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respectable platinums you know


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My imaginary respectable platinum would be Pokemon original Red, with no cheats or missingo, no cfw hacking available and catching 150 original pokemon.


For PS3, I would say Raiden 4 and Raiden 4 (Japanese version) takes it. For 100% Qlione 1 and 2 with Cloudberry Kingdom are probably the most respectable.

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demon souls and both dark souls can just do soul glitches to make the games easy af by leveling up your charactors quickly and if you can find people with all the weapons it just makes the games into pretty easy platinums, sucks for the people who have done them legitly.

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Injustice, i have tried and failed miserably but then again im not a pro in fighting games i just like to play them.

And if 100% counts anyone that got Trials fusion 100%

I'm trying for Injustice as we speak but I did notice that only 0.07% of people have got the platinum. Having looked at the challenges, I can see why - some of them will take even the best gamer weeks to complete, assuming they stop to eat and shower and, you know, sleep :)

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