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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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- He has exactly one suit.

- His shirt and suit jacket can be torn from his body in one stroke, which he does every time he gets into a fistfight.

- Once he tears away the clothes... the opponent immediately falls on his back. Chances of being helped back on his feet by the protagonist are about 50/50.


Absolutely hilarious.
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July 7-9

EyePet & Friends


I'm just visiting family, sipping on a coffee, anticipating going home and inserting the EyePet & Friends disc. I'll admit, I was a pretty big fan of EyePet and played it faithfully for an entire month straight, so the thought of playing this game makes my pickle tickle. :awesome:

I've got Deadliest Catch in its case and back on the shelf and Eyepet & Friends is already removed from the shelf, sitting on the coffee table, and ready to insert/install the moment I walk in the door. :D

I can't wait to share my initial thoughts, so keep it locked to this channel, folks! :dance:
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Ah, Ducktales, now those were the days of kid's cartoons. Gummi Bears, Rescue Rangers...

Truth be told though there's some fun stuff thrown in for the more mature audience in the old Cartoon Network stuff like Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo and Cow & Chicken. To my recollection at least.

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Ah, Ducktales, now those were the days of kid's cartoons. Gummi Bears, Rescue Rangers...

Truth be told though there's some fun stuff thrown in for the more mature audience in the old Cartoon Network stuff like Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo and Cow & Chicken. To my recollection at least.


I only saw a few episodes of the ones you mentioned and none of them got me hooked. Instead I was watching Simpsons and South Park :lol: .

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First up, here's some backstory. I've barely watched any Cartoon Network shows, as I was already in my teens when those became relevant. The few episodes I've seen, I disliked. I grew up with cartoons from the Disney Channel, like Ducktales, Talespin, Aladdin and The Gummi Bears. Now those were the real deal. As a result I know barely any of the characters from this game. Not that it matters much so far...


Ah, Ducktales, now those were the days of kid's cartoons. Gummi Bears, Rescue Rangers...


Did someone say DuckTales? What a strange coincidence. Guess what my current game for the event is.......




Not ready to give my Day 1 thoughts yet since I'm hoping to squeeze in a couple more hours with the game tonight. Let's just say I'm loving it so far though.  <3

Edited by MStalker58
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July 7-9

EyePet & Friends


First off; lol @ Hemiak. :lol:

I came home, popped in the disc, tiny initial install, and here we go! :awesome:

Right out of the gate, the new voice of the franchise has the most irritating voice ever. The first game had some older, gentleman professor. Not this time. "Hey, kids! Are you ready to have some fun?!" Um, not if you're going to keep speaking, sir, no. "Oh, well, guess what, kids?! I'm gonna do a 30 second tutorial every time you click any of the 50 different things on the screen!!!" OMG what did I start? Which button do I press to gouge my eardrums out? <_<

Next step is to calibrate. Point the wand at the Eye and hold the Move button. Beep. Check. Now touch the wand to the floor and hold the Move button. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep BEEP BEEP BEEP OMG HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND THE FLOOR?!?! It's like RIGHT THERE! Touch floor, hold button; this isn't space shuttle engineering. It took like 10 minutes of opening and closing window blinds, turning on and off lights, and holding the Move button at different spots/heights. Not even joking. :facepalm:

Third step is to hatch the egg. "Use the hair dryer to heat up the egg," the souless Ken doll explains. Now we get to experience the depth perception issues. A bazillion years later, we heat the egg enough that it cracks. "The EyePet likes to play a game before he leaves the egg. Just poke the side of the egg where the EyePet pokes." Aaaand the camera isn't picking up my hand movements and the wand doesn't register during this part. My 90th birthday comes and goes and the egg finally cracks open. "But wait, he needs to be petted to fully exit because he's shy."


So help me sweet Jebus, if this little rat doesn't exit this egg in less than 2.1 seconds, I will buy a plane ticket to EyePetsville and kick the developer right in the meat and two veg. :jaymon:

Now, I have a little baby monkey cat thing named Jeffery. He's pink with black stripes and wears a ninja headband. Don't be a h8ter cuz he's fabulous. :P

I check around the menus, check the PS Store for free stuff, go back to the game, recalibrate without an issue, and the trophies start pouring out. Fed him, DING! Washed him, DING! Made a sticker, DING! 11 trophies in 1 hour. B)

The worst thing about this is that I totally forgot how it requires me ol' crippled arse to be sitting on the floor while playing. :(



There are times that simply liking a post doesn't suffice. Couldn't stop laughing and almost couldn't finish reading that post. Seriously, I would read a line, start laughing to the point that I couldn't concentrate to read, stop and collect myself, read another line and start laughing all over again. Kudos.  :awesome:

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I have to be honest. This post made absolutely no sense to me. Seriously, it's like the words are there, but they don't actually go together into anything resembling a coherent sentence. I was convinced you had developed typing Aphasia and had no idea what you were entering into the computer. Then I realized you had made one small error, so I decided to be an awesome friend and fix it for you here...

You're welcome. B)

Super bummed I didn't add this to my list. (/s)

I also finally got around to changing the games in the OP.


First, I'm afraid I'm not that into Bioshock as you (and people in general) are. I might agree with playing a huge game like Just Cause 2 or 3, Fallout or Skyrim for a month, but not a straight forward shooter like Bioshock.


It might be because I got the game too late when graphics had moved on but I thought it was a drab of a sub-standard FPS. It helps that I'm not really into FPS, I am now enjoying DOOM and the last FPS I enjoyed before that was Wolfenstein: The New Order, over two years ago. I tried to get into Bioshock on no less than three separate occasions, never getting farther than an hour or three, four in. I even tried Bioshock Infinite later on to see if updated graphics and a nicer view would do the trick but I got bored about halfway through.


Second, might be because I'm not on forums that much but I don't get "(/s)". Is that like "/sarcasm"?


I only saw a few episodes of the ones you mentioned and none of them got me hooked. Instead I was watching Simpsons and South Park :lol: .


Even though I liked The Simpsons, I somehow never saw anything after the Movie. Currently going through South Park again in preparation for Butthole, I'm at the end of season four. I pre-ordered the collector's edition with the The Coon statuette, I think it's awesome that Europe gets the CE this time around. Would have loved to have Grand Wizard Cartman.


I'm not saying I actively followed those CN shows, just saying they've got their merits. I was getting into a live-action phase at that point actually, watching X-Files, Angel and the likes.


Did someone say DuckTales? What a strange coincidence. Guess what my current game for the event is.......




Not ready to give my Day 1 thoughts yet since I'm hoping to squeeze in a couple more hours with the game tonight. Let's just say I'm loving it so far though.  <3


Such a cool game. Played it again myself this year. I played it on the X360 before and I got it free on PS+ before I owned a PS3 - I was actually looking to get a PS3 because of all the free games I was getting for it, then a friend decided to leave his at my place since he wasn't using it any more anyway.

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The Bioshock thing goes back to earlier this year. When eff did the original event in January it was like the 3rd highest ranked game chosen by other users. It was also the only game out of all 31 he didn't end up playing. It's become a bit of a running joke that it gets suggested regularly. :ninja:

I also know that its not exactly bursting with content. Hell, even with my extremely limited gaming time, I finished it in like 2 weeks, but I was trying to keep my changes to his post minimal, and that's what he had there already. :)

Yeah, the /s is basically, "end sarcasm". After your early glowing Yakuza review, I wasn't too sorry that I went with Dragons Dogma instead. xD


Glad you're enjoying the game. xD Yeah, it definitely doesn't have a rock solid plot, but I found it interesting to see how it all fit together. My wife really enjoyed following along with the game as well.

About ME, I get that it isn't for everyone, and it definitely has a few flaws. I just got so absorbed into the execution of the actual running that the other stuff just didn't seem as important to me. And yes, SMbros, with nothing but hammer Bros would be an absolute nightmare. >.<

I had Ico in the disc tray ready to go at 10:20, when the show I was watching with my wife ended. Then she asked if we could watch one more episode. :( Being a good husband I said sure, and then fell asleep on the couch. :facepalm: I'll get to it tonight for sure.

Edited by Hemiak
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Wild Arms 3


How do I like the game? Well, hard to say. After playing only two of the prologues and knowing as good as nothing about the story and lore of the game I can't realy say anything about liking the game or not.

My main struggle at the moment are the controls. The feel very old after playing modern games but where normal back in the PS2 days.

The controls really feel strange, especially the camera. About the story:

It will take some hours until you will get to know the basics of it. You would have to play at least up to the end of the first chapter to get some basics.


And somehow I can't get the Wild Arms trophy list on my profile here on PSNP :(

AFAIK PSNProfiles only gets the 0% trophy lists when you have at least one trophy after the list was added to your PSN-account. But your first trophy in this game shouldn't be too far away. You will earn one at the end of the prologues. ;)

Ah, if only I hade some classic 2D platformer to enjoy!

Shovel Knight. :awesome:

Or grab the Mega Man Legacy Collection. It's currently on sale in EU and costs only 8 Euros.

Edited by Crimson Idol
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 I grew up with cartoons from the Disney Channel, like Ducktales, Talespin, Aladdin and The Gummi Bears. Now those were the real deal. 


Holy crap, I was catching up on this thread while watching telly, a random episode of The Goldbergs one on, and Adam (one of the characters) started singing the theme tune to The Gummi Bears.  These coincidences really freak me out.  Get out of my telly box voodoo_eyes  :D


Great updates guys.

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