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Dreamcast... 2?


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I was just scrolling through my Facebook feed when it mentions that this is a trending topic to the side. I find it extremely odd considering I haven't seen major game sites report on it. I'm not sure I believe this at all. This is literally one of the only sources I could find and I do not trust it. It's obviously more of a blog post than journalism. Regardless here's what I found:




There's a possibility of a new console coming from Sega. That sounds like a pipe dream and something far off from reality, but it's actually the truth. There's a project making a lot of headway called “Project Dream”, which is aimed at bringing a PC-style Dreamcast 2 console to the market.

According to The Gaming Ground, Patrick Lawsen, a member of the Sega Dreamcast 2 super group aimed at reviving the Dreamcast brand with the help of some Sega of Japan interns and independent OEM designers, has been making some serious progress with the project.

According to Lawson there's a lot of potential for a new Sega console, stating...


I’m truly excited about the Crowdfunded prospect for SEGA RingEdge Zero/RingWide Elite. […] If we can get just a million backers worldwide, our upcoming KS could be funded in record time and with SEGA licensing it could have it out on the market in less than a year! [...] SEGA should be unveiling some new Arcade hardware at AOU in February [2016]. We have [sega of Japan] interns involved. They will present the ideas to SEGA of Japan next Quarter. SEGA will revive its old IPs.


What Lawsen and the rest of the group want to do is bring a competitively priced PC rig to the market that can run Sega's old and new games alike. The plan is that it will be a direct competitor to things like the Steam Machines or dedicated gaming rigs offered by companies like Cyberpower and Alienware.

The device will run an Intel Core i5 Haswell and will be designed to play Sega games right off the hard drive after being digitally installed. The point of the system will be to play old and new Sega titles on HDMI compatible devices with HD upscaling capabilities.

The whole point is to put Sega back into the running as a viable console competitor. The system will have a similar shell as the original Dreamcast but modified and updated for today's standards. A mock-up is what's in the main image of this article. The system will also have a wireless controller, just like the Xbox One and PS4 or the Wii U's Pro Controllers.

This all originally kicked off with a petition on Change.org from a certain Ben Plato from Melbourne, Australia, which managed to accrue more than 22,000 signatures for Sega to release a new Dreamcast that can play Sega's illustrious library of games. It picked up enough steam over the months that started attracting serious attention, and Lawsen and the rest of the group working to revive the Dreamcast 2 got involved and are now taking things directly to Sega of Japan. From there they plan to host the Kickstarter to get the hardware and designs finalized. The idea that a new console could be out by the end of 2016 almost sends chills down my spine.

At first it looked like a real long shot but with Lawsen and the rest of the group going directly to Sega of Japan and with so much support from the community wanting to see a new Dreamcast on the market, I'm curious to see how this will turn out.


To reiterate: I do not trust this source and believe it's extremely fishy that no dedicated gaming website is reporting on this. I would just ignore it but it's getting enough traction to actually trend on my Facebook feed. I do not think this will ever come to pass but wanted to go ahead and make a topic since others are bound to see it randomly and take it at face value. This is a rumor. Facebook is lying to you.

Edited by Bucknerd
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Hurdles: Getting all of SEGA's IP that is already on every possible other console or system available on this thing at release. Coming in at a price that accommodates the amount of old titles this is supposed to run with the (somewhat) limited new titles. Getting other developers to develop for what is essentially just a branded PC with a DRM system for games over the alternatives or even simultaneously as the competitors.


I'd LOVE to see another console competitor out there. This has the potential to come out really strong if they can line up all their IP to be available at launch. I'd probably pick it up at launch for the nostalgia for the right price. Just make sure I can obtain physical copies as investing into something like this in such a cut-throat industry with digital titles behind DRM is too risky for a lot of gamers who are familiar with the original Dreamcast.

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The same Dreamcast image has been used since the first day of PS4.


I think it is fake article. As much as I would like to see Sega make another console....they have too many titles in production as 3rd party. They don't have the funding for a new console this late for this generation.

Even with support from another company....it would be pointless to compete with the big 3.


It would be a niche console with most sales coming from Sega fanboys/Collectors/Techjunkies.

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The same Dreamcast image has been used since the first day of PS4.


I think it is fake article. As much as I would like to see Sega make another console....they have too many titles in production as 3rd party. They don't have the funding for a new console this late for this generation.

Even with support from another company....it would be pointless to compete with the big 3.


It would be a niche console with most sales coming from Sega fanboys/Collectors/Techjunkies.

It wouldn't need to compete with Sony or Microsoft. Nintendo isn't. A Dreamcast 2 would be the same thing as a WiiU. The only people who buy it, are the people who want to play the first party games. Just like the WiiU, they wouldn't need 3rd party support, unless they actually wanted to compete (which I doubt they would).

I doubt they're making a new console anytime soon. Especially since you can play almost all the classic Sega games on any other console now.

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For all you Negative Nancies out there, this also reported here: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Sega-Dreamcast-2-Wants-Answer-PC-Gamers-Wishes-106737.html?ref=yfp


And this website was setup, but may be overwhelmed with all the supporters and believers: http://www.projectdream.co/

The site contains a countdown of some sort.


The only difficult parts about this idea are getting the software working correctly and securing the IP.


Edit: Fixed the linky.

Edited by DaivRules
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I would be most interested, but don't see it happening. Sega has already said they are software only, and I don't think they have the bankroll to back this. It would need to be a 3rd party that has Sega as a minority backer, but that agrees to have the name on there for a sales push.


I also don't know where they would fit. There has never been a market for more than 2 main consoles at any time. Look back over the years - one doesn't work, three don't work. The market works best with 2.


Yes, you could argue we have 3 now - but we really don't. MS and Sony are the big players. Nintendo is a niche player. They have a dedicated core, but are not the console of choice for most major 3rd party developers.


Unless the DC2 was going after the niche market (and I don't think they would succeed there, as Nintendo is entrenched and the market is too small for 2 players), I'm not sure where they fit in. Sega is no longer a big enough software developer to support a console on 1st party titles, and I don't think they have the finances to attract major 3rd party developers.


Too bad though, I would love to see MS fail and a true competitor to Sony show up - even if I didn't switch camps, some genuine pressure on Sony could improve their customer service.

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http://kotaku.com/no-sega-isnt-launching-a-dreamcast-2-1749342080 here you go like i said you will NEVER get another dreamcast nor should you want one.


From the article "Sega has yet to respond to a request for comment on all this." Which means it might be true. If it weren't true Sega would have already commented and dispelled all the rumors.


Everyone *should* want Sega to release a new console. The more consoles available, the more options everyone has. Things were awesome when NES/SNES, Genesis, Turbographix, Neo Geo, Saturn, Jaguar and others sprinkled in there were around.

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I would like one, the colour scheme looks nice and I would love to see true Sega IPs rebooted for next gen. Unfortunately, that would means the next sequel of Persona would be locked too DC2 with other games like Sonic, Daytona USA and many others.


Too bad though, I would love to see MS fail and a true competitor to Sony show up - even if I didn't switch camps, some genuine pressure on Sony could improve their customer service.


Wait what? You do know that if MS didn't show up, you may not had trophies, a powerful console or strong software features right? PS2 won the software (Games) race but lost the hardware one. PS3 also lost the hardware race as well. It's only because MS was focusing on Power and contracted power that Sony picked up the pace. Sony is doing well 8th gen because MS thought all in one media was a better. If they didn't go that route, things would be different.

It's actually worse than it was before the edit


Lol, no need!

Edited by FlareXV
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My phone can play most Dream Cast games I throw at it, and upscaled to the max, they look v sexy.


I can also get Android ports of classic titles like Crazy Taxi and SoulCalibur originally on the Dream Cast.


And on top of that, there's a shit load of older Sega games on the Android store like the classic Sonic games, and when there isn't, there's a bunch of brilliant emulators for all their past systems that run everything beautifully.


So with that in mind, if I put a Dream Cast spiral logo sticker and the number 2 on the back of a cheap Android phone, load it up with the above mentioned things, how much do you reckon I'd be able to sell them for?

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Wait what? You do know that if MS didn't show up, you may not had trophies, a powerful console or strong software features right? PS2 won the software (Games) race but lost the hardware one. PS3 also lost the hardware race as well. It's only because MS was focusing on Power and contracted power that Sony picked up the pace. Sony is doing well 8th gen because MS thought all in one media was a better. If they didn't go that route, things would be different.


Boy, you better be talking about the power of the Hardware (Xbox is more powerfull than PS2) because if you are talking about Hardware sales, then you just messed up big time. The Playstation 2 to date remains the most sold console in Video game History at 155 million units, the only one that comes close is Nintendo DS at 154 million.



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Boy, you better be talking about the power of the Hardware (Xbox is more powerfull than PS2) because if you are talking about Hardware sales, then you just messed up big time. The Playstation 2 to date remains the most sold console in Video game History at 155 million units, the only one that comes close is Nintendo DS at 154 million.




When talking about console sales, most people use the term "units". I know that PS2 is one of the highest selling consoles. :P

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 PS2 won the software (Games) race but lost the hardware one. PS3 also lost the hardware race as well.


rofl... back to damage controlling for Xbox again I see...


PS3 was released a whole year after X360 and is less than a million away from X360 in terms of sales. That can hardly be called losing a hardware race, especially considering all the RROD X360s that increased the sales numbers. The PS3 used to sell a lot worse software wise though, but that has dramatically changed.


In terms of amount and variety of decent exclusive games, PS3 beat X360 with about the double.

Edited by MMDE
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