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Retiring from trophy hunting


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I used to be like that too prioritise trophy hunting ahead of everything, at least now I've learnt my lesson and have a nice balance with my social life and hunting (helps a lot now that i dont care about 100% completion anymore) play games for the enjoyment not the trophies ;)

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Good luck and thanks for your honesty. I have opened up this new account and have left behind over two hundred trophies including two platinum. This is because the certain games populating that list there which I don't want to play again, games that appear as 0-10% and especially because of the inability to delete those games. As a result, I had a staggeringly low completion rate which Really Bugged me. Don't get me wrong I love those trophies I have left behind but I don't fret as much anymore about unearned trophies I appreciate my limits better now. I am more aware which genre that do not suit me and I have developed a greater respect for other gamers. I intend to be more discerning in my game selection as I'm not made of money. You sound as though you have an obvious passion for gaming. You sound like a decent person. Things don't always work out as how we would like, but we can always walk away or start again.

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I feel you so much on this, brother.


I recently got a Wii U and 2DS...And gave up entirely on trophies (which I'd been trying to do for a while) ... I've gotten a few trophies in NFS: MW's multiplayer tonight for fun with the girlfriend (separate PS3's), but that's mostly it for most of this month.


I've been playing the shit out of my Nintendo's and my phone since, it's so good. Also the PS2. Everything is so much more fun when I can do easy difficulty and give zero shits about the side missions.


As someone who's been genuinely addicted to trophies for what feels like forever, it's nice to say "Fuck this, we're done. I'll see you when I see you"

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Just a point of note, but the word addiction (which is being used a lot in this thread) is a medical term and, as such, should be used with some care lest someone decides to take drastic action out of a misapprehension that they might be suffering from an addiction where there isn't one. As far as I'm aware (and I'm happy to be wrong about this if someone is more up to date) there's no medically recognised form of video-game addiction. What is being discussed here sounds more like a compulsive behaviour, but I'm happy to admit that I'm no expert.


Well done to the OP though for deciding to take a step back from a behaviour that was clearly starting to impact his life in negative ways. Video games are a leisure activity. In my view, if you're not having fun, then put down the controller. No-one needs a second job that doesn't pay diddly-squat.

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By the sounds of things you should give up trophy hunting.


I understand some people like gettings trophies and that in itself is more fun then the game.

I get some people like playing games and end up getting trophies.

I get some people are completionists and might spend a little extra time on a game.


I don't understand people buying games they don't enjoy (i guess i can understand this if the actual acquisition of trophies is more fun to them then gaming in itself, just not a view i'd ever share).


I don't understand playing a game when its not fun and gaining trophies being a chore and eating up hours of your days over years.  Nothing in your first post made those experiences fun.  This would've made more sense if you said you were giving up on shift 2 or star ocean.  But you'd rather give up games you enjoy because you had a problem forcing yourself to complete terrible games.  This really seems like a bigger problem, you need to go cold turkey.

Just a point of note, but the word addiction (which is being used a lot in this thread) is a medical term and, as such, should be used with some care lest someone decides to take drastic action out of a misapprehension that they might be suffering from an addiction where there isn't one. As far as I'm aware (and I'm happy to be wrong about this if someone is more up to date) there's no medically recognised form of video-game addiction. What is being discussed here sounds more like a compulsive behaviour, but I'm happy to admit that I'm no expert.


Well done to the OP though for deciding to take a step back from a behaviour that was clearly starting to impact his life in negative ways. Video games are a leisure activity. In my view, if you're not having fun, then put down the controller. No-one needs a second job that doesn't pay diddly-squat.

I think using the medical term for addictionis completely appropriate in this case.  Addictions are self destructive and cause lots of negative tendencies.  TC has a problem and he admits it.  Give credit where its due, overcoming any addiction is a huge step forward and I don't think it matters if the addiction wouldn't be considered serious to some, but this certainly has been impacting his life. 


If he literally goes into witdrawal and is still thinking of trophies all the time, then he's got an extremely serious problem and should seek medical help.  Admittedly I doubt that, but it can happen and normally I'm against the use of terms as you've pointed out, but here this could be potentially something serious and I guarantee most IRL friends won't realise how serious this issue can get.


I've heard of people subscribe to Freerealms to get rid of a 0% I mean seriously that's a pretty big problem right there.  I feel sorry for those poor souls that game was awful and required a monthly subscription.  I consider that about the same as paying someone to slap me... thats a bad analogy i just remembered some people actually do that.  To the point that kind of thing shows up in films now in mainstream cinema (ok well i don't think they exchange money but whatever).


EDIT: I was trying to be a least semi serious, but it just sounds so ridiculous it sounds like a joke.  TC if you can't stop obsessiing over trophies even when you go cold turkey make sure you tell someone and if its too embarassing to tell your friends just let us know and we'll see if we can help you out.

Edited by Superbuu3
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Just play what you enjoy, the trophies happen naturally.

Its funny that I was thinking exactly the same thing and we've got a similar completion % on our card.  I think once people are around the 80 mark they have to be pushing themselves for completion (although like i previously stated some people are obtaining trophies first and playing games second).

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I think using the medical term for addictionis completely appropriate in this case.  Addictions are self destructive and cause lots of negative tendencies.  TC has a problem and he admits it.  Give credit where its due, overcoming any addiction is a huge step forward and I don't think it matters if the addiction wouldn't be considered serious to some, but this certainly has been impacting his life. 


If he literally goes into witdrawal and is still thinking of trophies all the time, then he's got an extremely serious problem and should seek medical help.  Admittedly I doubt that, but it can happen and normally I'm against the use of terms as you've pointed out, but here this could be potentially something serious and I guarantee most IRL friends won't realise how serious this issue can get.


I've heard of people subscribe to Freerealms to get rid of a 0% I mean seriously that's a pretty big problem right there.  I feel sorry for those poor souls that game was awful and required a monthly subscription.  I consider that about the same as paying someone to slap me... thats a bad analogy i just remembered some people actually do that.  To the point that kind of thing shows up in films now in mainstream cinema (ok well i don't think they exchange money but whatever).


EDIT: I was trying to be a least semi serious, but it just sounds so ridiculous it sounds like a joke.  TC if you can't stop obsessiing over trophies even when you go cold turkey make sure you tell someone and if its too embarassing to tell your friends just let us know and we'll see if we can help you out.


I get what you're saying and I wasn't trying to undermine the seriousness of sacrificing your real life to digital realms. I was simply trying to point out that addiction is a medical term that has a technical definition, including physiological changes in the brain as the body adapts to a state where the stimulus (whether a substance or a behaviour) is incorporated into the body's homeostasis state. It is very serious and, as a result of the new homeostasis state (the "new normal" if you will), the addict will very likely experience withdrawal symptoms when the stimulus is removed.


I haven't read of a case where someone has reached this state as a result of video-gaming, and I am scared that someone who has a problem with video-games, possibly combined with some other conditions (like depression), might form the misapprehension that they are also "addicted" to video-games, and possibly take drastic action as a result.


I know that most users here are using the term "addiction" as a shorthand but, having had depression in the past, known people who are actual addicts to one thing or another and were/are actually depressed, I know how even a small thought like "maybe I'm addicted to video-games" can spiral out of control in the dark world that's formed inside their heads. 


I'll post below some videos by the guys over at Extra Credits, who have put together some excellent videos on video gaming compulsion. Yes, I know I've posted them before but I think that their videos might help people who are suffering with some sort of video-game related compulsion. 




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I get what you're saying and I wasn't trying to undermine the seriousness of sacrificing your real life to digital realms. I was simply trying to point out that addiction is a medical term that has a technical definition, including physiological changes in the brain as the body adapts to a state where the stimulus (whether a substance or a behaviour) is incorporated into the body's homeostasis state. It is very serious and, as a result of the new homeostasis state (the "new normal" if you will), the addict will very likely experience withdrawal symptoms when the stimulus is removed.


I haven't read of a case where someone has reached this state as a result of video-gaming, and I am scared that someone who has a problem with video-games, possibly combined with some other conditions (like depression), might form the misapprehension that they are also "addicted" to video-games, and possibly take drastic action as a result.


I know that most users here are using the term "addiction" as a shorthand but, having had depression in the past, known people who are actual addicts to one thing or another and were/are actually depressed, I know how even a small thought like "maybe I'm addicted to video-games" can spiral out of control in the dark world that's formed inside their heads. 


I'll post below some videos by the guys over at Extra Credits, who have put together some excellent videos on video gaming compulsion. Yes, I know I've posted them before but I think that their videos might help people who are suffering with some sort of video-game related compulsion. 

I see your point.  However, I think its only beneficial he does seek help.  It doesn't matter if you seek a counsellor/doctor over video gaming addiction or depression, they'll figure out what the core problem is. 


I should add though if you're depressed you might lose yourself in games thats understandable.  If you're depressed you won't subject yourself to plaing crap games, there's a bunch of cor symptoms and even atypical symptoms that would show up (all easy to google).  Also as someone who suffered from depression you should know what anhedonia is and he's clearly no suffering from that, because he's subjecting himself to things which aren't fun.  I'd have pointed out depression if he said going for trophies is sucking the fun out of games for him that he really enjoys (which easily could've been misinterpreted).  Don't worry buddy i'm here to check up on these guys, trust me :D.

Edited by Superbuu3
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I see your point.  However, I think its only beneficial he does seek help.  It doesn't matter if you seek a counsellor/doctor over video gaming addiction or depression, they'll figure out what the core problem is. 


I should add though if you're depressed you might lose yourself in games thats understandable.  If you're depressed you won't subject yourself to plaing crap games, there's a bunch of cor symptoms and even atypical symptoms that would show up (all easy to google).  Also as someone who suffered from depression you should know what anhedonia is and he's clearly no suffering from that, because he's subjecting himself to things which aren't fun.  I'd have pointed out depression if he said going for trophies is sucking the fun out of games for him that he really enjoys (which easily could've been misinterpreted).  Don't worry buddy i'm here to check up on these guys, trust me :D.


I agree. My comments weren't only addressed at OP, but for the (hopefully) potential benefit of other users who might be grappling with a compulsion to play games (or obtain trophies, rank up their character, etc) who might come across this thread. I just don't want people to think that they might have something that (a) doesn't exist medically as far as I'm aware; and (B) isn't something they can tackle in their lives, with help if necessary.

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I agree. My comments weren't only addressed at OP, but for the (hopefully) potential benefit of other users who might be grappling with a compulsion to play games (or obtain trophies, rank up their character, etc) who might come across this thread. I just don't want people to think that they might have something that (a) doesn't exist medically as far as I'm aware; and ( B) isn't something they can tackle in their lives, with help if necessary.

Medical definitions are generally awful, if you look at the stuff in the ICD they continually think of removing things.


Lol, I was going to write a lot more but i just deleted it i'm probably going to make everyone paranoid about the multitude of things.  Let's just say err on the side of caution and if you need help seek help as even if you think the cause is not serious, most people down play the impact of things on there lives.  Some of the crazy things i've seen happen (that would likely make more sense if you'd seen my intro topic) would make you realise most people have a huge tolerance for crap and you're often left scratching your head wondering how they went on without seeking help.

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As the thread states, im retiring from trophy hunting.


Is there some sort of social security system for trophy retirees? :lol:


I feel your pain. I went for months without getting even a single trophy (instead going back to play PS1 and PS2 games), and then months more without caring about that "PING!" that I heard. But I've recently got interested again.


In any case, enjoy your gaming.

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I commend the Original Poster for having had the courage to break apart from his compulsive disorder. I had a few of them in my teenage years (even though they had nothing to do with gaming) and I know you really need to have reached rock bottom to come to the realization that you're not well. I also went cold turkey to "cure" myself. Even though it's the most drastic way, I also think it's the fastest and most effective way to purge yourself of that undesirable behavior.


Regarding trophies, the way I tackle them goes like this: if I like the game, I try to get all trophies. Fortunately, none of my games have trophies that require you to go to absolutely extreme measures to get them, hence my high completion rate. Sure, some are pretty hard (I do have Catherine on my trophy list), but as long as I like the game, I like to have that 100% completion rate if possible. It's never happened so far, but if a game I like does have an absolutely insane trophy, I will just leave it incomplete. It's one thing to do a little effort to get 100%, it's another to overexert yourself just for a higher percentage.


If I don't like the game, however, it can just sit there in my trophy list, incomplete. Couldn't possible care less. Gaming is supposed to be a relaxing and fun experience, and playing a game I don't even like just to have all my games with 100% completion rate does not equal fun to me.


Though an incomplete trophy list is still not a pretty sight to behold. In this case, the blame goes to Sony for not allowing you to delete trophies. Some people, like myself, would rather eliminate trophies from games they no longer have/never liked in the first place so their list can consist only of the games they truly enjoy. Oh well. At least you can hide those unwanted games on PSNP (as I have).

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You do you man. If it seems like a job or chore, then yeah, that's no good.  Gaming for fun should be the first priority always.  Everyone characterizes "fun" in terms of gaming in their own way.  But at the end of the day, it's about having fun. 


God speed my man and enjoy them games!  GAME IT UP  :start:

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As the thread states, im retiring from trophy hunting. I have collected more than 60 platinum trophies in my life, with really hard ones like street fighter 4, wipeout hd, umvsc3, demons souls, resistance 2, etc. Why am i retiring? Well, i have had 2 episodes in my life that made me question my trophy adiction. The first one occured 3 years ago, while trying to platinum star ocean 4 (never did though). I used all of my sunday fighting the same mook to get some random drops that i needed for a trophy. After 8 hours of grinding my ps3 froze, and i lost those 8 hours of grinding. That was whe i decided enough was enough, and stopped trying to get that platinum trophy, but i was still a hunter...

Flash forward 3 years, last week i was playing need for speed shift 2 (by the way, i hate racing games). Why was i playing it? Well a friend of mine inserted the game once, and i was stuck with the trophy list and was trying to plat it (my plan was to get most of my games to 100% completion, a mamoth task because i have more than 33 incomplete games on my list, preventing me to play games i really wanted because i wanted to have 100% on the other games first). Boring race after boring race playing that shitty game, and it froze...i had played 18 hours offline and was almost done with single player when this happened, and all my progress was erased. I was in shock, but booted the game again and started playing, but that is when it hit me...what the fuck am i doing? I am playing a game i dont like for what? For an electronic trophy that nobody cares about? What is wrong with me?

I have gone to extremes to get some trophies, like waking at 4am on a working day to be on a group of people that where doing a trophy, or renting a second ps3 for 2 weeks and do the resistance 2 10,0000 kills trophy...hours and hours of pointless grinding, all for a 100%. That is not what gaming is about. I wasnt having fun, it felt like a second job.

I even stopped playing games i would love to play (legend of zelda for example, and in reality all games that dont have trophies) because i felt it was pointless, and felt my time was better spend trying to get more of my games to 100%. I was wrong.

Im buying a 3ds next week, and i cant be more happy, i am really excited and not felt this emotion towards gaming in years, i feel like a kid again. Many adventures await me in the gaming world, and ill finally be able to play them without worries of an electronic stamp and a completion percentage.

I respect everybody that geniunly enjoys getting trophies, but if it feels more like a job, and it forces you to do things you dont want to, then something is wrong. Gaming is to have fun, my place to escape from reality and submerge myself in wonderful worlds and amazing stories, not pointless grinding and doing things that dont enrich my experience and my life.

I am free.

Goon on you mate! Now get to some Zelda. :)

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I used to be like that too prioritise trophy hunting ahead of everything, at least now I've learnt my lesson and have a nice balance with my social life and hunting (helps a lot now that i dont care about 100% completion anymore) play games for the enjoyment not the trophies ;)

^ THIS! Who cares about a platinum(s). If they are easy to get sure. But I'll be damned if I'm going to waste hours trying to get that last single trophy just for a platinum. There's nothing wrong with playing a game and getting the all the trophies until you beat a game (this is what I do.) And lets face it, in 20 years theses trophies won't matter; they were just something to keep us entertained. 

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