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Hello everyone, Platinumus here, Great to meet you all


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Hello everyone


I'm Platinumus (RL name is James) .I've been trophy hunting on my own for awhile now, I really enjoy doing it but after going to the EGX event a few weeks back , I've really missed the experience of talking to other like minded gamers and want to have that experience here as well. Been a member of PSNProfiles for some months and ive always just used the site to help / tips on trophies but never actually spoke out much. I want to change that and be apart of the great community that I know is here. 


Not sure what else to write. Look forward to talking and playing with some of you soon and feel free to add me as its always great to compare trophies and I'm really up for chatting.


Any questions feel free to ask and thanks for having me here!

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Love the name, obviously.


But so long as this is your intro thread and I assume you'll be reading the replies, I've got to ask, what made you make a new account?


You made a decent bit of progress on your old one if I do say so myself, and you weren't flagged or anything, so why abandon it? I'm assuming for a better completion ratio, that's a common one. I could never leave mine, if only because I have thousands of dollars worth of purchases on the damn thing.


Anyways, welcome to PSNP. I'm an absolute dickhead at least 70% of the time and so far no one's had a go at me for it, so the community is pretty nice around these parts. Hope you have fun here!

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Thank you for all the replies.  The first weekend ive not actually been at a PS4 or PC properly! so sorry for the late response



Welcome aboard!


We may have walked past one another at EGX. Fun stuff, wasn't it?


Do get more involved on the forums. We have fun here!

EGX really was great. I even didn't mind the queuing! food prices was stupid tho!


Hey bud, nice list of plats! Any plans for #50?


Enjoy your stay :D

No i dont yet. Ive got so many games i keep buying and i still havnt got round to doing.. im thinking maybe saving #50 for Metal gear V or maybe you have a good suggestion?  



Welcome! I'm amazed that you were able to get such a simple (and I'd have expected it to be common) name!


I look forward to seeing you around!

Me either. I spent a good few hours on thinking of a new name as i really didnt want numbers at the end!


Welcome to PSNP ^^ Can I call you Platinjames?

Lol Yes ! its better than what i get called at work.......... platypus one guy called me that online and its kind of stuck lol.


Love the name, obviously.


But so long as this is your intro thread and I assume you'll be reading the replies, I've got to ask, what made you make a new account?


You made a decent bit of progress on your old one if I do say so myself, and you weren't flagged or anything, so why abandon it? I'm assuming for a better completion ratio, that's a common one. I could never leave mine, if only because I have thousands of dollars worth of purchases on the damn thing.


Anyways, welcome to PSNP. I'm an absolute dickhead at least 70% of the time and so far no one's had a go at me for it, so the community is pretty nice around these parts. Hope you have fun here!


Its a combination of things really that made me change my name, Firstly I just hated people saying "oh animus from assassins creed" I also hated having numbers at the end of my name.

when i changed name I had a friend who was going to change also and we was going to have a little competition on who could get the most Plats in a year.. he gave up after 3 weeks -_-

lastly the completion rate. I just played so many games and just went on to another game without. 



Really want to say thanks to everyone here for the warm welcome and sorry for the long reply post!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone


I'm Platinumus (RL name is James) .I've been trophy hunting on my own for awhile now, I really enjoy doing it but after going to the EGX event a few weeks back , I've really missed the experience of talking to other like minded gamers and want to have that experience here as well. Been a member of PSNProfiles for some months and ive always just used the site to help / tips on trophies but never actually spoke out much. I want to change that and be apart of the great community that I know is here. 


Not sure what else to write. Look forward to talking and playing with some of you soon and feel free to add me as its always great to compare trophies and I'm really up for chatting.


Any questions feel free to ask and thanks for having me here!

Hey man a belated welcome hope you're still intending to be more active on the forums, feel free to join in on our quests to get all the Tales of platinums. We're starting with Symphonia check it out if you're interested.

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