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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Another great job on the count @ShogunCroCop and helpers (who r u again so I can tag you next time) great effort. I really like the rarity rule I am not sure how I got such a high score but I probably lucked out with a combo of new games or some such. Either way it seems to be much fairer.


I see this period I am against this @HcG Clawz, a name I seem to recall from some late night MXGP boost from another life. I anticipate an acceptable loss I see he is playing games with ultra rare trophies which seems worth of a win. Nevertheless if you get run down by some BS Japanese jetski game or something I apologies in advance. Be well

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8 hours ago, AffectatiousDonk said:

I see this period I am against this @HcG Clawz, a name I seem to recall from some late night MXGP boost from another life. I anticipate an acceptable loss I see he is playing games with ultra rare trophies which seems worth of a win. Nevertheless if you get run down by some BS Japanese jetski game or something I apologies in advance. Be well


And i have yet to plat the game haha. I started playing skyforge which is quite a long MMO so ill see how this fixture goes.

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11 minutes ago, ShogunCroCop said:

At long last, here are the scores...I was able to count at 10:30 this morning, but was not able to circle back around until now. My wife is having a difficult pregnancy so I have to do most of the stuff around the house. Anyway, here are the scores


Platinum League

(1) Shadowhood1111 (161.4) v (36.4) microsamm



I hope everything is ok with your wife and child. 


I really only thought I was gonna score around 50 points this fixture guess I was wrong. I managed to get back home in time and play Bioshock 2.


I'm scared of HGC CLAWZ

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9 minutes ago, shadowhood1111 said:


I hope everything is ok with your wife and child. 


I really only thought I was gonna score around 50 points this fixture guess I was wrong. I managed to get back home in time and play Bioshock 2.


I'm scared of HGC CLAWZ

Appreciate the concern..she just is in pain most of the time and is bed-ridden. It's our first child so I am nervous as hell, but she is doing everything right according to the doctor.

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On 1/15/2020 at 3:36 PM, ShogunCroCop said:

I know trophy rarity is a big thing here, so I am hoping to add a rule for bonus points based on trophy rarity, in hopes of cutting down on easy trophies. Here is what I propose:


The rarity bonuses are defined as follows - 


Common x1

Uncommon x1.3

Rare x1.5

Very Rare x3

Ultra Rare x6


So, as a simple example, let's say someone earns 5 Bronze trophies. Their base score is 5, and let's say they have 1 of each type of rarity among these 5 trophies, then their bonus would be 1x1 + 1x1.3 + 1x1.5 + 1x3 + 1x6, making their total score: base (5) + bonus (1 + 1.3 + 1.5 + 3 + 6) = 17.8.


Now let's say their opponent also earns 5 Bronze trophies, but they pop easy trophies from easy games so the rarity on all is Common. Then their score is 5 (base) + 5x1 (bonus) = 10.



Just want to make sure if we are still using this base + bonus way to count scores this season. What I am seeing now is the final score only counts bonus score and not include base score.

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6 hours ago, shadowhood1111 said:

I really only thought I was gonna score around 50 points this fixture guess I was wrong. I managed to get back home in time and play Bioshock 2.

Congratulations on your win! ?

It was really impressive to see you did 42,2 points in 5 hours after the match started.
I could beat this score, but after seeing you unlocked a lot of throphies
I lost my interest in counting your score and held back a few points for my next match.

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7 hours ago, GTA_Darren said:


Just want to make sure if we are still using this base + bonus way to count scores this season. What I am seeing now is the final score only counts bonus score and not include base score.

Yeah its still being used or a few of my scores would be a lot lower. They are not putting in base score just the final score.


Also cant view the league table spreadsheet. Says I need permission 

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7 hours ago, GTA_Darren said:

Just want to make sure if we are still using this base + bonus way to count scores this season. What I am seeing now is the final score only counts bonus score and not include base score.


I'm going to apologise for this confusion as I kind of changed the scoring on accident.

My interpretation of the scores was that the base points were multiplied by the rarity bonus only. Because @ShogunCroCop has been super busy with his wife and her pregnancy I took this as the easiest way of scoring rather than double the points when only the rarity changes.


If anyone wants this amended I am willing to recount based on the original post.


@MDGW25 I think it's been taken down to be amended. Hopefully back up later.

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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6 hours ago, microsamm said:

Congratulations on your win! 1f44f.png

It was really impressive to see you did 42,2 points in 5 hours after the match started.
I could beat this score, but after seeing you unlocked a lot of trophies


Yeah soon after the match started I popped the platinum for Assassin's creed origins for some quick points and to get rid of 54 Gigs off my hard drive. 

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1 hour ago, Psy-Tychist said:


I'm going to apologise for this confusion as I kind of changed the scoring on accident.

My interpretation of the scores was that the base points were multiplied by the rarity bonus only. Because @ShogunCroCop has been super busy with his wife and her pregnancy I took this as the easiest way of scoring rather than double the points when only the rarity changes.


If anyone wants this amended I am willing to recount based on the original post.


@MDGW25 I think it's been taken down to be amended. Hopefully back up later.

How have you currently been scoring the points?


So is a UR plat worth 84, 72 or just 18? Quite confused myself now.

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3 hours ago, HcG Clawz said:

Not quite sure how i will be able to do for the remainder of the season as i started on a new account lol. 

We will still be able to score based on the new account

On 2/9/2020 at 9:37 AM, MDGW25 said:

How have you currently been scoring the points?


So is a UR plat worth 84, 72 or just 18? Quite confused myself now.


It was supposed to be base + bonus...this might explain the large discrepancy of differences with my counts and @Psy-Tychist counts lol.


To clarify, the base points are the regular trophy points for trophy type (1, 2, 6, 12) and the rarity bonus is for rarity type (1 (C), 1.3 (UC), 1.5 (R), 3 (VR), 6 (UR) ).


So if you earn an ultra rare plat, you'd get 12 (for the platinum) + 6 (for the rarity) = 18. If you earned an ultra rare plat, UR bronze, UR silver, and UR gold, it would be (1 + 2 + 6 + 12) + (4*6), since there are 4 trophies earned with the UR bonus of 6. That is how the scoring was supposed to be done.


However, it will take entirely too much time to go back and recount the scores that were already counted, so for now, we will continue to use the system we have been using. Especially since how the rules is phrased, it does make it sound like it is base * bonus.


5. (NEW RULE AS PER SEASON 24)  A rarity bonus will be applied to every trophy, as follows:

Common x1

Uncommon x1.3

Rare x1.5

Very Rare x3

Ultra Rare x6


This bonus will be applied to the base scoring of the participants. This is intended to help cut down on super quick, super easy trophies and plats by rewarding harder trophies more.


The fault is mine for not clarifying this better at the beginning of the season. This is definitiely something we will change for next season. For now, enjoy the extra points.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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A couple of more things: @Lucas, if you could add @Precision-Playyy to the waitlist, that'd be great.


Also, here is the schedule for Fix Set 5, almost halfway already. It starts in 90 minutes.


Platinum League

theshywaterguy v stupid0089

Redbeard--Rik v AffectatiousDonk

Psy-Tychist v microsamm

freddie1989 v HCG Clawz

Talic007 v Shadowhood1111

BYE: XShadowYakuzaX


Gold League


aztekXI v MDGW25

OmegaFenron v Wavergray

Omar v hibpshman

me3lingual v GTA_Darren

BYE: MidnightDragon

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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