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Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition


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Came across this article for Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition, $39.99 with a release date of December 31st, which could change I imagine. Never got around to playing it on PS3 even though I loved the first game, so I think I'd definitely grab this. Wouldn't be bad for some people if it came with the first game. Doesn't seem like that will happen though.



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Yet another game being recycled for PS4,thats really sad but with so many out there why Darksiders can't?....at least I hope it sells well so people may recognize how fantastic this underrated series are and maybe (already dreaming) Nordic can get Vigil to make the 3rd one.


BTW what a neat and clever idea for the name.

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Currently playing this again on PS3 and absolutely loving it.


I would re-buy a definitive edition if it had both games included or if there is a cool collectors edition different to the one the original Darksiders 2 came with (This is my favorite limited edition I have - Has a damn Death mask in it!)


For the record Darksiders is one of my favorite games on PS3

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As I still own my PS3, I probably won't be getting this on PS4 unless it actually has an incentive for me to buy it. I do, however, greatly enjoy the comic book series by Dark Horse, and I plan to pick up both games at some point in the near future. I'm loving the name for the PS4 edition, as well.

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A lot of people seem to think that this is a frivolous cash grab by the publisher than now owns the franchise. Remember that the previous publisher folded, and the franchise was eventually picked up by Nordic Games. 


The new publisher is most likely using this release as a way of testing the market for the Darksiders franchise for themselves, without having to go to the full expense of developing a new entry in the series from scratch. 


If you enjoyed the previous Darksiders games, and would like to see more of them, then you should be supportive of this coming out, IMO even if you don't eventually buy it. If it does well, then we may well see new Darksiders games in future.

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I just wondering something at the moment. Are we going to get PC "High" level textures and graphics because it not, I'll just by the PC version for £5? Anyway it's great news to see the Darksider's franchise continuing in some form. I wonder if they'll chose famine next or Conquest for the third game? 

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  • 2 months later...

This will now be released on October 6th!





I just wondering something at the moment. Are we going to get PC "High" level textures and graphics because it not, I'll just by the PC version for £5? Anyway it's great news to see the Darksider's franchise continuing in some form. I wonder if they'll chose famine next or Conquest for the third game? 

I think they are improving the textures, it's not just a 'lets stick it on PS4 and hope people buy it' sort of thing, which is what happened with Prototype as far as I know.

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  • 2 months later...

I actually enjoyed the second game over the first game. Despite what everyone thinks of the second game, it is not a bad game, but actually quite the opposite. The first game was really short and I personally felt it could have been longer. I think the main reason many people preferred the first game over the second one was because of the level-based system Darksiders 2 used. Another aspect being the mere fact you had to make or "customize" your own weapons. That was the best part if you ask me.


All you need to cause real damage is make a possessed scythe with: a high critical chance, critical damage, execution chance, health on execute, along with a accessory which gives you more health on execute. While the game does have some freezing issues, collectibles, it did not make the game worse for me. The first game had its fair share of issues too as it to had a ton of collectibles. Though honestly, most if not all are on your direct path and not hard to find. 

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