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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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35 minutes ago, BraveNoobWorld said:

Hey, been a long time since I was involved in this league, but I would love to re-join next season if there’s a spot.


Edit: Holy cow, just checked my comment history and it’s been 5 years since I last played. Time flies.


We can put you on the waiting list for Season 26. We are a little more than halfway through season 25, but it would be great to have you back!

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Here are the matchups for fix set 8, beginning in 45 minutes


Platinum League

MDGW25 v Redbeard-Rik

Psy-Tychist v HCG Clawz

AffectatiousDonk v GTA_Darren


Gold League

microsamm v Talic007

Shadowhood1111 v me3lingual

stupid0089 v VASORAT13


Silver League

DEMONICRUBLE18 v Wavergray

OmegaFenron v Omar

aztekXI v theshywaterguy


Bronze League

Precision_Play v AmarisSkye

ShogunCroCop v freddie1989

Andrea9281 v jemmie

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@Redbeard-Rik I appreciate that you went all out and I apologise that I didn't give you a full challenge. Hopefully next season I can give you the battle you deserve.


I know it doesn't matter but I love this competition so this is for everyone here. I recently split from my long term partner of 12 years and have been trying to sort out a lot of memories and everything in between. I've only had my Vita in the meantime, so not as competitive as I would like.


Hopefully when it's all sorted, I will eventually win the Platinum League!

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27 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:

@Redbeard-Rik I appreciate that you went all out and I apologise that I didn't give you a full challenge. Hopefully next season I can give you the battle you deserve.


I know it doesn't matter but I love this competition so this is for everyone here. I recently split from my long term partner of 12 years and have been trying to sort out a lot of memories and everything in between. I've only had my Vita in the meantime, so not as competitive as I would like.


Hopefully when it's all sorted, I will eventually win the Platinum League!

I was off work last week so had plenty of playtime. Sorry to hear about your break up mate. I'm sure we'll all be here to challenge you when you're sorted. As for winning the plat league not if I'm still in it ?

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5 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:

@Redbeard-Rik I appreciate that you went all out and I apologise that I didn't give you a full challenge. Hopefully next season I can give you the battle you deserve.


I know it doesn't matter but I love this competition so this is for everyone here. I recently split from my long term partner of 12 years and have been trying to sort out a lot of memories and everything in between. I've only had my Vita in the meantime, so not as competitive as I would like.


Hopefully when it's all sorted, I will eventually win the Platinum League!

I hate to hear this. I can't fathom all of the feelings you are going through, but I was married to a woman for 4.5 years, and together with her for 6 when she ended it. To be fair, I drowned my sorrows in whiskey, tequila, and all kinds of alcohol because I had no one to go to for support. If you need someone to talk to, who knows what it's like going through this, I'm around.

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There is something in the THL Tables that I feel is very unfair.
It's the tie-breaker that counts against me, for which I had absolutely no influence in it.

It's the gold league match in fixture 5 the 0-0 draw of stupid0089 Vs. Talic007.

These are the rules on Page 1 of this thread:

11. League positioning is worked out through the following means:

- Amount of points earned in the season
- Average individual score

- Amount of platinums earned in the season
- Head to head result


- Amount of points earned in the season: microsamm 6 points - Talic007 6 points
- Average individual score: microsamm: 88.7 - Talic007: 69.0

But the situation right now is that I'm behind Talic007, because the tie-breaker is the 0-0 drawing match,
which isn't even written down as a tie-breaker in the rules.

Edited by microsamm
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I have to agree with @microsamm I think a 0 draw is worth less than any other result except a non scoring loss and should in no way give you a better standing than a loss in which you ar least scored. 


God dammit @AffectatiousDonk I looked on your profile during the match and all I could see was spam. Kudos on the win but you'd better watch your back next season ?


Edited by Redbeard-Rik
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54 minutes ago, Redbeard-Rik said:

I have to agree with @microsamm I think a 0 draw is worth less than any other result except a non scoring loss and should in no way give you a better standing than a loss in which you ar least scored. 


God dammit @AffectatiousDonk I looked on your profile during the match and all I could see was spam. Kudos on the win but you'd better watch your back next season 1f609.png


For purposes of the rules, I will change the standings. I don't like the 0-0 tie rule where it doesn't earn any points, but I do not yet know a better way of handling it.


The only reason I had microsamm behind Talic007 is that Talic007 has fewer losses (3 to 4). While I agree the 0-0 tie should not weigh more than a loss, a 0-0 tie doesn't count towards the standings or points. So technically Talic would be 3-3, and microsamm is 3-4. In almost any standings set, Talic007 would be ahead by virtue of the fewer losses. That was my reasoning behind it.


This also changes Platinum league leader as well.


EDIT: Standings are fixed.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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I understand the reasoning behind the original 0-0 tie rule, but I think the switch makes more sense. At the end of the day I think the league should reward players for playing, and to me a 0-0 finish being better than a contested loss is the exact opposite of that.



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51 minutes ago, ShogunCroCop said:

Bronze on the other hand, is @Andrea9281's to lose. Technically, she has clinched no worse than a tie in the standings. One more win will ensure her placement in the CWC. It's what's behind her that is probably going to be the most intriguing finish of the season. 3 people, all at 4-3, and all of them separated by a total of 46 points. @jemmie, @Precision-Playyy, and myself will likely put everything we have into the final 3 fixtures to tr and grab that coveted promotion spot to Silver.

I was actually thinking of giving up after that last loss (great matches by the way), but now I almost feel challenged. Well, maybe I will put up a fight. :giggle:


After almost one full season through the new rules, my one major piece of constructive criticism is that the rematch fixtures should be random instead of exactly the same as the first half of the season. I feel like knowing when you're going to face someone well in advance takes away some of the strategy of meticulously planning how much to save for each fixture. Also, if someone gets a particularly bad order (which I think I have, and I have to admit that's part of why I'm suggesting this), they essentially have a bad order twice. Getting unlucky once is just that, unlucky. The second run through feels borderline unfair.

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1 hour ago, jemmie said:

I was actually thinking of giving up after that last loss (great matches by the way), but now I almost feel challenged. Well, maybe I will put up a fight. :giggle:


After almost one full season through the new rules, my one major piece of constructive criticism is that the rematch fixtures should be random instead of exactly the same as the first half of the season. I feel like knowing when you're going to face someone well in advance takes away some of the strategy of meticulously planning how much to save for each fixture. Also, if someone gets a particularly bad order (which I think I have, and I have to admit that's part of why I'm suggesting this), they essentially have a bad order twice. Getting unlucky once is just that, unlucky. The second run through feels borderline unfair.

That makes sense. Thank you for that. As the league continues to grow back to its former glory, I anticipate as we add participants that this will be the only time where facing opponents more than once will happen. But in the event it does happen again, I'll use a better randomizer. 

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7 hours ago, Wavergray said:

@theshywaterguy nice match, you were the only person to put up any kind of fight this season and you beat me both times.

It was a good match, I haven’t been checking profiles this season so I was excited to see the result. I knew that I would need a big score because our first match was really close, we might get a rematch in gold if the standings stay the same.

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2 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:

That makes sense. Thank you for that. As the league continues to grow back to its former glory, I anticipate as we add participants that this will be the only time where facing opponents more than once will happen. But in the event it does happen again, I'll use a better randomizer. 


I will throw in that I like the match/re-match format much better than just playing everybody once. With the previous format, one loss can do you in but here you always get a shot at revenge. It keeps the leagues competitive for longer, especially top-heavy leagues where only 2-3 people are vying for the title/promotion.

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59 minutes ago, Andrea9281 said:


I will throw in that I like the match/re-match format much better than just playing everybody once. With the previous format, one loss can do you in but here you always get a shot at revenge. It keeps the leagues competitive for longer, especially top-heavy leagues where only 2-3 people are vying for the title/promotion.

I agree. Before, if you knew that one matchup was going to be particularly tough, you can simply save up a bunch of plats/"secret weapons" and get an above average score for that one fixture. Now, even if you win that way, you have to do it twice, far increasing the likelihood that the better player will win in the long-run. I'd honestly rather see a bunch of smaller leagues where people fought multiple times than a few larger leagues where you only got to fight once.

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13 hours ago, Andrea9281 said:


I will throw in that I like the match/re-match format much better than just playing everybody once. With the previous format, one loss can do you in but here you always get a shot at revenge. It keeps the leagues competitive for longer, especially top-heavy leagues where only 2-3 people are vying for the title/promotion.


12 hours ago, jemmie said:

I agree. Before, if you knew that one matchup was going to be particularly tough, you can simply save up a bunch of plats/"secret weapons" and get an above average score for that one fixture. Now, even if you win that way, you have to do it twice, far increasing the likelihood that the better player will win in the long-run. I'd honestly rather see a bunch of smaller leagues where people fought multiple times than a few larger leagues where you only got to fight once.

This is excellent feedback. We'll see what happens in the offseason. As always, there will be some turnover, participants leaving and others joining. But if we can keep the leagues small, then I'll just fix the randomness so that he order is not the same the second time around.

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Ladies and gents! Guys and gals! The final fixture of Season 25 begins in 1 hour, 40 minutes.


Here are the matchups:


Platinum League

AffectatiousDonk v Psy-Tychist

MDGW25 v HCG Clawz

Redbeard-Rik v GTA_Darren


Gold League

VASORAT13 v me3lingual

Shadowhood1111 v microsamm

stupid0089 v Talic007


Silver League

OmegaFenron v Wavergray

Omar v theshywaterguy



Bronze League

ShogunCroCop v Andrea9281

jemmie v AmarisSkye

freddie1989 v Precision-Playyy


Good luck! This fixture ends Friday, Saturday will be a break to count scores, and Sunday will begin the CWC!


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