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Thoughts on using guides to get trophies\platinums ?


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I use guides I see nothing wrong with it personally, its only like buying a strategy guide!!! I use them to help find collectables since some games have over a 100 of them to collect, I don't personally have the time to look for them all without a guide. However some trophies take a bit of personal skill anyway eg. one shot trophy for alien isolation ( which I am currently trying to get now!!) I use a guide and always have for my plats, and think there is nothing wrong with it and thank for people for it :D :D

I use guides I see nothing wrong with it personally, its only like buying a strategy guide!!! I use them to help find collectables since some games have over a 100 of them to collect, I don't personally have the time to look for them all without a guide. However some trophies take a bit of personal skill anyway eg. one shot trophy for alien isolation ( which I am currently trying to get now!!) I use a guide and always have for my plats, and think there is nothing wrong with it and thank for people for it :D :D

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I play typically games like this:

1.) 1st time I play without a guide and completely for fun

2.) 2nd time I play with a guide for the platinum (when I feel like it).

I don't feel like it diminishes the platinum and honestly, I really don't understand why it would. Companies used to make physical guides to use, but with internet access, companies don't bother with it anymore.

If anything, you should be expected to use a guide! :P


This is typically how I play.


I will say this though. In all my trophy hunting days, there are some things within games that if you didn't have a guide, there is no way "in-game" that you could figure out how to do it. No guide post showing you the secret entrance, no sparkling or map to show you where the hidden collectible is, no tutorial to show you the special move you need to complete a trophy. I can't count how many times I have turned to my wife and said, "how the hell did the developers think people would figure this out?".


And let's be honest, sometimes trophy descriptions are either too vague, or have nothing to do with how to achieve it.


Granted, that doesn't take away from just playing through with no worry for trophies at all, but it also doesn't lessen the sting of realization when you figure out that your initial playthrough was one of 3 playthroughs you will have to complete for plat.


Using guides to me is just what it says...a guide. I have used guides in games for a very long time. I remember when gamefaqs was the only guide site online. Sure beats spending 50 cents a minute calling Nintendo Power hotline to figure out how to get through the stupid hedge maze in the original Metal Gear. I can't say how many countless hours I spent trying to figure that shit out.

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Because of my job and how it seems I immediately get sleepy after getting home I don't have alot of time to play games.  Because of this I use a guide to keep from aimlessly wasting time in a game, missing a trophy.  Also, since my backlog is huge and the time thing, it's very rare that I'll do multiple playthroughs.  It's helpful to know when to make a save to see all endings on one playthrough or just to expedite the process of getting collectibles, especially since JRPGs are my favorite genre.


My view is that we're only alive for so long.  This limits the amount of games we'll get to play, books we'll get to read, shows we'll get to watch.  Why not try to enjoy the most we can?  In my case that means I use a guide.

Edited by Bucknerd
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That may be part of it to you but it does not mean that it is inherently part of the game nor does it mean that using a guide "cheapens" it. If someone wants to use a guide, cool. If someone doesn't want to use a guide, cool. But just remember to not act condescending to anyone because someone does want to. You're not by the way, but this kind of discussion can quickly go south like that.


People play how they want. A good example is what Bucknerd said, her gaming time is limited plus she really enjoys JRPGs, a pair of factors that makes using a guide a rather practical thing to do.


I'll never play all the games that I want to so I have no problems using a guide if it lets me experience more of the games that I really want to play and enjoy.

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I use a guide to see if there are any missable or glitched trophies. There's nothing worse than just finishing a RPG and find out you missed a trophy near the end of the game. Final Fantasy XIII's Treasure Hunter trophy thaught me that lesson the hard way.


Yeah, try to plat Catherine, Vanquish or Mirror's Edge with a guide.

When you get the platinum trophies come back here and tell me that with the guide it was a breeze.

So true.


I would like a games trophy list to be based all on skill and challenges but I've never met one.

I suggest Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden, and Ninja Gaiden 2

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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IMO it cheapens the trophy/platinum a little bit for me because your not actually doing it yourself 



I don't see the problem with using guides. If I'm stuck, especially in a puzzle-heavy game, it lessens the experience for me when I spend forever trying to figure out what to do. I also use them for collectables, since finding them on my own without an in-game map would just take way

]I usually don't. But even if people do, I don't think it cheapens the platinum. Most of the time if the plat is hard and takes skill, looking up a guide may lend you some advice but it won't automatically make it easier. Similar issue with collectibles; if someone wants to find them on their own, good for them. If someone wants to use a guide, good for them as well. Collectibles aren't hard, just time consuming.



A bit of contradiction there, so do you think it cheapens the platinum or not?!



As long as you played the game yourself and didn't hack then you rightfully earnt it. Guides are exactly the same as asking someone for advice or directions.

Edited by Langy900
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A bit of contradiction there, so do you think it cheapens the platinum or not?!



As long as you played the game yourself and didn't hack then you rightfully earnt it. Guides are exactly the same as asking someone for advice or directions.

I think those are a failed quote from reply #2, #3, and #4.

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Guides are a great source of information and I think can really help in a pinch. In games like JRPG's, there are TONS of missable stuff, secret items and dungeons and stuff that is really easy to miss. I generally do a 1st run of a game on my own, trying to enjoy the story and forgetting about the rest. Once I'm done with that, I do a second run, checking a guide to ensure that I get full completion. It doesn't make me less skilled, it just comes to prove that I don't have the time to look for and investigate every single thing a game has to offer, guides tell you where things are or how things are done, but you still do everything, only saving searching time. 


Trophy guides are even more direct, as they focus on achievements. I rarely use them because when I go for a guide, I go for a full one, which usually passively includes help on achievements (if you do everything there won't be much left to achieve lol) but for weird requirements or puzzling/misleading trophy descriptions, a trophy guide can be quite handy.


So yay guides, but after having beaten the game or in a frustrating scenario xD

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Like most have stated on here I don't see a problem using guides.  Usually I take a quick peek at a guide when starting a game in case there is any known glitches or miss-able items.  Then try my best to complete the game.  Afterwards, on a second pass look at the guide to help on trophy cleanup.

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  • 9 years later...

Unless you have a lot of freetime doing the game without any knowledge of what to do and waste more time, it's best to just use a guide to avoid the hassle.

Edited by Yukiko Miyamoto
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