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Trophy Guides in Spanish

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And yet, here you are, as a citizen of Spain and presumably a Spanish language speaker (if the flag of Spain on your profile is any indicator), carrying on a perfectly meaningful conversation in English. The owner of the site is a British citizen, the moderator staff are all either from the UK or the US, the Guide Team members all speak conversational level English, the majority of members here are from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's safe to say this is an English-speaking website. How many people are there from Spanish-speaking countries on the leaderboards, judging by country flags in profiles? Roughly 14,000, and I actually rounded up. How many people on the leaderboards, just from France alone? 98,000, and that's rounding down. If you want Spanish trophy guides, find a Spanish website. If you want French trophy guides, find a French one like where Aela was being impersonated at. Japan is actually the largest non-English speaking minority here, judging by the leaderboard numbers.




Ehh.. there's also Kevin :S

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No point.  Most people here can understand English and it seems you do too when you are able to type in English.  If Sly allowed Spanish guides to be on the site, then he'll have to allow guides in every other language.  There is Spanish trophy hunting sites out there that will probably have guides in Spanish, but this site is based in English.  It's just like an English or whatever person coming to one of those sites and requesting guides be translated to English, it isn't going to happen.

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does the google 'translate' thing work on guides?


If so, I can't imagine it's a problem, though as a language neanderthal who only speaks one language I can't really judge!


Google translator is quite bad though i used it a few times for fun but pretty much almost always only rubbish comes out at the translation.


On topic i also think Guides and other stuff should stay in English afterall it's the world language (as some say) And as others suggested try looking for some place that has guides in spanish i'm sure there is a place like that out there.

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Okay, one question... why?

I really don't think that considering this website only, Spanish is more prominent than English.

As far as I know, PSNP is trying to be a helpful website for trophy hunters. And what better language to do that than English?

Even if wikipedia says that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, I have no doubts English is still no.1 understandable language in the world.



I don't know about the other non-Spanish speaking users, but if I were to be forced to use a guide in an language I don't understand, I would start using another website for the guides.

Heck, for me, guide in Spanish equals guide in Mandarin =D (I can't say Japanese as I would actually understand something xD)


I know you don't want the guides we have now to be translated, but if Spanish guides are allowed, eventually, there will be a game where only Spanish guide will be available. 



It's decided, future trophy guides will be written in Mandarin.

Challenge Accepted :awesome:

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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Google translator is quite bad though i used it a few times for fun but pretty much almost always only rubbish comes out at the translation.


On topic i also think Guides and other stuff should stay in English afterall it's the world language (as some say) And as others suggested try looking for some place that has guides in spanish i'm sure there is a place like that out there.

 The word "rubbish" does not even describe how bad that translator actually is, ugh.




 I have no doubts English is still no.1 understandable language in the world.


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So... a spanish speaking individual would come to an English-centric site, navigate the main page in english, find the guide section in english, find the guide they want in english, then find the spanish equivalent?


I suggest OP start a new site with nothing but spanish versions of the guides found here, translated by himself. Once he's made some headway into site development and shows the traffic demand, he can pitch it to Sly that he combine the sites. No better way to show demand than create the product you claim there is demand for and show how it does.

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As a Spanish speaker myself, I don't see any particular reason for this. Hell, I always look for English trophy guides as I feel they have more info.

....Or maybe I'm just crazy xD.

Ahaha me too! Here in Italy we have some great trophy sites but still I prefer a English version of a guide whenever possible.

OP: It's not easy to implement new language, for example you need a guide team to even check the guide's quality.

Edited by Winston
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I'm surprised there's still people that think the new continent is the centre of the world and everyone should know every little thing that goes on there.

I live in europe, and as you can see spanish is spoken only in spain, here.

i think knowing that Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, together with English and Mandarin is something that people teach you in school, so it isn't anything that you shouldn't know by now.


And yet, here you are, as a citizen of Spain and presumably a Spanish language speaker (if the flag of Spain on your profile is any indicator), carrying on a perfectly meaningful conversation in English. The owner of the site is a British citizen, the moderator staff are all either from the UK or the US, the Guide Team members all speak conversational level English, the majority of members here are from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's safe to say this is an English-speaking website. How many people are there from Spanish-speaking countries on the leaderboards, judging by country flags in profiles? Roughly 14,000, and I actually rounded up. How many people on the leaderboards, just from France alone? 98,000, and that's rounding down. If you want Spanish trophy guides, find a Spanish website. If you want French trophy guides, find a French one like where Aela was being impersonated at. Japan is actually the largest non-English speaking minority here, judging by the leaderboard numbers.

here i am because unlike some people i'm actually capable of speaking more than 1 language and i don't want to live my whole life in ignorance.

i don't care about the leaderboards and stuff because that depends on many factors, but the real fact is that Spanish is in the top 3 most spoken languages in the world, and that is what i was talking about, i never said anything about implementing Spanish guides in here.

i use this site for my trophies and other Spanish sites for spanish guides.



i'm surprised about how much negativity exist in this site, the OP asked a simple question and world war 3 was created...

i see a lot of donald trump users here...

Edited by smellslikejavier
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Clearly you underestimate Sly's skill set, Doc. He has had so much Spanish Fly, that he's practically Spanish himself..


Spanish is no different from any other language. If PSNP were to allow Spanish guides, it would need to allow guides in every language, which is just a ridiculously bad idea.

Most people are able to read / write English, for those who aren't, tough luck.

Guides must be accessible for the main audience. Creating trophy guides for what... 2% ( this is an estimate, don't carry on on this figure) is pointless.

Okay, but in the PSNProfiles Writing a guide they put "Currently we only accept...." so that means that maybe in the future they can do that. 

the only thing some people don't understand is that Spanish is in the top 3 most spoken languages in the world so it's not that pointless to make guides in Spanish (although there are many other Spanish forums where there are thousands of Spanish guides).


it would be pointless if they made guides in italian, french, german, etc because those languages are only spoken in just a couple of countries, while Spanish is spoken in more than 20 countries.

yes, i'm surprised that there are still some people who don't know that Spanish is in top 3 most spoken languages in the world...

Yeah, and also the "spanish forums" do not have good trophy guides. The trophies that are story-related do not have to be explained, example: play4trophies.com

Just use google to translate the page to Spanish. 


English To Spanish translation is far better than Japanese to English.

I understand English, its only an opinion. It'll be great to have a web site with this update. People who speak spanish (like me) will share our trophy guides. People who do not know english do not have to read them. 

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PSNP is an English oriented trophy website, so it's logical that the guides are all written in English.

Do you know where you can find Spanish guides? In Spanish trophy websites.

In Brazil we have mypst.com.br, there are Portuguese (BR) guides there. I don't use it because i don't like gaming (or playing) with the BRs, but if wanted to, i could.

Yes, that is true but the guides in spanish are very poor. This website can improve that. It's only an opinion

And yet, here you are, as a citizen of Spain and presumably a Spanish language speaker (if the flag of Spain on your profile is any indicator), carrying on a perfectly meaningful conversation in English. The owner of the site is a British citizen, the moderator staff are all either from the UK or the US, the Guide Team members all speak conversational level English, the majority of members here are from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's safe to say this is an English-speaking website. How many people are there from Spanish-speaking countries on the leaderboards, judging by country flags in profiles? Roughly 14,000, and I actually rounded up. How many people on the leaderboards, just from France alone? 98,000, and that's rounding down. If you want Spanish trophy guides, find a Spanish website. If you want French trophy guides, find a French one like where Aela was being impersonated at. Japan is actually the largest non-English speaking minority here, judging by the leaderboard numbers.

I created my psn ID with Spain, I'm living in Colombia and here people only sell PSN Cards in Dollars. So I created a new one back in 2014, with USA.

There's probably spanish trophy hunting sites as well. Not trying to be offensive or rude, but if you want spanish guides why not go look there? Having guides in different languages here would only end up confusing people.

Spanish guides are poor. And as I said, it is only an opinion.

As a Spanish speaker myself, I don't see any particular reason for this. Hell, I always look for English trophy guides as I feel they have more info.

....Or maybe I'm just crazy xD.

In any case, the OP should try to go here or here for his spanish trophy needs. 

THAT'S TRUE. THE GUIDES IN THE SPANISH FORUMS ARE VERY, VERY, VERY POOR. I also prefer to write and follow guide in English. :)

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i'm surprised about how much negativity exist in this site, the OP asked a simple question and world war 3 was created...


It's not negativity. To put it bluntly, when you think about it, it's a pretty stupid suggestion. Looking at some of the comments the OP asked it multiple times before, getting the same answer every time.




You're pretty good at doing these PR speeches. :awesome:

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Hey Pottercito, I know you want to help people out who speak Spanish, but we don't have plans to support guides in any other languages at the moment. Doing that the right way would be more than just throwing a Spanish guide into the new guides page, that wouldn't be the right way to do it as it would be unorganized for both Spanish and English readers, it wouldn't make sense like that. Doing it the right way would take a lot of work, we don't have the infrastructure set in place to divide the guide system into a different language, we don't have a team that can check Spanish spelling and grammar accurately, we don't have guide directions and text in Spanish, we'd have to repurpose the system to display every trophy, description, and so on in Spanish if selected that way, and many, many other variables.


It's actually a lot of work to support a second language on any website. Right now I'd imagine Sly wants to continue improving the site in English before he even attempts to think about repurposing such a large scale system like the guide system for an entirely different language. It's my guess that he doesn't even remotely have plans for that at the moment. I'd say it's not impossible to have such a thing one day and it's definitely a neat idea, but it's also something we just aren't able to support right now. So for now, if you want to publish guides here, they'll have to be in English  ;)

Yes I remember that at the beggining you did not accept one guide in Spanish. ANd then I wrote guide sin English. But I did this post because as you say "for the moment..." you do not accept guides in another language. But it is okay. And I think that if this update becomes available, there will be users that can help reviwing the guide. Also, guides do not have to be all of them in the "guides" section. Spanish guides should be separeted. xD

i think knowing that Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, together with English and Mandarin is something that people teach you in school, so it isn't anything that you shouldn't know by now.


here i am because unlike some people i'm actually capable of speaking more than 1 language and i don't want to live my whole life in ignorance.

i don't care about the leaderboards and stuff because that depends on many factors, but the real fact is that Spanish is in the top 3 most spoken languages in the world, and that is what i was talking about, i never said anything about implementing Spanish guides in here.

i use this site for my trophies and other Spanish sites for spanish guides.



i'm surprised about how much negativity exist in this site, the OP asked a simple question and world war 3 was created...

i see a lot of donald trump users here...

Thanks. It is only an opionion!! Guides in spanish are poor, very poor.

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Dude it's going to happen, you been told No by the Guide Team and it should've ended there. Now you make a topic trying to rally people to support your idea and the majority are not for it. Just end it now, if it comes than good, if it doesn't well too bad.

Okay, I never do this, I was aking, no more. :/

Also I did this because in the PSNProfiles Wroting a guide they put "Currently we only accept..." as I said before. Only an opinion.

Hey Pottercito, you might've forgotten, but we've told you this a couple of times already. Asking the same thing over and over again won't change the answer ;). Guides must be written in English.

I do not remember asking this. This is the first time ;). Or do you say this because once I tried to create one in Spanish? Okay, in that moment I think I can create one in Spanish. xD

Edited by Pottercito_
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If Spanish guides are so bad why are you trying to create more of them?


Shouldn't you first fix the way Spanish guides are created before you try and duplicate them onto a mainly English site?


This all seems a bit silly, there's not enough people who will use these guides and not enough people who will bother to create them properly in the first place, what a big waste of time and resources that would be.

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If Spanish guides are so bad why are you trying to create more of them?


Shouldn't you first fix the way Spanish guides are created before you try and duplicate them onto a mainly English site?


This all seems a bit silly, there's not enough people who will use these guides and not enough people who will bother to create them properly in the first place, what a big waste of time and resources that would be.

Ahh, okay, forgive me. But can someone explain me why there is a section in the PSNProfiles Writing a guide which says "currently we only accpet guides in english..."? That is way I created this post, because of that word. ;)

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Ahh, okay, forgive me. But can someone explain me why there is a section in the PSNProfiles Writing a guide which says "currently we only accpet guides in english..."? That is way I created this post, because of that word. ;)

Maybe they will accept dragon language in the future? xD

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Ahh, okay, forgive me. But can someone explain me why there is a section in the PSNProfiles Writing a guide which says "currently we only accpet guides in english..."? That is way I created this post, because of that word. ;)


Probably an empty meaningless word typed without thinking because that's what came to mind at the time, with no real intention of ever accepting non-English guides. Sort of like when I say "How are you doing?" but don't want to hear about how your dog died and you got fired, because it's a de facto greeting and the proper response is "I'm fine, and you?"

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