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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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If it makes things easier, I don't mind dropping out too, so that gold still has an even number and no one has to get moved around this fixture. I only joined to make sure there were enough people to start after all, haha.


Are you scared? :giggle:

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I was gonna ask the same thing, if we're going all GMT, fixture 2 should be still on for 40 more minutes :)

In the UK we're actually on BST (GMT+1) at the moment, so it is 00:33 for me when writing this. 

I'm assuming precision meant BST when he said GMT? We'll find out soon enough I'm sure.


Edit: Ninja'd but yeh we're on BST not GMT at the moment. :D


Either way, onto round 3!! Good luck MrCostari. :D

Edited by zajac9999
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Are you scared? :giggle:

lol, no, I just don't care like others do in the league. So, I offered to leave if it helped make things easier on Precision. I haven't even been trying to get trophies, I've been busy with school and I'm moving in a few days too. I've just been playing games normally. I don't really have time to be trophy hunting right now. 

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lol, no, I just don't care like others do in the league. So, I offered to leave if it helped make things easier on Precision. I haven't even been trying to get trophies, I've been busy with school and I'm moving in a few days too. I've just been playing games normally. I don't really have time to be trophy hunting right now. 


Its all good man, I only asked because you're pitched up against me now so you should be scared! Joke :)

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Its all good man, I only asked because you're pitched up against me now so you should be scared! Joke :)

lol, oh. Well, lucky you, you're probably going to win this week, haha. Most of my games are already packed until I move next weekend. xD

I'm hoping I'll be able to get everything unpacked and be able to try for Fixture 4 though. There's a bunch of games I want to finish up.

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Another loss to my name, well done Rach.

Even though I tried to make up for it towards the end of this fixture I lost too much time at the start playing FFX and trying to play through Spec Ops on the hardest difficulty.

Hopefully I can pick up a win in the 3rd fixture!

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Plat #111 PES 2014. :D

Hoping to get the Moto GP13 plat sometime during this round as well. :)


Congrats on #111 and congrats on your victory for fixture #3 :P

I'm not home untill Tuesday and I'm working on Ni No Kuni.


I'll try for a comeback once I finish Ni No Kuni and that's hopefully before May. 

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I just bought Tokyo Jungle for 99 cents from the flash sale because I had heard good things about it, just wondering if anyone here had played it?


Sorry but this isn't exactly the place to post that, although I recently started it yeah, check out the Tokyo Jungle section and if there's nothing much there you can start a thread about experiences.

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Urgh I'm so close to the plat on hotline miami... Can't seem to get the A+ on each level though and there was me thinking I was looking at another 18 points for this fixture :( does anyone on here have this plat and if so can you offer any advice on A+Ing from chapter 8 onwards

Make sure you use the zack mask, don't try and execute everyone for the points just focus on using a weapon  to kill and getting a large combo I would say at least x8 for each combo. A lot of it comes down to luck really and just learning how the enemies act for each chapter. You could try video guides but they didn't really help for me.

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Beside the idlers i think you did :D. Im also planning to set a record against a certain someone but then a different record :D

Don't worry I'll be on vacation starting next week meaning 8+ days without a ps3. I don't want to drop out but that probably leaves me stuck in bronze till next season.


EDIT: Whoops quoted wrong thing. urgh.

Edited by Grindcore12391
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God dammit why isn't your PSN ID you linked the same as you use for this comeptition Xshado? grrr if i knew you were active i would've gotten more trophies. I intentionally didn't get the Hotline Miami plat becuase I thought you weren't playing -_-'

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God dammit why isn't your PSN ID you linked the same as you use for this comeptition Xshado? grrr if i knew you were active i would've gotten more trophies. I intentionally didn't get the Hotline Miami plat becuase I thought you weren't playing -_-'


Lol unlucky buddy :P

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THCBudz a crazy 337 points im looking forward to play against you :)

I hope no one makes the same mistake as i did, maybe some kind of extra link in the participant list?


Well his psn name was in his signature and you could also just check by going to his forum account and then click on his psn profile

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