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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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OH, I've got one hell of an update. 

First, numbers:


Edge: 14%

Reimi: 16%

Faize: 40% (including 1000 battles one)

Lymle: 7%

Bacchus: 48%


2/47 Trophies - 125/900 Battle Trophies - 43:46 Hours


I've left Lemuris last time I've reported here. Current location: Cardiannon Mothership.

And the rapid increase of the certain stats in relation of the current position of the party means...

I did all Robotics drops. Locked the party inside one room for 24 hours and 35 minutes. Everyone got past or close to level 40. All skills maxed. Both BEATs maxed. 

This is the longest case of continuous reality warping I've ever done.  And I'll have so much to say to and about my hapless charges... but it'll have to wait until I'll get a little less... loopy.

At least I'll get to kill everything for a while... ha...ahahahaha... I...wonder...how long it'll take for me to drown this ship's Grigori in its own blood? Yeah... Some blood would be nice...

Edited by NetEntity
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: 100% monster data /quests /items created /weapon data. Would've also had all spaceship data but I missed one on Cardianon Mothership so I'm gonna have to pick it up during my next playthrough. Reimi and Lymle are also first to reach 100% BTs. So far battle trophy cleanup has been fairly easy; just really grindy. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 87 (+1)

Reimi - 100 (+25)

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100 (+24)

Bacchus - 78

Meracle - 64 (+4)

Sarah - 64

Myuria - 67

Arumat - 90 (+3)

41/47 Trophies - 733/900 Battle Trophies - 246:01 Hours

Edited by STFUxDxD
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Update: 100% monster data /quests /items created /weapon data. Would've also had all spaceship data but I missed one on Cardianon Mothership so I'm gonna have to pick it up during my next playthrough. Reimi and Lymle are also first to reach 100% BTs. So far battle trophy cleanup has been fairly easy; just really grindy. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 87 (+1)

Reimi - 100 (+25)

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100 (+24)

Bacchus - 78

Meracle - 64 (+4)

Sarah - 64

Myuria - 67

Arumat - 90 (+3)

41/47 Trophies - 733/900 Battle Trophies - 246:01 Hours


Pat you're in the ocean groove, hoping off the stars with a hover board   :highfive:

This is my face when I see everyone else's hours spent.

I'm a bit over xD



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OH, I've got one hell of an update. 

First, numbers:


Edge: 14%

Reimi: 16%

Faize: 40% (including 1000 battles one)

Lymle: 7%

Bacchus: 48%


2/47 Trophies - 125/900 Battle Trophies - 43:46 Hours


I've left Lemuris last time I've reported here. Current location: Cardiannon Mothership.

And the rapid increase of the certain stats in relation of the current position of the party means...

I did all Robotics drops. Locked the party inside one room for 24 hours and 35 minutes. Everyone got past or close to level 40. All skills maxed. Both BEATs maxed. 

This is the longest case of continuous reality warping I've ever done.  And I'll have so much to say to and about my hapless charges... but it'll have to wait until I'll get a little less... loopy.

At least I'll get to kill everything for a while... ha...ahahahaha... I...wonder...how long it'll take for me to drown this ship's Grigori in its own blood? Yeah... Some blood would be nice...

Awesome, you'll be breezing through the next few parts in the game.


Update: 100% monster data /quests /items created /weapon data. Would've also had all spaceship data but I missed one on Cardianon Mothership so I'm gonna have to pick it up during my next playthrough. Reimi and Lymle are also first to reach 100% BTs. So far battle trophy cleanup has been fairly easy; just really grindy. Here are the new numbers xD

Edge - 87 (+1)

Reimi - 100 (+25)

Faize - 83

Lymle - 100 (+24)

Bacchus - 78

Meracle - 64 (+4)

Sarah - 64

Myuria - 67

Arumat - 90 (+3)

41/47 Trophies - 733/900 Battle Trophies - 246:01 Hours

Amazing work with the BTs :yay:.

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Maybe someday in 2020 I might consider playing this game... I actually loved the Star Ocean series for its complexity, but the thought of platinuming a Star Ocean is a bit daunting. Sadly, I can't afford much because my cash is going towards an MMO and I am unemployed. I have GameFly but doing multiple rentals of this game irks me. I'm not saying this game is never going to be on my list, but it'll be on the bucket list for sure. I applaud you all for your courage and strength. :(

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Just seen this post, I'm working slowly but steadily on SO platinum, well I've worked on it for the past 4 years lol

Missing just Ultimate Battler and my sistuation is as follows:


Edge 100%

Reimi 100%

Faize 80%

Lymle 93%

Bacchus 100%

Meracle 100%

Sarah 100%

Myuria 100%

Arumat 96%


Currently I'm working on Lymle undead kills/drops, I'll do my best to complete it as my 50th platinum :D

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It's all over folks! The grind is no more! I achieved my goal of making this my 100th plat and popping it on Jan 1st as part of the Plat Rain Day event. (Is there some sort of special award for that? Cause there should be.)


Well I'm off for some serious R&R.  B) Happy New Year everyone!  :dance:

Excellent way to ring in the new year! Great job and HUGE congrats!

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Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship SRF-003 Calnus. Its extremely f*cking long mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no chocolate chip cookie has gone before......


It's all over folks! The grind is no more! I achieved my goal of making this my 100th plat and popping it on Jan 1st as part of the Plat Rain Day event. (Is there some sort of special award for that? Cause there should be.)


Final stats: 562:42 hours

Galaxy (Main/Arumat) - 365:51 hours

Galaxy (Faize/Edge) - 158:56 hours

Universe - 16:52 hours

Chaos - 21:03 hours


I managed to take this really crappy photo with my even crappier cell phone (unfortunately Santa didn't bring me a better one for Christmas.)  :shakefist:



Well I'm off for some serious R&R.  B) Happy New Year everyone!  :dance:



Congratulations!! That is really awesome!!

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Where did everybody go? That's the real question.


At least as far as me goes, I haven't given up.  Just been distracted by Tales of Zestiria, Final Fantasy 7, The Walking Dead Season 1, and Dragon Quest Heroes.  I do have every intention to get back to this and get the platinum before June 2016.

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At least as far as me goes, I haven't given up.  Just been distracted by Tales of Zestiria, Final Fantasy 7, The Walking Dead Season 1, and Dragon Quest Heroes.  I do have every intention to get back to this and get the platinum before June 2016.

Same here, been bouncing around multiple games, and destiny destroyed my gaming ability (damn addictive game).

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Little update:

I have a lot of stuff to report, but I don't have the time to do the extensive writeup right now.

So until then, here is a little summary without numbers and long viginettes:

Finished Roak and Aeos, said farewell to Faize, now busy keeping Arumat under control.

Armaros Manifest battle was very hectic (but fun), keeping everyone alive while piling up the tandem Rush Combos together with Edge was exhausting. Wasted a lot of Ressurection Elixirs. Still did the battle in one try, pretty proud of this.

Everyone got a bunch of BTs. Barely keeping myself from synthesizing all the things

Now off to EN II. No missables there, I hope?

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Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship SRF-003 Calnus. Its extremely f*cking long mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no chocolate chip cookie has gone before......


It's all over folks! The grind is no more! I achieved my goal of making this my 100th plat and popping it on Jan 1st as part of the Plat Rain Day event. (Is there some sort of special award for that? Cause there should be.)


Final stats: 562:42 hours

Galaxy (Main/Arumat) - 365:51 hours

Galaxy (Faize/Edge) - 158:56 hours

Universe - 16:52 hours

Chaos - 21:03 hours


I managed to take this really crappy photo with my even crappier cell phone (unfortunately Santa didn't bring me a better one for Christmas.)  :shakefist:



Well I'm off for some serious R&R.  B) Happy New Year everyone!  :dance:

Congratulations :yay:. I'm all out of likes today (no surprise with the Plat Rain Day), so you'll get one tomorrow. I'll contact Dave for that diamond award :D. In the meantime have fun at the Aexuz Mansion.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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