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Client couldn't connect to server error


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  • 2 months later...

When i try to join an online party, i always get the message in the title.

Does somebody here know why this is and how to fix it


Yes. The host must have a direct connection from the playstation to her/his router or must have forwarded the correct ports (or enable upnp). This is mentioned by the developers on the steam forums, BlazeRush is a peer-to-peer network game so they depend on your configuration. Usually when a host has more then 1 player you should have no problems.

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  • 8 months later...
On 5/4/2016 at 4:16 PM, A1rPun said:


Yes. The host must have a direct connection from the playstation to her/his router or must have forwarded the correct ports (or enable upnp). This is mentioned by the developers on the steam forums, BlazeRush is a peer-to-peer network game so they depend on your configuration. Usually when a host has more then 1 player you should have no problems.


This isn't true. The DEVS said sth. like that but they have no idea. In other forums people tested the direct-connection theory as well as other strategies. In most cases nothing seemed to work. Some people can connect even the host hasn't a direct connection. So in the end only 1 thing is for sure: This online mode is completely broken.


Im trying to connect to randoms since 2 days, tried to join about 50 people i would say. No success. Always the same issue. It doesn't matter if there is a lobby with 1/8, 4/8 or 7/8 people. I simply can't join any online lobby. Its sad, the SP is a blast, but they fucked it up with the online mode... Yes im frustrated and angry.

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Tried turning on uPNP on router+PS3 but couldn't connect.


Finally read some where about putting the PS3 into DMZ mode ... and after about 10 tries, it started working!

how bloody frustrating!



edit - found some details here on port forwarding (idk if it works for ps3 version) - https://steamcommunity.com/app/302710/discussions/0/624076027494960141/

Edited by dna0008
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On 7 januari 2017 at 0:41 PM, dna0008 said:

Tried turning on uPNP on router+PS3 but couldn't connect.


Finally read some where about putting the PS3 into DMZ mode ... and after about 10 tries, it started working!

how bloody frustrating!



edit - found some details here on port forwarding (idk if it works for ps3 version) - https://steamcommunity.com/app/302710/discussions/0/624076027494960141/


Yeah, did what you wrote here and it worked. DMZ and uPNP turned on and also forwarded ports and I could join a match. Dont know what did the trick but I have the trophy now and will continue offline. The devs must really test this better before launching games. I cant recall having this much online problems with other games.

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  • 1 month later...

Real annoying shit. Had to borrow my brother's PS, connect it within my home network (so no firewall involved), create an account on his system, download the game, hosting a session with another account and then joining with my original account to get finally the trophy. Took me about an hour, but it was definately better than continue trying to join random sessions for days. And I already tried all the shit with port forwarding, uPNP, DMZ and so on. So having two systems within the same network, seems to be the only foolproof method. But it has to be the same type, connecting from PS3 to 4 doesn't work. 

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  • 1 month later...

I have tried to switch from wifi to cable, I have activated the upnp (although in the internet check it says "not available"), still no success.

I don't know what to do, I had read the the previous posts but since my techological knowledge is bad, I haven't understood what this DMZ is and how am I supposed to open the forwarded ports.


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15 hours ago, VirtualNight said:

I have tried to switch from wifi to cable, I have activated the upnp (although in the internet check it says "not available"), still no success.

I don't know what to do, I had read the the previous posts but since my techological knowledge is bad, I haven't understood what this DMZ is and how am I supposed to open the forwarded ports.


It is very annoying, sorry to give you hope by quoting you btw, but in the meantime i have given up on this game. 

I maybe play some single player on the ps4 because the game is fun to play

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7 hours ago, Lars said:

It is very annoying, sorry to give you hope by quoting you btw, but in the meantime i have given up on this game. 

I maybe play some single player on the ps4 because the game is fun to play

Yes is a funny game, I thought it was the common shit from ps+, but when I played it then I realy enojoyed it...  what I hate the most however is that I can't complete a game not because I'm not skilled enough, instead because of these issues ?.

Now I must give a call to my mother to help me to operate in my modem (to change something that may help) since I don't understand anything about it, otherwise I must find a way to let me borrow a second ps3.

Bullshit powered by Targem Games

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Ok, I managed to join into a lobby and get my trophy, here is what I did:


Your target is to enable UPNP (Blazerush supports a peer-to-peer connection for the online, which is exactly the type of connection that upnp allows) in your router (access to the router settings is quite challenging, only thanks to my mother I managed to find the very secret page to mine), for the rest I think that wifi or ethernet doesn't matter (I used wifi).

Once enabled, change the internet settings in your ps3 to enable upnp there too, then try to get your trophy, then disable the upnp from your pc immediately after that you get the trophy.


WARNING!: I'm not an expert but with alot of researches I realised that UPNP is a true suicide, is a great way to get a virus or be hacked since your router will recognise all the (I don't remember what) as "safe", is at your own risk enable the upnp. Theorically, you need it for 5-10 minutes, nothing else, then after your trophy you can put it off, but there is always a small risk.

Don't surf on internet while your upnp is enabled, focus only on the trophy asap.

Edited by VirtualNight
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On 25-4-2017 at 7:51 PM, VirtualNight said:

Ok, I managed to join into a lobby and get my trophy, here is what I did:


Your target is to enable UPNP (Blazerush supports a peer-to-peer connection for the online, which is exactly the type of connection that upnp allows) in your router (access to the router settings is quite challenging, only thanks to my mother I managed to find the very secret page to mine), for the rest I think that wifi or ethernet doesn't matter (I used wifi).

Once enabled, change the internet settings in your ps3 to enable upnp there too, then try to get your trophy, then disable the upnp from your pc immediately after that you get the trophy.


WARNING!: I'm not an expert but with alot of researches I realised that UPNP is a true suicide, is a great way to get a virus or be hacked since your router will recognise all the (I don't remember what) as "safe", is at your own risk enable the upnp. Theorically, you need it for 5-10 minutes, nothing else, then after your trophy you can put it off, but there is always a small risk.

Don't surf on internet while your upnp is enabled, focus only on the trophy asap.

Thanks for sharing mate, i'm looking forward to try it out. Struggling for a long time now and still no luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 25.04.2017 at 7:51 PM, VirtualNight said:

Ok, I managed to join into a lobby and get my trophy, here is what I did:


Your target is to enable UPNP (Blazerush supports a peer-to-peer connection for the online, which is exactly the type of connection that upnp allows) in your router (access to the router settings is quite challenging, only thanks to my mother I managed to find the very secret page to mine), for the rest I think that wifi or ethernet doesn't matter (I used wifi).

Once enabled, change the internet settings in your ps3 to enable upnp there too, then try to get your trophy, then disable the upnp from your pc immediately after that you get the trophy.


WARNING!: I'm not an expert but with alot of researches I realised that UPNP is a true suicide, is a great way to get a virus or be hacked since your router will recognise all the (I don't remember what) as "safe", is at your own risk enable the upnp. Theorically, you need it for 5-10 minutes, nothing else, then after your trophy you can put it off, but there is always a small risk.

Don't surf on internet while your upnp is enabled, focus only on the trophy asap.

Glad to know that people still work on getting this awful trophy. I had to postpone my approach on getting it cause everyone in the house would have to cancel their internet surfing :) Thanks for sharing this as I thought I needed to put ps3 into DMZ too. I'll definitely try it out and let you know if it worked. What type of "site" was it by the way?

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1 hour ago, The-Smiths-85 said:

Glad to know that people still work on getting this awful trophy. I had to postpone my approach on getting it cause everyone in the house would have to cancel their internet surfing :) Thanks for sharing this as I thought I needed to put ps3 into DMZ too. I'll definitely try it out and let you know if it worked. What type of "site" was it by the way?

I may be wrong (I was helped to find the page) but I think that you need to input in the research bar your DNS, then a website for your modem/router should appear.


I don't know what the DMZ is, but I didn't anything about that.

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  • 1 month later...

I already tried this a gazillion times, with modifications to the router setup, and zilch. Yes the game is fun, but it's sloppy and incompetence of developers not to test their games in real world environments BEFORE releasing it. Even more if they don't correct in due time obvious bugs. A game I won't play more for sure. Pity.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/26/2017 at 3:51 AM, VirtualNight said:

Ok, I managed to join into a lobby and get my trophy, here is what I did:


Your target is to enable UPNP (Blazerush supports a peer-to-peer connection for the online, which is exactly the type of connection that upnp allows) in your router (access to the router settings is quite challenging, only thanks to my mother I managed to find the very secret page to mine), for the rest I think that wifi or ethernet doesn't matter (I used wifi).

Once enabled, change the internet settings in your ps3 to enable upnp there too, then try to get your trophy, then disable the upnp from your pc immediately after that you get the trophy.


WARNING!: I'm not an expert but with alot of researches I realised that UPNP is a true suicide, is a great way to get a virus or be hacked since your router will recognise all the (I don't remember what) as "safe", is at your own risk enable the upnp. Theorically, you need it for 5-10 minutes, nothing else, then after your trophy you can put it off, but there is always a small risk.

Don't surf on internet while your upnp is enabled, focus only on the trophy asap.

Thanks for sharing this great information :thumbsup: 


i shall give this a go to hopefully get this pain in ass trophy, hopefully i can get success like you did.


really wish the devs would have tested there "joke" online servers

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to confirm VirtualNight's method about the UPnP fixing this issue. I just got my trophy and its a big fucking relief! Don't let this 1 trophy sour your experience of an otherwise great single player game. There are 3 main steps that I did to get this trophy to work, 1 of which should benefit your PS3 at all times.


1. Put your PS3 in a DMZ. Google the process, it won't take you more than 30 mins to understand what it is and how it benefits your PS3 and the actual process will take all of 2 minutes. This is what is generally gonna be good for you. I already had mine set up like that since last year. 


2. Put the following Ports in your router's port forwarding settings. Again Google the process, depending upon your router it may be different from others. You need to forward the following ports:
UDP 8766
UDP 14001
UDP 27015-27030.
UDP is the "protocol", just enter the numbers where it says "ports" and assign it to the IP you assigned to your PS3 which has DMZ enabled for it. 

You can delete these port settings later on if you wish. 

3. Most importantly, as VirtualNight said, go into your router settings and set UPnP to Enabled. If it's already enabled just Enable it on your PS3 next, from internet connection settings. Don't connect any other device to the internet once you enable UPnP, immediately disconnect your PC too after enabling it.


Now turn on PS3 and try to find a match in Blazerush. Regardless of if you want to join someone else or someone else wants to join you, it will always connect!

Disable UPnP after the trophy pops. 


Important note about the trophy! 
The trophy will only pop for the player joining the Host and not for the Host himself. My mate, who I joined, didn't get the trophy even after it popped for me. I had to create a new lobby and invite him for it to trigger for him.


After agonizing for almost 5 hours in hopes of randomly connecting with someone I can safely say that the devil is in the details. All 3 of the above steps may not be needed to get your game to connect but considering you would have to directly connect your PS3 to the internet without a router or need to have 2 PS3s to bypass the firewall, I'd say it's better to not take any chances. A simple internal change is a much better alternative and a more plausible one too for the avid trophy hunter.


Good luck all :)

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  • 3 months later...
On 13.08.2017 at 0:22 AM, ZEUS_OfThe_AEGIS said:

Important note about the trophy! 


The trophy will only pop for the player joining the Host and not for the Host himself. My mate, who I joined, didn't get the trophy even after it popped for me. I had to create a new lobby and invite him for it to trigger for him.

Will it count if you're joining player who can't connect to people?

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10 hours ago, The-Smiths-85 said:

Will it count if you're joining player who can't connect to people?

Yes, it will. If your UPnP is enabled and you are able to join an active lobby hosted by someone else, the trophy will immediately pop for you. It doesn't matter if the other player can't connect to other people, YOU have to be the one to join someone, be it anyone, else's lobby to get the trophy. 

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11 hours ago, ZEUS_OfThe_AEGIS said:

Yes, it will. If your UPnP is enabled and you are able to join an active lobby hosted by someone else, the trophy will immediately pop for you. It doesn't matter if the other player can't connect to other people, YOU have to be the one to join someone, be it anyone, else's lobby to get the trophy. 

Well, I didn't define my question properly - I should have used the word "work" instead of "count". Can you connect to people who has firewalled connection? That's how I should have asked the question :P

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On 01/12/2017 at 1:56 AM, The-Smiths-85 said:

Well, I didn't define my question properly - I should have used the word "work" instead of "count". Can you connect to people who has firewalled connection? That's how I should have asked the question :P

Oh.... Well I'm not 100% sure. My friend probably wouldn't know how his Firewall and UPnP is set up so I can't say for certain that only me enabling UPnP set up a 2 way bridge where I could connect to him as well as he could connect to me. 


If the person you are playing with is your friend, try asking if he can enable UPnP in his router settings. I doubt a one way streak i.e only you not having a firewall would still work if both of you needed the trophy. I can't really test this for now as the game for me is done and deleted. 

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On 30/11/2017 at 9:26 PM, The-Smiths-85 said:

Well, I didn't define my question properly - I should have used the word "work" instead of "count". Can you connect to people who has firewalled connection? That's how I should have asked the question :P


1 hour ago, ZEUS_OfThe_AEGIS said:

Oh.... Well I'm not 100% sure. My friend probably wouldn't know how his Firewall and UPnP is set up so I can't say for certain that only me enabling UPnP set up a 2 way bridge where I could connect to him as well as he could connect to me. 


If the person you are playing with is your friend, try asking if he can enable UPnP in his router settings. I doubt a one way streak i.e only you not having a firewall would still work if both of you needed the trophy. I can't really test this for now as the game for me is done and deleted. 

I got this trophy with an attempt to a random, very few people use upnp as standard connection so unless i found one of those few, i'm positive that is enough having the person who is looking for the trophy the upnp activated, the one of the other person who is the host probably doesn't matter, he/she can have any type of connection.

Edited by VirtualNight
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1 hour ago, ZEUS_OfThe_AEGIS said:

Oh.... Well I'm not 100% sure. My friend probably wouldn't know how his Firewall and UPnP is set up so I can't say for certain that only me enabling UPnP set up a 2 way bridge where I could connect to him as well as he could connect to me. 


If the person you are playing with is your friend, try asking if he can enable UPnP in his router settings. I doubt a one way streak i.e only you not having a firewall would still work if both of you needed the trophy. I can't really test this for now as the game for me is done and deleted. 


8 minutes ago, VirtualNight said:


I got this trophy with an attempt to a random, very few people use upnp as standard connection so unless i found one of those few, i'm positive that is enough having the person who is looking for the trophy the upnp activated, the one of the other person who is the host probably doesn't matter, he/she can have any type of connection.


I don't think so, but I may be wrong. I believe it is the host that must be able to accept the connection, not the other way around. I know when I helped a few people with this, the solution was typically me hosting, and having a direct connection to the modem - which bypasses the router entirely. I do believe you are correct about the UPnP, and the port forwarding/DMZ. If you can manage a direct connection, then you don't have to worry about port forwarding, or having you PS3 in a DMZ range.


I believe the last time I tried it, and was not successful, I had disabled UPnP - as it interferes with PSMediaServer functionality.


In any case, I may be wrong, but I'm reasonably certain it is only the host who creates the session that needs the above set up to allow incoming players to successfully join.

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