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29 y/o male looking for metal heads into wrestling, survival horror, mgs, tekken, street fighter, mortal kombat etc


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Just looking for friends I can relate to and play some games with, have a laugh.



Welcome RatB20, I too come to PSNP seeking love and affection, but alas I go to bed alone :(. We have a Metal-Head thread if you want to discuss all things metal. I'll guide you to it.


The Metal-Head thread (It's on page 1):



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I swear, I had assumed by the title that you were advertising yourself as a dating option.


Welcome to the forums, friend. Concerning the games you had stated; I am sorry to say I have never played them and/or never took any particular interest. The only thing I see by this list we have in common is the liking of the Metal genre. You will find lots of people on here who share all your interests, though; or at least a majority. They are not rare around here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to PSNP!! :D



Just me or is it strange that his post counter says 1 post when he clearly has posted 2 posts in this thread alone? Or is it so that posts in this section of the forum doesn't count against the post counter?


That's right, forum posts in the intro section don't count towards post count. 

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