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I just died.


Welcome to the forums. Loved your intro post. xD


Thank you.




:neck bows: Thank you.


You don't like pickles? :'(

I like watching Rob Dyke's videos, but they're really just a reminder as to why I have trust issues.


Welcome the forums!


I don't like the way those pickles give me that condescending stare, as if I should be honored to eat them. Rob Dyke videos are the reason why I'm a hermit. I dug a tunnel underneath my house connecting to the local Kwik Trip so I can get supplies.


Quite the intro. Anyway, welcome to PSNP, hope you enjoy it here.


Thank you sir.


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Welcome  :wave:

Hope you enjoy your stay here


:bro hug: Thanks


I just died eye was laughing so hard


My day is done. :D


Welcome to PSNP! :D


Thank you thank you.






Welcome to the madhouse ^^ it seems you'll fit right in :) Enjoy your stay!


Seriously, there's no leaving now. Mwuahahahahaha


Yea, it says on the fine print after I joined that I gotta clean the site creator's pool from now on. If I break the contract, Imma become Caitlyn Jenner's new sister.

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Hello everyone, hope everything is dandy for you guys. Long story short: I was looking at pictures of Moka Akashiya and pancakes, not at once, on Google(don't act like you guys don't do it too, I know you guys like pancakes) and stumbled upon this link called PSNProfiles.com. Thinking it meant "Private Services Network", I clicked on the link and was excited to order a new mail order bride, since my last one ran off( I tired to dress her up in a yukata and the next thing I know, I'm waking up with a black eye and a slight concussion. Also my wallet and laptop were missing.) But silly me, I found the errors in my way and realized what this site was about and decided to join anyway. From what I have seen stalking around in the shadows, everyone seems to get along( for the most part). I like anime, Fazoli's, and video games. I don't like pickles on my burgers though. Don't put pickles on my burgers and we'll get along just fine. Okey dokey? Back to watching Rob Dyke videos for me then.

Thats the best intro ever.


As I'm part of a super secret organisation and your crazy rambilngs are either an ingenius ploy to cover up your knowledge of our existence, or you are crazy and said it by accident. So I need to ask you one important question.


Where are the penguins?

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I wish you the welcome to the forum, hunter.


Thank you.


Thats the best intro ever.


As I'm part of a super secret organisation and your crazy rambilngs are either an ingenius ploy to cover up your knowledge of our existence, or you are crazy and said it by accident. So I need to ask you one important question.


Where are the penguins?


I am under strict orders by The Patriots to not divulge any information regarding penguins. Dodo birds and turtles are fine though.






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