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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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I don't really care about this ^^ I just play what I want to play and well, actually those are really time consuming games or adventures xD I don't really have the right games and the time for the gold league -.- normaly I would have stayed in the silver league ^^' but because of all the dropouts :X

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Hi Precision,


Apologies for not replying to your direct message, I've been bogged down with uni work so haven't been on the site in a LONG time unfortunately! I'm happy for you to take me out the league as I would not have the time to compete at all right now. I hope everyone continues to enjoy this well run league, I'll be sure to reapply if I ever get the time to compete properly!



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Whew!  Finally, a break.  That last match killed me.  And rightfully so...


Match #1: Won by 6 points.

Match #2: Won by 6 points.

Match #3: Lost by 6 points.


Yes, it killed me.  I am dead.  And hopefully in three days, I will be reborn.

Edited by me3lingual
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Whew!  Finally, a break.  That last match killed me.  And rightfully so...


Match #1: Won by 6 points.

Match #2: Won by 6 points.

Match #3: Lost by 6 points.


Yes, it killed me.  I am dead.  And hopefully in three days, I will be reborn.


Wow, so many close calls!! Is it official then? Have I won? I'm too lazy to count even my own score lol (all I know is that it is way lower than previous scores because I haven't had much time) if I won by 6 points then I can call this fixture an exciting one, very well played :D


I'm also glad about a break coming, by November 20th I should be in Hearts R's postgame a.k.a. where trophies actually are xD

Edited by Omar
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This was another close fixture. This break couldn't have come at a better time. I had a bunch of free time the first few fixtures, and now I have a bunch of things happening all at once. If I had a fixture now, there would be no way I could get a decent score.

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Wow, so many close calls!! Is it official then? Have I won? I'm too lazy to count even my own score lol (all I know is that it is way lower than previous scores because I haven't had much time) if I won by 6 points then I can call this fixture an exciting one, very well played :D


If my counting is correct, you won 45-39.  I noticed you started earning trophies faster once you switched from Tales of Hearts R back to Dust.  It was all I could do to try and keep us tied.  Then when I finally earned point #39 and tied everything up, you went and updated again; this time earning another six points in Velocity.  So yes, it was quite exciting, at least from my end.

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If my counting is correct, you won 45-39.  I noticed you started earning trophies faster once you switched from Tales of Hearts R back to Dust.  It was all I could do to try and keep us tied.  Then when I finally earned point #39 and tied everything up, you went and updated again; this time earning another six points in Velocity.  So yes, it was quite exciting, at least from my end.

So Velocity gave me the win? Call me lucky then lol I sometimes start a game at a fixture's end, it's kind of a habit (maybe because I get paranoid thinking someone could take the win by 1 point at the last second xD) I can't believe it actually saved me lol

I have been playing both Hearts R and Dust all fixture long, but as I said, Tales of games have zero story trophies, it's all about grinding lol

Anyway, it was a fun match and as I said, well played :)

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The past two days hasn't been kind to my score, I actually might have finished Catherine in one fixture if I didn't have my driving test on Saturday and then today I only woke up at 9pm :P But at least I passed my test so alls not lost! :D


The break is well needed for me, I can finish up Catherine without rushing it, Axis Mundi I'm coming for you  :awesome:

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Congrats to pridefc83 on his victory in this fixture, that puts me at 0-3 for this season, partially due to the fact I have had zero time to put up any kind of fight so far!!!


On a side note, I made a query in regards to the Legendary Hunters league about cybershark91's score in fixture 2 which seems to have been ignored completely? I frankly don't really care about it now if I am honest but obviously we have some communication issues between the leagues as we use these scores in that league but any queries are being ignored on both sides!!


This league has really lost some of it's oomph since we started up all these other ones!!

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Congrats to pridefc83 on his victory in this fixture, that puts me at 0-3 for this season, partially due to the fact I have had zero time to put up any kind of fight so far!!!


On a side note, I made a query in regards to the Legendary Hunters league about cybershark91's score in fixture 2 which seems to have been ignored completely? I frankly don't really care about it now if I am honest but obviously we have some communication issues between the leagues as we use these scores in that league but any queries are being ignored on both sides!!


This league has really lost some of it's oomph since we started up all these other ones!!



I Must admit, having all these other leagues, with some of us now competing in 3 THL related leagues, aswell as a minority of us also competing in the team competition, it's all becoming a bit too much. I thought there would have been some communication between myself and the other Cup runners, but up until the general announcement, i had no idea whether they were going ahead or not. At the moment im not sure whether going to run a Season 7 yet, the forums just seem overcrowded with leagues and competitions, and well, it's been a good 8 months right?

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I Must admit, having all these other leagues, with some of us now competing in 3 THL related leagues, aswell as a minority of us also competing in the team competition, it's all becoming a bit too much. I thought there would have been some communication between myself and the other Cup runners, but up until the general announcement, i had no idea whether they were going ahead or not. At the moment im not sure whether going to run a Season 7 yet, the forums just seem overcrowded with leagues and competitions, and well, it's been a good 8 months right?


To be honest with you, when the ideas were floated about I thought it was a good one but I also thought they were going to be run alongside this one. Obviously we just use the same scores/rules etc but it would add an extra flavour as you would have more fixtures to play and more rivalries going, matches against new opponents etc etc. Didn't realise we would end up with 3 threads all seemingly separate from each other but still run by guys in the league, doesn't make sense to me.


Can we not have 1 thread for the whole lot, use the same scores and have the relevant individuals posting their bits in regards to their comp as we go??


Obviously dude, you are the boss and this is your decision to make in terms of S7, personally I would keep it going.

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Honestly, I didn't ask to be in any of the other competitions. I was just placed in them without even my knowledge or acceptance. I would rather just be in this league is that is at all possible. But the other ones don't bother me. I just don't pay attention to them like I do this one.

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Can we not have 1 thread for the whole lot, use the same scores and have the relevant individuals posting their bits in regards to their comp as we go??



I think there is not a problem with many leagues, but scores was wrong counted.

 Admin made mistake and this should be corrected.


I voted for option that every game should be permitted, but if we have 4:30h rule, the games outside this rule should be not counted.

Maybe for this league after this mistake not will be difference with the points and only just with the score, but i think this is enough to put correct score.

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