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Very late introduction


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I have been lurking around on this site for the last couple of weeks but never made a formal introduction. My name is Victoria and I'm 17 years old from Norway. I have been playing games ever since I was a young child, but my passion grew when I got a PS3 about one and a half years ago. 

I my spare time I write, game, listen to music and watch anime. I'm not very good at games though, that's why my completion rate is so bad, but I hope to get better. I also love horror movies. My favourite one is John Carpenter's Halloween. 

Fun fact: I guess there is one fun fact about me. I used to play guitar but the my wrist got screwed up because I decided to stand on top of a three person pyramid. Anyways, I fell down and broke my wrist for the third time and now I can't play anymore. I guess that's more of a sad fact than a fun one.


Vico out! ^.^


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Hey there welcome to the forum, sucks about the wrist.


Here's a questin for you what was the first horror film you saw and did it scar you for life. I was having this discussion earlier and a few of us agreed seeing IT at a young age meant we hate clowns.


EDIT: Why do i keep seeing welcome topics for memebers who've been here way longer than me lol?.

Edited by Superbuu3
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Welcome to the forums fellow hat wearer. I am sure I have seen you lurking in the forum games peering in so it is nice to meet you at last.


Please help yourself to tea or coffee and look forward to seeing to around some more. :coffee: 


Oh, and the original Halloween is still my favorite horror film as well. Halloween 2 isn't too bad either but I would leave the rest well alone! Especially the third one which had nothing to do with Michael Myers at all... 

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Welcome to the forums. :highfive: Halloween is a classic, if I had a top 10 Horror movie list it would definitely be on it. Enjoy your stay!

Oh, and the original Halloween is still my favorite horror film as well. Halloween 2 isn't too bad either but I would leave the rest well alone! Especially the third one which had nothing to do with Michael Myers at all...

Which is probably what made it the most interesting film out of all the generic sequels. ;)

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Thanks :)

Welcome to the site. :)

Thank you :D

Hey there welcome to the forum, sucks about the wrist.


Here's a questin for you what was the first horror film you saw and did it scar you for life. I was having this discussion earlier and a few of us agreed seeing IT at a young age meant we hate clowns.


EDIT: Why do i keep seeing welcome topics for memebers who've been here way longer than me lol?.


I also think it was IT. I do hate clowns xD

Welome! Hope you enjoy your stay here, and that one day your wrist heals up enough for you to play guitar again. 


I'm sure it will :D

Welcome to the forums, have a great time here!

Thanks I'm sure I will :D

Welcome to PSNP, hope you enjoy your time here! Also, sucks to hear about your wrist.

Thank you. I'm sure it will heal up. Just needs some time. 

Welcome to the community, horror is the best!

Thank you. You're damn right horror is the best!

Welcome to the forums fellow hat wearer. I am sure I have seen you lurking in the forum games peering in so it is nice to meet you at last.


Please help yourself to tea or coffee and look forward to seeing to around some more. :coffee:


Oh, and the original Halloween is still my favorite horror film as well. Halloween 2 isn't too bad either but I would leave the rest well alone! Especially the third one which had nothing to do with Michael Myers at all... 

*takes coffee* Yeah I didn't care much for the sequels after 2 *takes another sip* but 2 was all right.

Hei og velkommen til forumet Victoria! (Sånn offisielt :)) Jeg elsker skrekkfilmer også, men jeg har ikke fått sett Halloween ennå. Huff, det høres veldig vondt ut det som skjedde med håndleddet ditt.

Takk takk! Så gøy at du elsker skrekkfilmer. Det er definitivt favorittsjangeren min innen film. Jeg anbefaler Halloween på det sterkeste hvis du liker "gamle" skrekkfilmer. ^^

Welcome to the forums. :highfive: Halloween is a classic, if I had a top 10 Horror movie list it would definitely be on it. Enjoy your stay!

Which is probably what made it the most interesting film out of all the generic sequels. ;)

Thank you. Absolutely deserves to be in any Horror movie top 10. 

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Welcome :-)

Thanks :D

Hi Waffle, it's a pleasure to meet. I've seen you around so I know you'll fit in here in no time. Nice fact about you but it's kind of a unhappy one. See ya around. :)

See ya :)


One of my favourite parts of the movie  xD

Sorry to hear about your hand but you shouldn't let that stop you. Check this out



  :D. Welcome to the forums.

Thank you :D And wow that's impressive. I might start to play guitar with my feet from now on  :lol:


Takk takk :)

Welcome to the site, I also like the original Halloween movie. 

Thank you :D It seems like a lot of people do :)

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