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What 5 platinums would someone need for you to consider them a Trophy hunting bad ass?


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Boosters kinda ruin this in a way.. 

But there's still some games that require pure skill.


Feel free to add multiplayer games if you want, but it's hard to tell if someone did them legit or not. 


So, what 5 platinums would someone need for you to consider them a trophy hunting bad ass?

For me it would be:



Shadow Warrior 

Shadow of Colossus

Dead Nation AE (PS4)

Terminator Salvation


Games with online trophies that still make me go.. daaaayum 



Mortal Kombat 9

Far cry 2 

Killzone 2 

Lost planet 2


You're a boss if you get those 5 legit.. 

I'm not taking anything away from boosting here, these are still massive grinds on there own respectively. 

But no one can argue that it takes real skill and determination and maybe some luck with server population to get those games done legit. 


If I see anyone with those plats.. especially terminator, I immediately see them as a trophy hunting bad ass... and maybe a crazy person too but whatever. 


What platinums if any make you go...



If a top 5 thread like this has already been done.. please delete this one.

Or don't.. just lock it and leave me out to dry... cheers m8.




Edited by Humonic
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i don't really see the need to feel like a bad-ass but why is "Terminator Salvation" is the list i finished it in less then 3 hours solo its easy and i didn't feel good after completing it just a empty platinum.


And i only played it because my friend wanted to race me to the platinum, i won by an hour hahaha.

Edited by Pineapple-Hero88
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I almost have Vanquish. I just could never beat Challenge 6. I would get the last Boggey to less than 1/4 inch of life left and then get killed. Man that would make me rage. It has been over two years now so maybe I will try it again. Here is a list in no specific order. 


3D Dot Game Heroes

Rock Band 3

Yakuza Dead Souls 

Doom 3 BFG Edtion

Asura's Wrath

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

Binary Domain


Fight Night Round 4

Lost Planet 2

White Knight Chronicles 1&2

Edited by skateak
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i don't really see the need to feel like a bad-ass but why is "Terminator Salvation" is the list i finished it in less then 3 hours solo its easy and i didn't feel good after completing it just a empty platinum.


And i only played it because my friend wanted to race me to the platinum, i won by an hour hahaha.

Agreed - Terminator has no place on this list, might as well have put Hannah montana at the end.

Not sure why you specify Dead Nation AE - since its the same content as Dead Nation on PS3?

Anyways, on topic:

Its not Platinums that impress me, its 100%s, a plat without 100% is just..... So wrong.....

100%s i respect:

ARKHAM CITY- the enormous grind to get the few bronze trophies for doing all he challenges as the 3 dlc characters shows dedication for the glory, rather than the actual trophy values

DISHONORED- the Dunwall City Trials alone should command respect. Brutal.

LOST PLANET 2- enough said. Get this and you have my utmost gaming respect, good sir/ m'lady.

STREET FIGHTER IV / SUPER SFIV - the skill level required for the trials puts my megre skills to shame

ZEN PINBALL - you are either god, or insane, or both.

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I don't believe that any list of games make me think someone is a bad ass at collecting trophies/Platinums due to everyone having different tastes in games. There are some guys/girls who kick ass at JRPG games and are bad ass in there own right but on that same note people who have collected some difficult FPS plats also fall into the bad ass category :) 

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I'd say ;


01 - Max Payne 3. NYMHC?... Yeah, serious skill needed for that.

02 - Killzone 2. Elite mode?..Good luck!

03 - Metal Gear Rising. Defeat all bosses on Hard or above with no damage?!

04 - Dark Souls. Never played it but hear it needs some serious dedication & patience.

05 - (I'll get back to you on no.5)

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Call of Duty: World at War - Getting all the veteran trophies for the platinum is insanely hard.


Lost Planet 2 - One of the trophies require you to be number 1 in the online leaderboards. It's next to impossible now considering how high the scores are.


Star Ocean: The Last Hope - You have to beat the game 3 times in each difficulty plus collect items that are missable. Doing all of it can take roughly 500 hours or more...


Metal Gear Solid 2 - Getting all the dogtags on ALL difficulties isnt too hard. But doing 511 VR missions for the platinum, most of which require perfect timing, is enough to make anyone rage.


Super Street Fighter 4 - The trials. 'Nuff said.

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Not sure why you specify Dead Nation AE - since its the same content as Dead Nation on PS3?

I'd assume they specified Apocalypse Edition because unlike the PS3 & Vita versions of Dead Nation, Apocalypse Edition requires the Road of Devastation trophies for the platinum, as it is not DLC this time around.


As for me, I don't really care what platinums or how many a person has, as long as they enjoyed getting them.

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Eh, mostly fighting games, such as:


• Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena

• Street Fighter IV

• Super Street Fighter IV


or 100%'s, such as:


• Sine Mora

• Gundemonium Recollection

• Cloudberry Kingdom


Platinums like Razing Storm and Lost Planet 2 I find impressive to an extent, they only really show how much grind you can stand. I also find if someone has platinums for games such as Mirror's Edge, Ninja Gaiden Stigma Plus, Max Payne 3, Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1/2, Call of Duty: Classic, Call of Duty: World at War, Catherine, etc etc, then sure, I'll happily call them badass if it makes them feel warm and squishy inside. All of the Guitar Hero, Rockband and Rocksmith platinums are very impressive too


Most people confuse grind with skill these days, they just see the rare platinum and consider it impressive, when it's not always exactly true


Now, this person I consider to be a true badass



LOST PLANET 2: 0.17%

WARHAWK: 0.38%


DCUO: 0.73%


Lol at the DCUO platinum, all you really do for that is level up 6 characters to level 30 and it includes no skill at all, it's easy and is just grind. However, I'd consider it impressive if someone had 100% on the game

Edited by Aela
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For me, it would be platinum trophies that requires skill. A few examples are:

  • Catherine
  • Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
  • Persona 4 Arena
  • Vanquish
  • WipEout HD



Ooh WipEout! I'd forgotten about that one. That requires some serious time and skill!

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Eh, mostly fighting games, such as:


• Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena

• Street Fighter IV

• Super Street Fighter IV


or 100%'s, such as:


• Sine Mora

• Gundemonium Recollection

• Cloudberry Kingdom


Platinums like Razing Storm and Lost Planet 2 I find impressive to an extent, they only really show how much grind you can stand. I also find if someone has platinums for games such as Mirror's Edge, Ninja Gaiden Stigma Plus, Max Payne 3, Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1/2, Call of Duty: Classic, Call of Duty: World at War, Catherine, etc etc, then sure, I'll happily call them badass if it makes them feel warm and squishy inside. All of the Guitar Hero, Rockband and Rocksmith platinums are very impressive too


Most people confuse grind with skill these days, they just see the rare platinum and consider it impressive, when it's not always exactly true


Now, this person I consider to be a true badass



Lol at the DCUO platinum, all you really do for that is level up 6 characters to level 30 and it includes no skill at all, it's easy and is just grind. However, I'd consider it impressive if someone had 100% on the game

Couldn't think of a really hard 5th that wasn't obvious like Vanquish, NGS2 or Wipeout HD. I don't even know how hard it is lol

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Boosting is legit... You're still earning the trophies, it just takes a different skill set. Boosting requires co-ordination, teamwork, you need to be able to follow orders, if you're the host you need to be good at improvising...


I'm sorry, but your opening statement is total BS. Boosting is just as legit as playing normally. Sometimes boosting is harder due to shitty matchmaking. A 100% in Uncharted 2 and 3 is impressive, boosted or not, for example.

Boosting removes the skill involved and this removes the challenge, so no it's not even close to being legit.

It's the cowards way out so to speak, granted sometimes it can't helped..

Go and get the lost planet 2, killzone 2, uncharted 3, far cry 2, injustice and mortal kombat platinums legit and tell me boosting is almost as hard and legit lol.

It's not even close, boosting is easy as fuck.. You're giving yourself waaaaaay to much credit where it's completely undeserved.

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While boosting does remove the skill needed, the chance required to match up, and the difficulty in getting some trophies, I don't think it makes it an illegitimate strategy for getting trophies.


Sure, games are harder without boosting, but boosting is just co-ordinated gaming, and we'd all prefer direction rather than misdirection, amirite? 


There's no way I could've got the platinum trophy in Red Faction: Guerrilla without boosting it. It's just not possible. Therefore, labelling it as the coward's way out is just wrong. Sometimes it's the only way out.


Where then, do you draw the line? I played the Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops with a friend online to get some trophies, was I boosting then? Or should I have matched up with some complete stranger who may or may not have been as good as a friend I've know for over 10 years? Certainly not as trustworthy.


So, yeah, boosting isn't a bad thing. It makes it easier and takes away a little of what the designers wanted originally, but it's just like playing with a friend. And that's sort of what it becomes. I've boosted with hundreds of gamers and they're all on my friends list and welcome to boost with me again, because they earnt my trust and respect as dedicated gamers. Which is what we should all be.


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Boosting removes the skill involved and this removes the challenge, so no it's not even close to being legit.

It's the cowards way out so to speak, granted sometimes it can't helped..

Go and get the lost planet 2, killzone 2, uncharted 3, far cry 2, injustice and mortal kombat platinums legit and tell me boosting is almost as hard and legit lol.

It's not even close, boosting is easy as fuck.. You're giving yourself waaaaaay to much credit where it's completely undeserved.


I'm a coward then

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Boosting removes the skill involved and this removes the challenge, so no it's not even close to being legit.

It's the cowards way out so to speak, granted sometimes it can't helped..

Go and get the lost planet 2, killzone 2, uncharted 3, far cry 2, injustice and mortal kombat platinums legit and tell me boosting is almost as hard and legit lol.

It's not even close, boosting is easy as fuck.. You're giving yourself waaaaaay to much credit where it's completely undeserved.

Getting the Bling Brigade on WipEout HD would be impossible without boosting. And even with boosting the plat still requires a lot of skill.

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so i'm pretty badass, owning: MGS 2 plat, dead space 2 plat, arkham city 100% , fallout 100%, ac brotherhood 100% (and soon or later MGS4)








i heard that ninjia gaiden sigma 2 is very difficult, but since i don't like the game very much, i'm not interested "to plat" it

i personally don't like online trophies, so thinking of getting 100% in uncharted 2 & 3 with all the online dlc..... naaa! screw it!

Edited by pieroV_86
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