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Cheater Removal

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Sly has already said TEAMS are not cheaters. Glitches are not cheaters as well. This has been stated multiple times, so just stop.

You know why glitches are not cheaters. BECAUSE GLITCHES HAPPEN ON ACCIDENT. Good and bad. Hacking means you downloaded a save uploaded to your ps3 and proceeded to cheat your way. Stop trying to be petty just because you are a cheater/hacker.

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I'm caught between two ideas. I like DoSe's idea of deducting the points of the hacked game from the user's total score. But I agree with Grimy that there's hacking SOCOM, and then there's hacking GT5. If someone hacked a platinum like GT5, deducting their points is much too lenient, I would want them removed. So DoSe's idea falls at that hurdle for me.

I like the three strikes rule, but I don't like the 'one size fits all' nature of it. I sympathise with those that hacked games in the early days before the stigma developed, although users that hack games today, even just one game I feel should be removed from the leaderboards.

So I think some sort of date system could work, like:

If you hacked one game in 2012, you should be removed.

If you hacked two games in 2011, you should be removed.

If you hacked three games in 2010, you should be removed.

If you hacked three games in 2009, you should be removed.

Now that system isn't flawless, as you could get away with five hacked games, but it's a rough example of a system I think would be fair.

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Why do the leaderboards have to change theyre fine how they are? and look perfect! <3

People don't like seeing 100% clubs completed in 5 seconds.

Here's an update on what I think is going to happen:

An automatic system will pick up on fake 100%/plat club times, these times will be removed and the user will not appear in any game leaderboards/plat clubs/100% clubs and also not included in trophy rarity statistics.

The main leaderboard is what it is. 5 cheated games out of 300 is nothing. People will always complain at the top players whether it be they're a team, they have no life, they have too much money to spend etc etc.

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People don't like seeing 100% clubs completed in 5 seconds.

Here's an update on what I think is going to happen:

An automatic system will pick up on fake 100%/plat club times, these times will be removed and the user will not appear in any game leaderboards/plat clubs/100% clubs and also not included in trophy rarity statistics.

The main leaderboard is what it is. 5 cheated games out of 300 is nothing. People will always complain at the top players whether it be they're a team, they have no life, they have too much money to spend etc etc.

What if the guy have a platinum list with no timestamp? I mean all trophies in that game's list has no timestamp?

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Alright first things that need to be done is stop listening to the hackers. This is like brainstorming with them what their punishment should be. Ofcourse they will make it as good as they can. Second, just ban everyone that hacked any trophy or any game which can be proven it got hacked. The fastest earned thing you were thinking about would work fine there. I say no mercy for the hackers. Take them off the leaderboards.

For once, we're in total agreement! :yay:

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Alright first things that need to be done is stop listening to the hackers. This is like brainstorming with them what their punishment should be. Ofcourse they will make it as good as they can. Second, just ban everyone that hacked any trophy or any game which can be proven it got hacked. The fastest earned thing you were thinking about would work fine there. I say no mercy for the hackers. Take them off the leaderboards.

then its no longer the real leaderboards...

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Sly said that the games with no timestamps are already being ignored in the 100% and plat clubs which is good. Not sure if they're going to be considered a hack, but they're not in those clubs.

Sly, could you clarify what you mean when you say "the main leaderboard is what it is. 5 cheated games out of 300 is nothing." Is there now going to be a cutoff to who gets banned? Only people with X percentage of hacked games are banned? Sure 5 cheated games out of 300 is better than 5 cheated games out of 10 but it's still 5 cheated games.

And disregard anything wastedfreedom says, he's already been banned at ygc. It's like someone mentioned above, don't take advice on how to deal with hackers from hackers.

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The only argument I have with 5 out of 300 hacks, is exactly what matty said. Its still 5 hacks.

But I think the more pressing matter is these are the 5 hacks we can spot. Take warfigher for example. He has about 20-30 hacks we can spot but lately all his trophies are legit. Does that mean he is legit or did he just get better at hacking? How can you trust somebody that is caught hacking?

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The only argument I have with 5 out of 300 hacks, is exactly what matty said. Its still 5 hacks.

But I think the more pressing matter is these are the 5 hacks we can spot. Take warfigher for example. He has about 20-30 hacks we can spot but lately all his trophies are legit. Does that mean he is legit or did he just get better at hacking? How can you trust somebody that is caught hacking?

It means he has a trophy time stamp editor. Like I said though, he's already been banned on ygc and to get banned there you have to have 10 hacks. I'd imagine Sly will auto ban anyone who has been banned on ygc. It's easier on him and he can be 100% certain that they should be banned because they've been nailed for not only 3 hacks, but 10.

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why would anyone cheat to get trophies?! it makes me wonder how pathetic thier lives must be to cheat at getting trophies that takes all the fun out of getting them and it is a waste of money if they buy the game at all

What about this Silent.png

this technicly isnt a hack i have some trophies that have this as well i just got those trophies when i had dial up internet and could not connect to the internet

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speaking of cheaters i just got the Plat for Prototype 2 and I go to look at the leader boards after and the person at #1 is defiantly bullshit it says he did it in two hours that is impossible


Yes, that guy is one of the biggest frauds around. Sly will do his thing soon enough.

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