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Let's finish Persona 4 Golden.

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Difficulty and Social Link isn't that important. I was pretty overleveled for most of the game, did all dungeons twice to beat the optional bosses, raised Rise's Social Link pretty fast and still got it on my first playthrough on Secret Lab, which I think is as fast as you can get it. As long as you switch up your party frequently and make sure to get Rise's line whenever someone gets an ailment, you'll get it sooner or later.


I think the earliest you can get it is on the Heaven Dungeon, but I could be wrong. Rise's S.Link is at rank 7 right now, but I don't think that makes much of a difference. I still have to go through two dungeons to fight optional bosses, Secret Lab and Heaven, so I'm sure I'll get it or at least hopefully as I'd like to enjoy my second playthrough without having to worry about lines. I guess once I deal with 'whats his face' before the last "real" dungeon, I'll go back and farm for lines.


Ok, nice work with the social links :yay:.


Did you also get lines for beating 2, 3, 4, and 5 enemies with one attack for every character? And hitting enemies with elements they're weak, resistant, and immune against (this also applies for physical attacks)? I believe there's also one for damage being reflected back.


I have the ones for two and the ones for 3, none for 4, and none for 5. Usually the enemy reflects the attack or there aren't enough enemies to kill since the number of Shadows varies. I heard the reflected lines through analyzing already and I believe immune lines work just the same. Rise basically tells me that a Shadow is weak against something at the beginning of each battle. I was in Heaven long enough that I got every monsters weakness / immunity. But, I believe once you get it once in a dungeon prior it doesn't count it again. I could be wrong, but that is just what I think.

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Did you get the escape lines before leveling Rise's S. Links? There are 3 of those.

Then you can have up to 4 lines per element (2 for immunity / 2 for weakness)

There are also lines for when enemies run away (not the hands, regular enemies "The enemy ran away! Now's your chance!").


You can also have lines for when a character hits an enemy's weakness when the enemy is already down and when enemies bring reinforcements.


I can post the list of the lines that got me the trophy if you want.

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I have the ones for two and the ones for 3, none for 4, and none for 5. Usually the enemy reflects the attack or there aren't enough enemies to kill since the number of Shadows varies. I heard the reflected lines through analyzing already and I believe immune lines work just the same. Rise basically tells me that a Shadow is weak against something at the beginning of each battle. I was in Heaven long enough that I got every monsters weakness / immunity. But, I believe once you get it once in a dungeon prior it doesn't count it again. I could be wrong, but that is just what I think.

Some of the dungeons later in the game have enemy formations with more enemies. Also I realized defeating 5 enemies at once isn't possible, because that would lead to an All-Out attack :facepalm:.

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You can post the lines if you want too. I'm not too sure, but I don't have any Persona's that inflict fear. I think one Devil Arcana has one by default, but I am not sure which one. I also think I have each element's immunity / weakness. And, yes, I got the lines for running in battle and one for an enemy escaping (ie. Wealthy Hand), but not for a group of enemies. 

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Yu (26)

No! Senpai...!

Enemy down, nice move Senpai!

Ooooh Senpai! That was perfect!

S-Senpai! Are you okay?

Go Senpai! You rock!

Senpai, you're low on health! Be careful

Senpai no! Please get up!

S-Senpai? Nooooo!

*squeal* Senpai, that was so cool!

That's great Senpai! Go in for the kill!

Get up Senpai! Please get back up!

Senpai, can you hear me? Wake up Senpai!

Someone help Senpai!

That's great Senpai! You really get me going!

*gasp* Senpai, are you okay?

You okay Senpai? Hang in there!

Go Senpai! Keep up the streak!

No, don't get scared! I'm with you!

This feels wrong...Hang in there Senpai!

Senpai's been poisoned! Can someone cure him?

Senpai! Your defense has been lowered!

Senpai! Your agility has been lowered!

Senpai! Your offense has been lowered!

Your persona...Senpai, hang in there!

Awesome Senpai! You really hit it hard!

Whew! You're up! Time for a counterattack!


Yosuke (27)

Y-Yosuke senpai was... cool? No way!

Y...Yosuke senpai! Oh man, oh man!

Yosuke senpai is acting weird!

Yikes! Hang in there Yosuke senpai!

Enemy down! That's the way Yosuke senpai!

Eek! Yosuke senpai! Someone heal him!

Um, Yosuke senpai, your health is really low.

Enemy defeated! Keep up the good work, Yosuke senpai!

Yosuke senpai is injured! This is bad!

Yosuke senpai's lost it!

Ooh, nice move, Yosuke senpai!

Two enemies down! Good going Yosuke senpai!

Wow, Yosuke senpai, out to steal the show, huh?

Oh nice hit! Great move Yosuke senpai!

They've weakened Yosuke senpai!

Three enemies down! Awesome Yosuke senpai!

Keep it up Yosuke senpai! Two defeated!

Woah! That was awesome Yosuke senpai!

Yosuke senpai! Your defense is down!

Yosuke senpai's scared!

Yosuke senpai! Wake up!

Yosuke senpai! Get up!

Yosuke senpai's dizzy!

Yosuke senpai's poisoned!

Yosuke senpai! Your agility is down!

Yosuke senpai! Your offense is down!

Yosuke senpai's persona is sealed!


Chie (25)

Just what I'd expect, Chie senpai! Whoo!

Ch-Chie senpai! Quick, someone heal her!

Guys, Chie senpai's really hurt!

Eek! Chie senpai! C'mon, get up!

Chie senpai's been hit! Hang in there!

Three enemies defeated! Awesome Chie senpai!

That was nice Chie senpai! Lookin' good!

C'mon Chie senpai! Hang in there!

Enemy defeated! That's the spirit Chie senpai!

Now that's a strike, Chie senpai!

Chie senpai's scared!

Enemy down! You did it Chie senpai!

Right on Chie senpai! You're doing good!

Whoa Chie senpai! That's two defeated!

Yesss! Chie senpai's in for the kill!

They've weakened Chie senpai!

Go Chie senpai! Go! Kick some ass!

Chie senpai! Your defense is down!

Two enemies down! Do it again Chie senpai!

Three enemies down! Good job Chie senpai!

You struck its weak spot Chie senpai!

Chie senpai! Your agility is down!

Chie senpai! Your offense is down!

Chie senpai's confused!

Lookin' sharp Chie senpai!


Yukiko (25)

Enemy defeated! Good job Yukiko senpai!

Yukiko senpai! No! Someone heal her!

Yukiko senpai needs help!

Yukiko senpai can't get back up! Come on!

Yukiko senpai's scared!

Wow! Yukiko senpai's scary when she's mad!

Yukiko senpai? Boy, if looks could kill!

Yukiko senpai's persona is sealed!

You hit its weakness Yukiko senpai!

Shouldn't someone heal Yukiko senpai?

Yukiko senpai? Wake up please!

Yukiko senpai, are you okay?

Yukiko senpai's confused!

That's amazing Yukiko senpai! Keep it up!

Yukiko senpai! Your defense is down!

Ahaha, Yukiko senpai, you ARE merciless!

Yukiko senpai's dizzy!

Two enemies down! Great Yukiko senpai!

Amazing Yukiko senpai! Two defeated so far!

Yukiko senpai's poisoned!

Yukiko senpai! Your agility is down!

What a clean hit! You're amazing Yukiko senpai!

Yukiko senpai! Your offense is down!

They've weakened Yukiko senpai!

Yukiko senpai beats the enemy in style!


Kanji (21)

Kanji's injured! C'mon, suck it up!

I wasn't expecting that from you Kanji! Sweet!

You okay there Kanji? Don't strain yourself!

Enemy down! Show them what you got Kanji!

Kanji defeated two enemies! Go team!

Whoa Kanji, are you okay?

That's good Kanji! It's rampage time!

Enemy defeated! Keep up the good work Kanji!

No! Kanji's scared!

Kanji's been hit! Someone heal him!

Awesome Kanji! Show them what you got!

C'mon Kanji! Look alive! Get back up!

*gasp* Kanji's gone berserk!

Whoa! Kanji, that was great!

Kanji's poisoned!

Kanji, wake up! I said WAKE UP!

Kanji can't use his persona!

Kanji's acting weird! Can someone help him?

Three enemies down, that's the way Kanji!

Gee Kanji, don't strain yourself!

Kanji, that was great! You're the man!


Teddie (22)

Whoops...Teddie's gone boneless!

Teddie, are you okay? Someone heal him!

Careful guys, Teddie's health is pretty low!

That was its weak spot! Good going Teddie!

Enemy down! That's the spirit Teddie!

Yikes! Teddie! Someone heal him!

Yay! Keep it up Teddie!

Good going Teddie! Keep it up!

Enemy defeated! Go for broke Teddie!

Not bad, Teddie!

Teddie's dizzy! Can you snap it out of it?

Look at you Teddie! You're rockin' it!

Hey! Not bad Teddie! Keep it up!

Teddie! No! Can someone help him?

Teddie's scared! Calm down!

Nice moves Teddie! Two defeated!

Oh no! Teddie's poisoned!

Poor Teddie's persona is sealed!

Two enemies down! Not bad at all Teddie!

Teddie's acting weird! You should help him!

Hey Teddie! What are you doing?

Teddie's confused! Someone heal him!


Naoto (19)

Naoto kun's weakened! Please help her!

Enemy defeated! Don't stop now Naoto kun!

Naoto kun's bustin' heads and lookin' cool!

Enemy down! Go to town Naoto kun!

Good! Naoto kun! Good! Keep it up!

Wow Naoto kun! You defeated two enemies!

That ruled Naoto kun! Four enemies defeated!

Naoto kun's hurt pretty badly! Can you heal her?

Naoto kun's scared! Snap out of it!

Good move Naoto kun! You're on a roll!

Naoto kun, your agility is down!

Wow Naoto kun! You never lose your cool!

Naoto kun! Naoto kun! Wake up!

That's good Naoto kun! Keep it up!

Naoto kun! Your defense is down!

Uh-oh! Naoto kun's poisoned!

Way to go Naoto kun! You don't miss a trick!

Naoto kun's unconscious!

Naoto kun's acting weird! Quick help her!


Ambush / Reinforcements / Advantage / Escape (24)

Yikes! An ambush! There are two enemies!

Eek, an ambush! There's one enemy!

Yikes! What's with this thing? Don't give in!

Two enemies ambushed you! Hold on!

Be careful! Three enemies ambushed you!

One enemy! It caught us off guard?


Three more on the enemies side. Keep it up!

Two reinforcements on the enemies side!

What's its problem? More incoming!

What? More of them? Gee!

It's calling backup! Hurry up and defeat it!

What? Again? Three more enemies for you!

Huh? More enemies? Two to be exact!

No way, four more enemies are here!


Two enemies, but you have the advantage!

There's three enemies! They're totally open!

There are four enemies! You get to go first!


Okay! I'll look for an opening!

Now's your chance! RUN!

Just hang on... I'll find you an opening!

The enemy's running away! We can do this!

The enemy ran away! Now's your chance!

The enemy ran away! There's two left!

Aw, it ran away! Four enemies remaining!


Strong / Weak / Immune (26)

You hit the enemy's weakness!

Oh, be careful, that one's strong!

Hang on! Cuz this one is going to be tough!


It's weak to electricity! Zap 'em!

Nice! There's an enemy weak to wind!

That enemy's weak to wind, blow them away!

Sweet! It's weak to physical attacks!

Oho, so that one's weak to darkness!

The enemy's weak to darkness, it's doomed!

Whoa, we got one weak to electricity!

Cool! There's an enemy weak to ice!

That enemy's weak to ice! Cool it down!

Hey! The enemy's weak to fire, that's hot!

The enemy's weak to fire, keep it up!

Ah! There's an enemy weak to light!


Be careful! There's an enemy immune to fire!

Hm! Watch it! That one's immune to fire!

Watch it! That one's immune to electricity!

Careful! It's immune to electricity!

Uh-oh! This one's immune to darkness!

Oh, that's not good, darkness won't work.

Whoa there! That one's immune to ice!

Oh be careful! Light's no good on this one!

Looks like that one's immune to wind!

Careful! It's immune to physical attacks!

Look out! It's immune to physical attacks!


Number of enemies (19)

Last one! Go for it!

One enemy on the field! You can do it!

There's one enemy! Hang in there!

Two enemies down!

There are two enemies! Careful now!

Two enemies left! Don't lower your guard now!

Two enemies on the field! Crush 'em!

Just two left! C'mon this fight's not over!

Three enemies down!

Three enemies left. You can win this!

Three of 'em! Don't give up now okay?

Three enemies on the field! Be careful!

Four enemies down!

Four of them! You need to thin them out!

Four enemies left! Don't give up!

Four enemies on the field! Get psyched!

There are four enemies, keep your guard up!

Five of 'em! You're outnumbered!

Five enemies left! Hang in there!


Misc. (16)

Go for it guys, hang in there!

You really hit it hard!

What a clean hit!

Enemy down!

Enemy defeated! You're off to a good start!

Ooh a rare one! Don't let it get away!

*gasp* It got back up! Defeat it fast!

Careful guys! You're really low on health!

Alright! We won! We did it!

Oof! That looked like it hurt!

Yess! We won! Congrats guys!

Beat it to a pulp guys! Keep it going!

Great job!

Ooh! Very nice!

Go get 'em! GO GO GO!

That looked like it hurt!


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It would be great if everyone that's still going for HRF posted the lines they wrote down after getting the trophy at 250 lines. That way there would be some info about which lines count and which don't.

Sort of like cross-referencing? That could be a good idea.

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Thanks for the help with the list of lines PoupiMyu! I'll try to load up my Vita(once I get my Nintendo Wii U and a phone charger so my Vita can have its charger back) and try to work on these lines ASAP. ;)

Man, I was searching for something like this :o This will help a lot, tnks!


Whoa, tnks also PoupiMyu! Surely we cannot miss this trophy now.


I hope it will help both of you.

At least, it shows that it's doable :)

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Yeah, but it only works if people unlocked the trophy at the 250th line, otherwise there could be lines among them that don't count.


I'll be sure to do that. I'm not even sure what number I am on, but I'll keep you posted. Knowing my luck I'll have to start another run JUST for lines.

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I'll be sure to do that. I'm not even sure what number I am on, but I'll keep you posted. Knowing my luck I'll have to start another run JUST for lines.


You can just farm lines instead of doing another playthrough :)


Scratch that, I just unlocked it. I got my 250th line with Kanji killing four enemies in a row. Thank God. 

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