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Kudos to Plat Achievers


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the only good thing about this game is the music.

because, let's be honest, it's freaking amazing.



How sad is it that the only thing good about the game is one track? Nonetheless, I do like Lightning as a character and I really thought she had the potential to even overshadow Cloud and Squall in terms of popularity, but sadly got the shit treatment. And by that I mean shitty story, linear gameplay, generic and unappealing party members, pretty short in terms of longevity, bad soundtrack except for one, and the list goes on. I don't really see the reason as to why they are still promoting her so much, like in Louis Vuitton advertisements and the upcoming World of Final Fantasy game. With Cloud they have a reason to promote because of the upcoming remake, and people always wanted him as a guest character in Super Smash which also helps the promotion process.

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Actually the game is not lopsided at all. The battle system is one of the most well thought out, innovative and clever ones in the RPG genre. The enemies are incredibly powerful because Square Enix doesn't want you to rush through them like other RPGs allow you to do. You have to think tactics in battle or you'll get utterly wrecked by even the weakest of foes. Experiment with different party paradigms to find the one that works for the current situation. Utilize poisons and speed attacks accordingly with high damage and defensive moves. Using the proper paradigm system will allow you to destroy an enemy with 1000000 hit points nearly instantly.


The game is not the one at fault if you are unable to battle effectively.

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Actually the game is not lopsided at all. The battle system is one of the most well thought out, innovative and clever ones in the RPG genre. The enemies are incredibly powerful because Square Enix doesn't want you to rush through them like other RPGs allow you to do. You have to think tactics in battle or you'll get utterly wrecked by even the weakest of foes. Experiment with different party paradigms to find the one that works for the current situation. Utilize poisons and speed attacks accordingly with high damage and defensive moves. Using the proper paradigm system will allow you to destroy an enemy with 1000000 hit points nearly instantly.


The game is not the one at fault if you are unable to battle effectively.

While I respect the varying opinion, I heartily disagree. I thought battle in this game was atrocious. Mostly, it's painfully easy. But occasionally, the game would throw the spitball curve at you. I remember the Bahamut battle, where my party and paradigms just switch on me, randomly, requiring me to digest all of my new moves before it slaughtered me in a couple of turns.

I also found the hard chapter caps on growth to be a lazy admission of weakness in the system.

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The game is not that difficult if you get to learn the role system.


BTW, is Death were easy to cast, that would ruin the game xD


Death is very easy to cast... You can just restart the fight until you make it. There's no consequence to it. Nor any consequence to dying. So it just comes down to trying over and over until you get lucky. Death doesn't work on all enemies though.


In any case, FFXIII is the easiest main entry in the entire series to date by quite a lot.


It's also dumbed down and missing a lot of stuff that made the previous games so good. The game is not terrible, but it's a bit above average, when so many of the previous games were excellent.

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Platinumed it last night 5 years 5 months after my first trophy in the game. Had to do a second playthrough because I didn't track Treasure Hunter originally :(


This platinum is more annoying than anything. Some bosses and high tier enemies can be frustrating, but there's usually a good enough strategy for them. It's just lots of grinding and getting things to drop. I don't mind grinding, but this platinum requires the kind that makes you feel empty inside when you finish. Like you didn't really accomplish anything. Glad it's done and that I'm able to add the platinum to my collection alongside VII, X, X-2, XIII-2, LR and Type-0.


As for the game, I don't mind it. I consider it a middle of the pack FF game. Far from the worst and far from the best. I feel similarly about VIII, but I rate that one a notch or two higher. I do want to play VIII again. I definitely had the most fun with XIII-2 in the trilogy. Thought Lightning Returns was pretty awful. Overall, the ending to XIII is about as complete as a FF game gets, so the sequels were very much forced.


Very excited for XV! I had a lot of fun with Episode Duscae. Though Prompto was really getting on my nerves. Already challenging half of XIII's cast for the title of "most annoying party member ever."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I did it. I actually did it. I got the Platinum. No words to describe how glad I am that's over. Now, where'd I put the matches and lighter fluid?


Don't burn it. Mail it to me for Xmas.  


Anyway.  I also recommend FF VI, VII, IX and X.  VII was the first one I ever tried and well, got me into the series.  Played Tactics next, and it took me awhile to like it, but now its my favorite.  IX feels like an old school RPG with (then) modern graphics.  X is okay I suppose.  And VI, well if you can handle the graphics, is one of the best too.

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I thought the plat was unattainable at first too but I read some guides and began to actually think strategically, not just focus on damage and healing alone. Leveling up helps too. Once I knocked down some Adamantoise I was good to go. I beat Neochu by spamming death (it was the biggest hurdle for me). 

and to add, I think XIII is the among the best in the series. Lightning Returns jumped the shark though.

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  • 1 year later...
19 minutes ago, Hideoki_AU said:

FFX was a corridor as well.  The difference is the progression in FFX was really non-linear.  FFXIII progression is awful.


Yes, FFX was rather corridor as well. It wasn't as straight line as FFXIII, but it was pretty common complaint back then that they removed things like the world map. Unlike FFXIII, there was lots of side stuff to do, more populated with people, lore to dig into. It frankly had a much better battle system, story and soundtrack. FFXIII just did less and worse at everything.

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3 hours ago, MMDE said:


Yes, FFX was rather corridor as well. It wasn't as straight line as FFXIII, but it was pretty common complaint back then that they removed things like the world map. Unlike FFXIII, there was lots of side stuff to do, more populated with people, lore to dig into. It frankly had a much better battle system, story and soundtrack. FFXIII just did less and worse at everything.

Yep.  Spot on.

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  • 4 months later...

i'm working on plating this one currently myself.... i think i still need eight more trophies before i get the platinum one....


i just got the Growth egg yesterday, so the trophy for fully developing all characters will come in no time, only have to work on the three for each character that are not the main ones... 


for the Titan's Trial i just need to get E1 which is Neochu, so i can unlock that E7 which i don't remember what it's name is..


i'm like 89% through all the Mission Marks, a good amount are 5* in my opinion, i think i might need to wait to get the gold watch item to go back after some unless i change to some of the T1 weapons that i haven't upgraded... i've beaten most of the 7 Undying


no idea how well i'm doing on the Treasure Hunter Trophy... i don't think i've sold anything unless it was more then doubled? but only killed about 5 of the Adamantoise and haven't gotten the Trap catalyst yet :(


Completed Neochu now, and i was reading somewhere that if i do ALL the missions in the Titan's Trials that the Adamantoise get taken out and the Shoulong gui things replace them? or is it the circle of mission stones with mission 62 with it??


Edited by coolsnowvil
didn't wanna double post
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  • 1 month later...

^Yeah, once you complete all the circle missions, the Long Gui and Shaolong Gui replace the Adamantoise/tortoise and the Adamanchelid. The western Adamantoise (the one roaming around), will always stay as an Adamantoise though.


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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I avoided this game for so many years because of all the negativity....But, gotta say it's really not so bad, I mean if it had been called anything other than Final Fantasy, I don't think it would of gotten the hate, yet because it is a Final Fantasy and that usually entails exploration while as this is more like walking down a really long pretty hallway......meh still I LIKE IT, so far


~edit - fuck this turtle grinding, I'm getting arthritis from x spamming.

Edited by Asmund89
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Tbqh the whining just makes me roll my eyes at y'all.


I had a fairly strong dislike of XIII the first time I played it, and I got frustrated & dropped it before the Vile Peaks, because the linearity of the game was driving me up the wall, having been a devoted FF fan for years to that point & being so used to more open worlds than XIII's.


I decided to try again, because I like to have my trophy lists complete... and the second time, I gave it a chance and I warmed up to it. I'm currently working for the plat (I have a lot of health problems, so yes, it's really taken me this long).


As for XIII-2, I actually like the story a lot more than that of XIII, probably because I love time travel in fiction. I've never been keen on Serah, she always irritated me for some reason. Not enough will to stand up for herself. But she gets better, a little bit. I haven't got very far with LR yet - I'm not fond of time limits in games & I want to plat the other two first.

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