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You friends who have trophy lists that irritate you


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If your friends have trophy lists that in any way annoy you because of easy plats or something say why it annoys you. my friend is more of a PC gamer but on playstation all stars battle royale he has the trophies that are the hardest to get but dosn't have one or two easy ones he could easily hop on and get the plat! Its not even just this game he has a bunch of games like this!

Edited by firepork08
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just play games with exploding penguins

HEY! There are also pandas, lions, crocodiles and many many other animals, ok?  :lol:


I think the only thing that bothers me is the habit of my friend sickc6, he keeps telling me that he wants to play such a game for over a week, then he goes and buy the game, play 15 minutes and leave it and message me that he didn't like it and never touch the game again. Like... what? Were was the hype, man? The Hype isn't real!


I tried to teach him there is something we call 'demo', but he says those aren't loyal to gameplay videos...

Edited by TheYuriG
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I think the only thing that kind of baffles me is when people have dozens of games at 0 or 1%. I mean, do people give up on games that quickly? Even if you don't hunt for trophies, 0 or 1% indicates that you barely played the game before presumably giving up on it. It shouldn't annoy me, but it just makes me wonder if that many people have a really short attention span or are impatient or something  :lol:


I've had this with previous profiles :P

The reason is either that I once decided to load up every game I had to see if I could get my completion percentage up for shits and giggles, or that I had bought the game second-hand and loaded it up to make sure it worked.

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Doesn't really bother me what other people play or what trophies they have for what they play. I think the only thing that kind of baffles me is when people have dozens of games at 0 or 1%. I mean, do people give up on games that quickly? Even if you don't hunt for trophies, 0 or 1% indicates that you barely played the game before presumably giving up on it. It shouldn't annoy me, but it just makes me wonder if that many people have a really short attention span or are impatient or something  :lol:

This was me. At the moment I think I have like 50 games like that, and another 50 or so at least that are hidden because they're on absolute zero...oh wait, Sony let us delete them finally, I forgot, okay, well I have a bunch that are deleted.


Anyway, when I got the PS3 in the day, I also bought like, well, pretty well every game in the store. By 2011 when I got the damn thing, and had come into a nice chunk of cheddar, most games were pretty cheap and I'd been stuck on the PS2 for far too long. So I went back and forth each day, sometimes quicker, between games. I had new Spidey games to play, but not before next gen GTA IV, but don't forget the sequel to Force Unleashed (one of your favorite PSP games, Dylan), oh, and that James Bond game looks bangin', but wait you forgot about Guitar Hero (go play that nonstop for a while Dylan) ... Then, shortly after, I found out about the majesty that is PlayStation Plus, and over the next 3 and a halfish years I would stack up another pile of several hundred games, a lot of which I would play for 2 seconds then drop because I had that many other options to choose. Mix all that in with how I used to be, which was "go to preowned store, buy every single thing that's less then 5 bucks, do it Dylan, you know they'll be bad games but who cares, your stack will by as tall as the amount of hate mail Sam Raimi got over Spider-Man 3" and so on.


Anyway, the point is, when you have a lot of games at a time for a system, odds are you'll play some for a bit, play something else, then forget about the first few. PS+ does not help this. 

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My friend has 37/39 trophies on ff xiv, she is like 1 raid from plat but she couldn't care less xD i tried explaining how godly that plat is but she just isn't interested -_- it doesn't annoy me though, just can't believe she doesn't want it. 

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If your friends have trophy lists that in any way annoy you because of easy plats or something post your friends PSN and why it annoys you. 

I don't think posting your supposed "friend's" PSN name is a good idea. No need to start a witch hunt because someone else plays what and how (s)he wants without cheating and you don't agree with it. 

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Doesn't really bother me what other people play or what trophies they have for what they play. I think the only thing that kind of baffles me is when people have dozens of games at 0 or 1%. I mean, do people give up on games that quickly? Even if you don't hunt for trophies, 0 or 1% indicates that you barely played the game before presumably giving up on it. It shouldn't annoy me, but it just makes me wonder if that many people have a really short attention span or are impatient or something  :lol:

I've actually got 220 games on my profile that are under 20% (165 of them are at 0%) because I like loading up the trophy list before I get around to playing the game. I've only had my psn account for 18 months so I haven't had the time to play all of my games yet. Loading the trophy lists just makes it easier to find out information about the trophies using the guides and trophy advisor and so forth. I intend on playing each of them later, but it's all a matter of when I get around to them.

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In all seriousness, if I gave a fuck it would probably be people who autopop platinums, I think thats kinda silly. I wouldnt want 5 of the same game on my list. Unless it's a really good game and I actually earn them all instead of autopopping em.

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I know someone who's played 450 games, and only completed 80. Also has a 38% completion rate. HOW DO YOU NOT FINISH HUNDREDS OF GAMES YOU'VE PLAYED!


For those of you "in the know", its a certain person who's notorious for playing telltale games. ;)

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I could barely tell you what's on my friends' trophy lists let alone care enough to be pissed off about it. Only trophy list I'm concerned with is my own even then I don't care.

Edited by feral611
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