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A tad late introduction


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I've been here for a little while already, but it doesn't hurt with a small introduction. :)

Hello everyone! I'm Nina, 16 y/o, from Norway in Northern Europe

I'm pretty new in the gaming world with PS4 as my first console, which I bought in July last year. The reason is mostly that I haven't been the one with a lot of money, since there've been a time where only one of my parents worked. Sounds stupid, but that's how it was. Still, I've always had an interest in consoles and played on a lot of different ones.

In games I mostly like shooters and horror, but I'm open for most things. In movies my favorite genre is horror too. (I'm a real gorehound :D)

In real life I'm really shy and not that talkative, but it's a bit better on the Internet.

A random fact about me is that I'm allergic to dairy products and nuts.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any. ^_^ /Apologies on my grammar

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Welcome!! Enjoy your stay! ;)

I've always believed in the saying "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". I was like that for a long time, then you get older, life happens, and you can't escape it lol :)

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Hey, welcome! That's not stupid about the whole console thing. I would always get my older brother's hand-me-down consoles until I was finally able to get my own PS2.


A random fact about me is that I'm allergic to dairy products and nuts.


I was literally reading that while eating some trail mix with peanuts and cashews in it.  :lol:

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No point saying welcome so hey instead!  :wave: Hope you enjoy the world of gaming!!

I really do.

Welcome to site, sorry it a tad late :giggle:

Thanks, oh don't worry about that


Hi! Better late than never. :P

Well, I hope you're enjoying it on the forums and welcome!

Thanks. Yeah that's what I say too and yes I really like being on this site, have got so much help.

Welcome commander :wave:


Hawaii five-o is one of my favourite shows on tv

Thanks mate. :highfive: Nice to see a fellow Hawaii Five-0 fan in here. :)

Welcome aboard!


Hope you have a great time on the forums. Here's your complimentary cup of (milk free) tea / coffee / hot chocolate  :coffee:


Enjoy the wonderful community!

Thanks, I've been having great time here already. And thanks for the milk free hot beverage :) 


Welcome!! Enjoy your stay! ;)

I've always believed in the saying "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". I was like that for a long time, then you get older, life happens, and you can't escape it lol :)[/size]

 Thanks. Yeah that's true, i'm like that myself.


Welcome to PSNProfiles :yay: :yay: :yay:

Thanks :)  

Welcome to PSNP!

 Thanks :)


Hey, welcome! That's not stupid about the whole console thing. I would always get my older brother's hand-me-down consoles until I was finally able to get my own PS2.



I was literally reading that while eating some trail mix with peanuts and cashews in it.  :lol:

Thanks :) That's what I've been doing the last year's, being on my friends/ other family members consoles when I had the opportunity. I can't help but feel a bit stupid when many here talk about how their first console was something they got as a kid and here I am getting one in my mid-teens. Haha oh the irony. :D
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Welcome to the site and enjoy the forums :wave:

Thank you. :)

Welcome to the forums my fellow Norwegian.

I that Kaizers Orchestra in your avatar btw? :D

Tusen takk, gøy å se noen andre fra Norge her. :) Ja det er dem. :D Favorittbandet mitt :wub:

Wassap madafakka

Nothing right now bruddah. Edited by LCDR_McGarrett
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Damn that sucks so you can't eat Dairy milk whole nut.


Welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy the playstation family.


What games you into, I notice you have murdered soul suspect, I loved that game I thought the opening for that game was done brilliantly. Hopefully they make a sequel thats a bit harder and a bit more open ended.

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Damn that sucks so you can't eat Dairy milk whole nut.


Welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy the playstation family.


What games you into, I notice you have murdered soul suspect, I loved that game I thought the opening for that game was done brilliantly. Hopefully they make a sequel thats a bit harder and a bit more open ended.

Yeah it sucks a bit, but I've (almost) got used to it.

Thanks. Yes I do, the PS family is really kind. I like shooters and horror, but I'm open for most things. I loved the game too. I really like the crime genre, so when I found the game I had to buy it and I don't regret it. I feel it's a bit underrated and hated. I don't think a sequel will happen unfortunately, cause I've heard news that the developers of the game has closed/shut down. :(

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Yeah it sucks a bit, but I've (almost) got used to it.

Thanks. Yes I do, the PS family is really kind. I like shooters and horror, but I'm open for most things. I loved the game too. I really like the crime genre, so when I found the game I had to buy it and I don't regret it. I feel it's a bit underrated and hated. I don't think a sequel will happen unfortunately, cause I've heard news that the developers of the game has closed/shut down. :(

If you like crime games try sherlock holmes crimes and punishments, I've posted gameplay videos fo that if you want to check them out. Considering me and you are probably in the minority enjoying murdered soul suspect thought i think its worth a shot.

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