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It's called money and the NFL trying to make some.  It's also called being a business with global appeal and trying to grow those emerging foreign markets.


The odd international game isn't a big deal.  It only turns into logistical nightmares if/when the NFL (or another sport) tries to expand overseas.


No need to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Now that you're here I'm curious of your opinion about what the Jets are doing with Fitz.  Personally, I love it.  More teams need to stand firm and let middle of the road QB's (no offense) know they don't deserve top tier money.  Not sure if they have a back-up plan or not but the "meet in the middle" mentality seems like the right way to go.

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Now that you're here I'm curious of your opinion about what the Jets are doing with Fitz.  Personally, I love it.  More teams need to stand firm and let middle of the road QB's (no offense) know they don't deserve top tier money.  Not sure if they have a back-up plan or not but the "meet in the middle" mentality seems like the right way to go.


As a lifelong Jets fan, I'm pessimistic and fatalistic about my favorite NFL team as a force of habit (and a coping mechanism).  So I know there isn't going to be a happy ending here, that Geno Smith may end up being the best option on the roster next season, and that I'll regress to my very first instinct when the Jets drafted him:  I was out to dinner that Friday night with a bunch of co-workers who are all Giants fans, and my first thought when Geno Smith's name flashed up on the television screen was to grab my neighbor's glass of water and fling it across the room at said television.


But I digress.


I have no problem with the Jets holding the line on Ryan Fitzpatrick who really wasn't as wonderful as so many would like to make him out to be.  Yes, he had a terrific statistical season but he also was prone to boneheaded turnovers and digging the Jets into holes with them.  If I have a choice between Geno Smith on the last year of his rookie deal or Ryan Fitzpatrick at a cap-clogging number, I'm holding my nose and voting for Geno Smith.  If I have my choice between those two and a retread veteran such as Josh McCown or Brian Hoyer, I'm still probably holding my nose and voting for Geno Smith.


The quarterback position is very important in the NFL, the contracts for starters reflects that, and the eternal search by teams without a top-tier guy to find "the next guy" reinforces that even more.  But if I'm going to be saddled with a bunch of "middle of the road" options, I'd just as soon not fork over huge chunks of salary cap space and ginormous guarantees for the privilege and spend those resources elsewhere.  The Jets (probably) have a good enough defense to remain competitive with a mediocre quarterback, so I'd just as soon take the resources from the QB position and apportion them in other places that need attention.  The Jets have done some of that by investing in a brand-spanking-new backfield, and I'd like to see them upgrade their linebacking corps and the CB-2 spot (across from Revis).


But I'd also be okay with the Jets trading for Colin Kaepernick so long as the price isn't excessive.  I'm not giving up a 2nd, but I might think about a 3rd.

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Holy shit Cincinnati just sign a fucking wide reciever! Also, everyone who said Dalton had a horrible contract a few years back, look at the shit being signed nowadays. Fitzy wants 16 mil a year and Osweiler just got 18 mil a year for nothing. Oh and Scam Bradford is being paid like 16 mil a year to tear his acl.

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  • 4 weeks later...

New schedules are out and... Yay for Seattle.


Only 2 10 A.M. road games.  Only playing against one team coming off of a bye instead of four consecutive times (it's unfortunately the Pats though).  Only have to go back to back road games once.  And the season opener is at home.  What a world of difference from last year.


Definitely see losses (as is currently stands, who knows what injuries etc etc will happen before the season starts) at the Patriots.  A road game, against Gronk, Bennett and Brady coming off of a bye week (an extra week for Belichik to plan).  Nope.  Probably at Green Bay.  They're damn hard to beat at home.  And at least one a piece against the Rams and Cards.  Panthers I'd say are a 50/50.


I'd guess either 11-5 or 12-4 depending on the Panthers game.

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I'm trying to figure out the Rams motivation for selling the farm to get the #1 overall pick.  Is there any player that's going to elevate them enough to be worth what they gave up?


They want one of the top QBs.  Sure, it's a steep price in terms of draft picks to move up to grab one, but the Seahawks have shown the paradigm for building a good team around that guy, at least until he has to be extended at a "market value" number.


And considering what a guy like Brock Osweiler just got on the Free Agent market?  Might as well mortgage the farm for a young QB rather than overpay for a mediocre guy.  It's a "pick your poison" situation.

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They want one of the top QBs.  Sure, it's a steep price in terms of draft picks to move up to grab one, but the Seahawks have shown the paradigm for building a good team around that guy, at least until he has to be extended at a "market value" number.


And considering what a guy like Brock Osweiler just got on the Free Agent market?  Might as well mortgage the farm for a young QB rather than overpay for a mediocre guy.  It's a "pick your poison" situation.

They didn't really build around Wilson though.  If anything Wilson fit into their scheme so they took a chance and it paid off.  That's not the case now-a-days but they had to pay him so much that it kind of forced their hand  During their two Superbowl years they built around defense and running.  


The Rams seem to already have the defense and running game covered so I get fishing for a QB but it seems like LA of all teams would know the risk of mortgaging the future for a top pick.  Look at what happened to the Redskins when they gave up everything to the very same Rams for RGIII.  But, like you said, pick your poison I guess.  It also probably doesn't hurt that Fischer has nothing to lose.  If nothing changes and they stay in the 7-9 range, he's gone.  If they give up everything for a young QB and they stay in the 7-9 range, he's still gone and losing all the future picks isn't his problem anyways.

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They didn't really build around Wilson though.  If anything Wilson fit into their scheme so they took a chance and it paid off.  That's not the case now-a-days but they had to pay him so much that it kind of forced their hand  During their two Superbowl years they built around defense and running. 


I wasn't referring to it in that particular context.  More by the way of "the Seahawks had a Quarterback on a rookie contract providing immense value well in excess of his cap hit; therefore, they could spend money elsewhere maintaining and upgrading the talent on other parts of the roster".  Think about the expense of an "upper echelon" quarterback -- "upper echelon" in terms of their cap hit, not their talent.  If you can get that sort of guy for a fraction of the cost, doesn't that allow for a better team to be placed around him?  At least in theory?


In a salary-capped League, the best bargains are frequently players on their rookie deals.  We see this in the NFL, the NHL, and even the NBA.  They allow teams to commit their resources to other players, either to overpay certain guys because of the savings elsewhere on the roster, or to accumulate more talent than they otherwise could.  In the specific case of the Seahawks, paying Russell Wilson (relative) peanuts allowed them to pay Richard Sherman, and Earl Thomas, and Bobby Wagner, and so on.

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Fucks sake.  It's been what, a year and a half now?  Is there anyone who still gives any shits at all about deflate gate?  I mean, my team was on the losing end of that superbowl and I'm over it, Colts fans are over it, I'd even bet money that Accasser, our resident Jets fan is even over it (if it was ever even a thing for you in the first place).  The only one that's apparently not over it is captain idiot himself Goodell.  Enough is enough dude, if Brady does actually serve this suspension you still look stupid and everyone hates you.  


And just to twist the knife even more one of those four games is of course going to be against the Cardinals  :rolleyes:

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I don't really care how the suspension works itself out at this point because the Jets don't play Tom Brady that early in the season.  And New England probably wins the division either way.


That being said, I have a bigger problem with Tom Brady destroying evidence that would have helped the NFL's case against him than I do the crime itself.  If you or I do that out here in "the real world", we're facing additional sanctions for Obstruction of Justice and things of that nature.


This whole affair was making a mountain out of a molehill to begin with.  Roger Goodell doesn't look good out of this, but he doesn't start this whole situation without complaints from multiple teams (reportedly the Ravens and Colts) in the first place... and it's his job to investigate and adjudicate this crap because he's the representitive of Ownership and it was all spelled out in a Collective Bargaining Agreement that the Players ratified.  All Tom Brady (and Patriots' management) is doing at this point is dragging this whole shebang out and flaying a dead horse.


I wish Tom Brady would simply accept it at this point, but I doubt that's going to happen.  We'll probably get an en banc hearing before the entire 2nd Circuit later this year and maybe an injunction to let Brady play through it.  Though the latter might not happen and I don't think Brady expects it to -- has anyone noticed that Tom Brady quietly re-negotiated his contract to obliterate his base salary this season and next, perhaps to minimize how much money he loses if the suspension stands?  And then whomever loses the en banc hearing will try and appeal it to the U.S. Supreme Court, because we all know that there isn't anything more important for them (or us) than whether or not Tom Brady plays a professional football game.


I miss the days when football was about football and the discussion this time of year was solely focused on the draft.  But at least it's a nice (albeit temporary) distraction from certain people around here panicking over Ryan Fitzpatrick and whether or not he'll sign.

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I miss the days when football was about football and the discussion this time of year was solely focused on the draft.  But at least it's a nice (albeit temporary) distraction from certain people around here panicking over Ryan Fitzpatrick and whether or not he'll sign.

I'm at the point of being ready to explode if I here "updated mock draft" again as well.  Don't get me wrong, I love the draft and what it brings (unlike the MLB draft that couldn't be less interesting) but the speculating and analyzing is kind of in the same boat as seeing Christmas aisles in a store in early October.  


Fitz is still not on board huh?  Looking more and more like either a team friendly deal or a 50/50 compromise is on the horizon for him instead of a bloated Bradford/Osweiler type of deal then.  good for the Jets not getting caught up in the free agent QB panic that spread throughout free-angency this year.

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Fitz is still not on board huh?  Looking more and more like either a team friendly deal or a 50/50 compromise is on the horizon for him instead of a bloated Bradford/Osweiler type of deal then.  good for the Jets not getting caught up in the free agent QB panic that spread throughout free-angency this year.


Fitz wants more money than the Jets are offering.  And he might be holding out hope that Denver will still make him a more competitive offer than what the Jets are offering (allegedly a 2yr deal in the neighborhood of $8mil/season).


As for the Jets?  They've got salary cap issues.  Muhammad Wilkerson is on the cap for his franchise tender right now, and there doesn't seem to be any word about a long-term deal.  Just the opposite -- there are persistent rumours that the Jets are dangling Wilkerson to move up in the draft if they can find a taker, but that taker would also have to meet Wilkerson's asking price on a contract to make the trade work (and that's not going to be easy).


In short, the Jets don't have the money to meet Fitzpatrick's wants right now.  Maybe if they draft a Right Tackle on Thursday night and cut Breno Giacomini, but I think the Jets are more likely to go defense if Paxton Lynch isn't around when they pick.

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Fitz wants more money than the Jets are offering.  And he might be holding out hope that Denver will still make him a more competitive offer than what the Jets are offering (allegedly a 2yr deal in the neighborhood of $8mil/season).


As for the Jets?  They've got salary cap issues.  Muhammad Wilkerson is on the cap for his franchise tender right now, and there doesn't seem to be any word about a long-term deal.  Just the opposite -- there are persistent rumours that the Jets are dangling Wilkerson to move up in the draft if they can find a taker, but that taker would also have to meet Wilkerson's asking price on a contract to make the trade work (and that's not going to be easy).


In short, the Jets don't have the money to meet Fitzpatrick's wants right now.  Maybe if they draft a Right Tackle on Thursday night and cut Breno Giacomini, but I think the Jets are more likely to go defense if Paxton Lynch isn't around when they pick.

I know the 49ers have needs everywhere and a shit-ton of cap space, surprised they have no interest.  If Giacomini got cut I'd also expect Seattle to take a look at resigning him for a peanuts deal and putting him in the Browner/Clemmons camp, guys that aren't necessarily top tier anymore but are familiar with the system and have a nasty side that maybe/hopefully some of the younger additions like Rawls and Lockett could pick up on and absorb.  Maybe help bring back the attitude and swagger (and the plentiful-pile-o'-penalties) of that '13 team.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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I know the 49ers have needs everywhere and a shit-ton of cap space, surprised they have no interest.  If Giacomini got cut I'd also expect Seattle to take a look at resigning him for a peanuts deal and putting him in the Browner/Clemmons camp, guys that aren't necessarily top tier anymore but are familiar with the system and have a nasty side that maybe/hopefully some of the younger additions like Rawls and Lockett could pick up on and absorb.  Maybe help bring back the attitude and swagger (and the plentiful-pile-o'-penalties) of that '13 team.

From what I am hearing the Jets are talking about shipping Wilkerson and their #20 to San Francisco for their #7 pick so they can take Paxton Lynch. 

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I know the 49ers have needs everywhere and a shit-ton of cap space, surprised they have no interest.


Stupid-Baalke loves to hide money under the bed  :facepalm:

And with all the needs someone is saying he's going to trade down from #7?! Man, Another season to the NFW cellar  :angry:

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