completed with Krafton cloud savescumming without PS+.

All you need to do is to be online in the start of the every chapter, than turn off psn and complete chapter till the end. Before beginning of the new chapter turn online and it will be  uploaded to krafton cloud.
You should play your chapters offline, turn online only in the beginning of chapters to drop save to krafton cloud, then turn offline again.

If you die (you should be offline) delete your contagion save and close the game. Than turn online and start the game, it will download your last save from krafton cloud. So it can be done with krafton cloud saves.

I hope it helps!

I just done it while being offline the whole time. Both trophies popped. I died twice in my run. I think its more of a risk being online on krafton servers but i guess if both methods work then all good.

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well what i got to say about this trophy it self is stupid. the boss fights are the areas you will die. two hits from the boss and you are dead. how are you supposed to complete the game when the mechanics and running away from enemies are broken.

I just came back to the game and reloaded my last save, was the final boss and i couldnt even do anything. was getting pounded like mad. and that was a hardcore mode like how are you supposed to fight a boss when u get hit twice and you dead? this is not a challenge but stupidity. 

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On 14/03/2023 at 11:53 PM, yowzagabowza said:

I've only done four and had 100% before Contagion Mode released.


2-NG+ on Max Security, upgraded everything


4-Hardcore NG+

I sold almost all of my health (in every playthrough) and didn't buy ammo until I had upgraded everything on Max Security, which wasn't really necessary but whatever. 


Contagion with no deaths will be 5.


That works does it, you can do NG Easy and then NG+ Max from that same save??


You would have thought you can only NG+ on the same difficulty or below

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2 hours ago, Optinooby said:


That works does it, you can do NG Easy and then NG+ Max from that same save??


You would have thought you can only NG+ on the same difficulty or below

Yup, it works. That's the way I did it, anyway. 

I was hoping I could do the same with the Dead Space Impossible mode but no such luck : /

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On 3/17/2023 at 3:21 PM, potential91 said:

As the OP mentioned there is a cloud save that uploads to the Krafton servers when you die, (not to be confused with the PS+ cloud save) this has a timestamp that overwrites any attempt at you uploading your previous PS+ save as the game picks the most up-to-date save file (even if you didn't die) when you load up your game, this particular Krafton cloud save overwrites your previous save (you can only have 1 contagion save file per playthrough)


The only way to prevent this is by playing offline, if you die, delete your console save, turn the internet back on and redownload your PS+ save, rinse repeat.


Regarding people having issues with the sewer slide, I have had 5 foolproof runs when it comes to the fans, as long as you stay to the left on the first two fans, move to the middle for the third and then immediately to the left again for the fourth, you should avoid them.


I would recommend pausing right at the start and watching a YouTube video of the first section and repeating the movements, pausing again and repeating the fans and then again for the final few pillars.


Remember, if the trophy doesn't pop all is not lost, you can play contagion on contagion+ which makes the majority of the game a cakewalk by giving you the Assault Rifle from early on, makes every twohead fight a piece of cake.

The enemies after the sewer slide again become a cakewalk, just keep purchasing ammo on your second playthrough instead of upgrades and skip all optional routes, a run-through the whole game with cutscenes can be done in 4-5 hours.





The Left Left Middle Left fan method worked wonderfully for me the first time. On a second run, the second fan got me when I was hugging the left side of the tunnel. 


Thoughts on the last DLC drops:

—Riot Mode is awesome. Had an absolute blast playing it. 

The skip cutscene feature is great. The amount of vent crawling remains annoying. Unclear if it’s to mask loading times. 

—Final Transmission is really underwhelming. The bio-bot design is pretty good. The hallucinations are poorly done. Final Transmission feels more like a 90 minute campaign remix than a legitimate addition to the story. Most of it feels like there was no budget for new content so they just recycled hallways and dialogue from the original campaign. I can’t believe they used the exact same, leech-in-a-box jump scare AGAIN. 

—The final boss was fairly good but perhaps too similar to 2-heads. It posed a pretty good challenge for me on normal difficulty. 

—Have died several times in a row on Chapter 3 Habitat in Contagion difficulty mode. It’s a good idea to use GRP on spitters from a distance so you don’t get hit by the acid while you are dodging normal enemies. Made it to the lumberyard on my first try and haven’t made it back there yet. 

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On 20.3.2023 at 10:27 PM, BRWTapio said:

So speaking of save scumming, here you go:


You do NOT HAVE TO PLAY OFFLINE to make this work. Just make sure the following:


- Disable autoupload to PSN Cloud for The Callisto Protocol 

- If you die, quit The Callisto Protocol, manually upload your previous PSN cloud file to overwrite the death 



I got both trophies in one go dispte dying several times in one go. Best of luck everyone:)


I just play the game offline on the PS5 and load my save to the PSN cloud after each checkpoint. As soon as I die I close the game and delete the save and download the old save again? And then try my luck again in offline mode?


I have not found this internal cloud yet. Is there probably only on the PS4?

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19 hours ago, I3attleking said:


I just play the game offline on the PS5 and load my save to the PSN cloud after each checkpoint. As soon as I die I close the game and delete the save and download the old save again? And then try my luck again in offline mode?


I have not found this internal cloud yet. Is there probably only on the PS4?


Just to prevent confusion, im talking about the In-Game Save Cloud here, NOT the PSN Cloud feature. It's really hard on these recent posts to identify what exactly is being referred to, so I just want to make it clear for this post!


A mixture of ONLINE /OFFLINE is required for the In-Game Cloud Exploit but obviously you can remain ONLINE if planning to use the PSN Cloud


The In-Game cloud has nothing to do with signing in to Krafton, it already exists even if you don't sign in so be careful.


Maybe signing in allows you to view the saves easier because when not signed in, I cant actually view the In-Game Cloud Save unless i delete my game save.


If planning to use the In-Game Cloud feature, you need to turn off the network after beginning a new chapter (after the save) and turn it on just before finishing a chapter (before a save).


Then what would happen is if you die which is autosaved almost immediately for all death animations, the save with the death isnt uploaded to the In-Game Cloud automatically because network was off.


So then you turn the game off, then turn on network again, then go and delete your whole game save from the system.


Then load the game online and you should see the Contagion Cloud Save appear. Load it and then turn off network again!!


A good way to identify if your save is still gree off deaths, them remember the time of the very first autosave at the start of the chapter, for example 01:00. Because if you then die, that time will change to 01:23 as an example indicating the death was saved. Then you know you need to do the delete, use cloud etc.


To be honest, you may be able to delete just the Contagion save in-game, then turn on network, i will have to see if that works

Edited by Optinooby
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On 13/07/2023 at 5:57 PM, Optinooby said:


Just to prevent confusion, im talking about the In-Game Save Cloud here, NOT the PSN Cloud feature. It's really hard on these recent posts to identify what exactly is being referred to, so I just want to make it clear for this post!


A mixture of ONLINE /OFFLINE is required for the In-Game Cloud Exploit but obviously you can remain ONLINE if planning to use the PSN Cloud


The In-Game cloud has nothing to do with signing in to Krafton, it already exists even if you don't sign in so be careful.


Maybe signing in allows you to view the saves easier because when not signed in, I cant actually view the In-Game Cloud Save unless i delete my game save.


If planning to use the In-Game Cloud feature, you need to turn off the network after beginning a new chapter (after the save) and turn it on just before finishing a chapter (before a save).


Then what would happen is if you die which is autosaved almost immediately for all death animations, the save with the death isnt uploaded to the In-Game Cloud automatically because network was off.


So then you turn the game off, then turn on network again, then go and delete your whole game save from the system.


Then load the game online and you should see the Contagion Cloud Save appear. Load it and then turn off network again!!


A good way to identify if your save is still gree off deaths, them remember the time of the very first autosave at the start of the chapter, for example 01:00. Because if you then die, that time will change to 01:23 as an example indicating the death was saved. Then you know you need to do the delete, use cloud etc.


To be honest, you may be able to delete just the Contagion save in-game, then turn on network, i will have to see if that works

Cheers for advice aye be waiting in the video for help 

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5 minutes ago, Blue_Nose_2k20 said:

Cheers for advice aye be waiting in the video for help 


ive got Riot Mode sorted as well, pretty much infinite ammo and health injectors and I also have a list of exactly what enemies spawn on what waves ;)


Riot mode is actually mega easy with this strategy, I have to purposely die on wave 50 by running into a fan

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure if I saw this asked (tried reading through everything). 

Say I do a section and take way more damage than I would have liked, could I do “Restart Checkpoint” like I would in Hardcore? Or will it revert me back to the start of the chapter like the saves?

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6 hours ago, The Bush said:

Not sure if I saw this asked (tried reading through everything). 

Say I do a section and take way more damage than I would have liked, could I do “Restart Checkpoint” like I would in Hardcore? Or will it revert me back to the start of the chapter like the saves?

Start of chapter 

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if “lower” difficulties will stack and pop after completion of Contagion Mode? And can this mode be done in NG+ to cover that Hardcore NG+ trophy too?


My guess would be no, buy they’ve added a shit ton of DLC since I last looked at this trophy list so I’m curious what would be the most optimal way to tackle these trophies now while minimizing unnecessary replays.

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5 hours ago, dieselmanchild said:

Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if “lower” difficulties will stack and pop after completion of Contagion Mode? And can this mode be done in NG+ to cover that Hardcore NG+ trophy too?


My guess would be no, buy they’ve added a shit ton of DLC since I last looked at this trophy list so I’m curious what would be the most optimal way to tackle these trophies now while minimizing unnecessary replays.

Sadly they don’t stack :(

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So if I'm getting this the easiest way (not fastest) to 100% this game would be?


NG Minimum - 100% Playthrough

Final Transmission DLC

NG+ Maximum - Platinum + NG+ trophy + All Upgrades trophy

NG  Contagion - Complete Contagion trophy

NG+ Contagion - Complete Contagion without dying trophy using offline chapter start/online chapter end exploit

NG Hardcore

NG+ Hardcore

Riot Mode DLC


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2 hours ago, BestUsername---- said:

So if I'm getting this the easiest way (not fastest) to 100% this game would be?


NG Minimum - 100% Playthrough

Final Transmission DLC

NG+ Maximum - Platinum + NG+ trophy + All Upgrades trophy

NG  Contagion - Complete Contagion trophy

NG+ Contagion - Complete Contagion without dying trophy using offline chapter start/online chapter end exploit

NG Hardcore

NG+ Hardcore

Riot Mode DLC


Yeah though you might as well merge contagion as one run for the sake of time and save every chapter on backup :)


I think they fixed that exploit, though I can’t confirm for sure.

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Hello everyone! I skimmed through the thread and saw some helpful tips and advice. I'm quite worried about this trophy. Is this the hardest trophy in the game?


First of all, what the heck is up with them including their own stupid in-game Krafton cloud saves? That's so annoying. I might have missed it going through the thread, but can I play Contagion mode while being online and backing up my PSN cloud save (on PS 5 games sadly USB saves aren't supported, which annoys me greatly as well) at the start of every chapter and if I die, just download my PSN cloud save and start from the beginning of the chapter without any death count having been registered and without the Krafton cloud save overwriting my PSN cloud save?


Cheers for any help guys 🙏

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got to Habitat and called it a night, made sure Auto-Sync was disabled, uploaded my chapter 4(?) save, then called it a night. Finished Hardcore & Hardcore NG+ and it was...interesting. I think the worst chapters are going to be Habitat, Colony and the Tower by far. Those are the worst, imo, as you can die to such BS and it is not even your fault. Kinda interested in everyone's take on how they went about upgrades, though. Seems like just getting level 1 damage, getting level 1 damage for the Hand Gun, Shotgun is what my HC run consisted of. GRP maybe two points, but idk, the damage 2 on the Baton is spicy good.  


On 10/4/2023 at 9:12 AM, BestUsername---- said:



Could you not just turn off the Cloud PS+Auto-Sync on the PS4/PS5 and accomplish the same result? My guess the method you are mentioning is for those without PS+, correct? Based off some reddit posts I have read regarding this, either method should work. Also, could you not simply upload your save to a USB, for example, or would that not work? 


On 10/5/2023 at 3:28 AM, Cosmokeeper said:

Hello everyone! I skimmed through the thread and saw some helpful tips and advice. I'm quite worried about this trophy. Is this the hardest trophy in the game?


First of all, what the heck is up with them including their own stupid in-game Krafton cloud saves? That's so annoying. I might have missed it going through the thread, but can I play Contagion mode while being online and backing up my PSN cloud save (on PS 5 games sadly USB saves aren't supported, which annoys me greatly as well) at the start of every chapter and if I die, just download my PSN cloud save and start from the beginning of the chapter without any death count having been registered and without the Krafton cloud save overwriting my PSN cloud save?


Cheers for any help guys 🙏


Um, hardest is a stretch, but from the looks of it the only thing that makes the mode unbearable is the Permadeath aspect. Hardcore was pretty annoying if you ask me as you basically die super quick, and you barely, I mean, barely got any money while exploring. At least during Contagion (so far) I have not had any problems and currently on the worst bit, imo, Habitat. Damn water slide. Anyways, my guess is they wanted you to backup your save just in case something happened or Glenn hates save-scumming. 


To answer your question: Yes, you can still be online and attempt this trophy; however, depending on if you have PS+ or not, is the main factor, but seeing as you do you would need to turn off the Cloud Auto-Sync from the Save Management system. 


How to do this (on PS5):

  1. Go to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings
  2. You should see: Select Saved Data (PS5) or Saved Data (PS4)
  3. Click on Select Saved Data (PS5) > Cloud Auto-Sync > Disable

Now as @BestUsername---- mentioned, it is very important you upload your save to the Cloud at the beginning of each chapter or when you feel like you need to. This way if you die, then you will need to pause the game, dashboard to the xmb, delete your current save, then upload the one on the Cloud. Or you could replace it, but do take into account the time stamp of when you died versus starting, etc etc as @BestUsername---- mentioned in his post. 


I do want to do some save testing, as I have noticed the auto-save icon appearing at different points during Contagion mode, rather than just at the beginning of each Chapter. Curious to see if this works out, but who knows. 

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53 minutes ago, x410xDragon said:

Just got to Habitat and called it a night, made sure Auto-Sync was disabled, uploaded my chapter 4(?) save, then called it a night. Finished Hardcore & Hardcore NG+ and it was...interesting. I think the worst chapters are going to be Habitat, Colony and the Tower by far. Those are the worst, imo, as you can die to such BS and it is not even your fault. Kinda interested in everyone's take on how they went about upgrades, though. Seems like just getting level 1 damage, getting level 1 damage for the Hand Gun, Shotgun is what my HC run consisted of. GRP maybe two points, but idk, the damage 2 on the Baton is spicy good.  



Could you not just turn off the Cloud PS+Auto-Sync on the PS4/PS5 and accomplish the same result? My guess the method you are mentioning is for those without PS+, correct? Based off some reddit posts I have read regarding this, either method should work. Also, could you not simply upload your save to a USB, for example, or would that not work? 

Habitat (Chapter 4) and Below (Chapter 6) are definitely the most annoying Chapters. The fans in Chapter 4 feels randomized and the insta-kill robot is overkill for one chapter. Compounded with their length makes those two chapters the most annoying of the 8.  Chapter 6's blind enemies slow the game to a crawl and not to mention the 16 + Two-Head fight can be tricky on Hardcore.  Tower (Last Chapter) isn't that bad if you upgraded the right things, it's short and you can insta-kill the second Two-Head with the fan. I upgraded the middle right and middle left side of the Baton. The middle middle and lower right side of the GRP. The damage and capacity for the pistol as well as some shotgun upgrades. Didn't build any other weapon.


As for the Auto-Sync. Yes I only used the in-game cloud system not PS+ as I don't have PS+ Plus on my account. It's actually quite simple to use and you don't run the risk of accidently starting the game online and having the in-game cloud save over the PS+ save. Same thing with USB saves I'm guessing. USB saves only works on PS4 but I wouldn't want to run the risk of accidently saving/loading a "corrupted" file. Feels easier to follow turning off/on internet to save scum than having to turn off/on PS+ saves, managing USB saves, while also competing with Kraftons auto-cloud saves.

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10 hours ago, BestUsername---- said:

Habitat (Chapter 4) and Below (Chapter 6) are definitely the most annoying Chapters. The fans in Chapter 4 feels randomized and the insta-kill robot is overkill for one chapter. Compounded with their length makes those two chapters the most annoying of the 8.  Chapter 6's blind enemies slow the game to a crawl and not to mention the 16 + Two-Head fight can be tricky on Hardcore.  Tower (Last Chapter) isn't that bad if you upgraded the right things, it's short and you can insta-kill the second Two-Head with the fan. I upgraded the middle right and middle left side of the Baton. The middle middle and lower right side of the GRP. The damage and capacity for the pistol as well as some shotgun upgrades. Didn't build any other weapon.


As for the Auto-Sync. Yes I only used the in-game cloud system not PS+ as I don't have PS+ Plus on my account. It's actually quite simple to use and you don't run the risk of accidently starting the game online and having the in-game cloud save over the PS+ save. Same thing with USB saves I'm guessing. USB saves only works on PS4 but I wouldn't want to run the risk of accidently saving/loading a "corrupted" file. Feels easier to follow turning off/on internet to save scum than having to turn off/on PS+ saves, managing USB saves, while also competing with Kraftons auto-cloud saves.


Just finished Chapter 4 and got extremely lucky with not only the Waterslide, but also the fans. At some points during the Waterslide, I swore it was a death, but instead it just grazed me not once, but twice. At least that part is over, but the second Two-Head Fight feels like it is going to be annoying to get through unless there is a way to bypass that; though, from what I have read, you have to fight him along with back-up which is a pain in the ass. So far I have my Hand Cannon paired with Damage + Stability, and will probably just get by with Level 1 damage on the Baton - as it seems like it is enough; plus, I can use the money towards other things. 

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