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How do you decide to add or not to add someone as a friend ? [PSN]


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Hello gamer's.

Since most games coop or competitive are 10min per match or till the joining guy gets bored and drops out,

my question is how do you decide to add that player as a friend or not.

Let me explain WTF i'm talking about.

I'm sure allot of you have played games with drop in/out coop and someone joined stay'd for a while and left, but you did not talked to him/her [no in game chat / can't be asked to message or no mic] but the fact that the guy/girl played on your level of skill or he helped you or w/e has determined you to add him or vice versa. IE: You played MK and found a player on your skill level that you fought over and over and over without chatting but you somehow connected and now you became friend on PSN. Or you helped someone in a game and he/she enjoyed your company so much so they added you or vice versa.

In my case 90% of players i meet are just for the moment. Once in a while i find or someone finds me and we game together and we end up playing again another time but that's rare'er then the most rarest Platinum.

So in conclusion. How do you decide??

tl:dr - Go read the title of the thread.

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I'm not too picky. Usually I'll add anybody that I'm in session with for the purpose of finishing that game (in other words: temporary friend). i usually keep them as a friend for a while to see if theres another game we could team up on. Of course, if somebody I know from this site adds me, and I know who they are, I'll add them to the "permanent" friend list ;)

I do not accept friend requests from unknown people that don't tell me why they are adding me. Every couple months, ill go through my list and see who I haven't played with, or seems inactive, in a while and clean my list up.

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I decide by analyzing the way they play the game and their attitude towards other players, including myself. If you have an individual commanding me or other players to do something but being an ass about it, I'm not going to add that person. Say one of the players or myself are confused and that individual is helping or guiding us but not being an ass about it, I will most likely add them. So, I don't add assholes who think they know how to do everything. I'll add almost anyone who knows what they are doing and are genuinely nice or helpful.

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Most are people I know through non-gaming, but there's 1 that felt inspired to add me after some Team DukeMatch (Who I immediately demanded he watch my terrible reviews), and another is a CoD Clanmate of my friend. I don't really socialize very often when gaming, even online. I just don't seem to be able to sit down uninterrupted long enough to justify convincing someone to rely on me.

Don't get me wrong, though, you all can add me if you wish, just let me know you're from this forum and I'll accept.

Edited by siuilarun
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I only add people i talk to previously and/or friends of those people. Blind invites go in the decline pile. I dont accept everyone and kinda picky with people on my list, probably why i have 30 something friends.

Also i delete people often because i find out they're dumb as hell.

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First, they go through the Portal Testing. If they survive the repulsion gel test at the end, they move on to the next round - a televised fight to the death set in a forest in which they must fight other contenders until only 4 remain.

Those 4 then go on to the King of Fighters tournament where they must face Nightmare Geese Howard. The survives the beating the longest [i ask him not to kill] is then given one last test. A simple question of "This sentence is true?". If they get it right, then they are allowed on my friend's list.

Or I already know them from somewhere and add them that way.

Edited by LegendaryWolf
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I have pretty much retired from gaming at the moment (5 trophies in 2 months) so I don't care about this anymore. But I wasn't very picky about friends. I've never been an active online gamer with the exception of SoulCalibur IV (which led to the creation of 119 PSN accounts :lol: ). As long as they don't send spam mail or some shit I'm fine with it. If I can give them a good feeling by adding them so be it. :)

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I'll add anyone as long as I've seen their name before or something in that field. I won't just add blank requests and have 100 friends because I don't know that person much at all. If I know them from some of the forums I post on, I'll add them. If I just got done playing a co-op match and they had a headset and we were chatting and having a good time, I'll add them. It just really depends on the situation. Oh, and I get irritated when you have a guy sitting on your friends list and you've barely talked to them, that results in an instant deletion or if they ask for game-sharing.

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I don't send friend requests to people I meet on games. I only send friend requests to fellow trophy hunters. After I'm done getting a trophy with them, I leave them in the friends list for a while. If I can't remember why I have someone in my list, I delete them (usually because I haven't heard from them in over a month). People who I get along with on forums/chats get a premium membership to being in my friends list.. lucky bastards.

I accept every friend invite from players with trophy lvl 10+ (lower than that are usually kids who wanna have me in their friends list for no reason). If the request is blank, I'll ask them where they know me from or what I can do for them. If the answer humors me, I won't delete them..

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I'll only accept if it is someone that I know from this site or the other site. The only time that I would get flooded with random friend requests was when I played Rock Band. I was good and everyone wanted someone to play with I guess.... got a little annoying. Other than that it's hate mail I get from playing shooters. :(poop

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I'll only add someone if I recognise the PSN ID or if it's someone I recognise from a website. I hated getting random friend requests when I was playing Dragon's Dogma (I'm guessing they just wanted a strong pawn and didn't want to pay to access them). I rarely ever get friend requests, except for the aforementioned time with Dragon's Dogma, which is actually preferable for me, I don't accept friend requests just to help people (or have people help me) get trophies, because I don't really care about trophies.

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Yeah same happens to me in MK, I fight someone and since we are at the same level of skill, is a good and even fight, so I add him/her , and say "GG I enjoy playing with you" they always say the same :) . People add me because they know a friend of mine, honestly, I delete them after a while, they are just there...Also I get a lot of friend request when I'm on playstation home, usually noobs running around. And also on Battlefield 3, if I finish MVP dem noobs want me as friends [AVI.NOPE]

Edited by entimecago
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My criteria is perfecto, they must be a heterosexual who enjoys long walks on the beach. Anyone over the weight of 250 LBS gets an instant reject, no Australian people. Oh! I forgot one thing, i actually add real life friends....... Crazy right? And occasionally friends of friends.

Funny. but i meant people you see random on PSN, ofc everyone adds they'r friends and so on :D

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I never add blank FRs, even if I happen to be playing with them online at the time. If they cant be arsed telling me in game that they are sending me an FR or cant be bothered sending a simple "its me from xxxxxx game" then its going in the bin.

Other than that if I havent gamed with them in 3 months or they aint mates then the "friend" goes in the bin.

with one exception who I waited to to see if they would ever come back online, and after "Over 2 years ago" was the last time they were online that went in the bin too.

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