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PS4 runs like turd now.


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While my PS4 runs absolutely fine, one of my friend's PS4s runs terribly only because of his internet. Just going through the XMB on his PS4 is super slow just because it's taking a while for the PS4 to get the data that it needs.


Just read the rest of the replies and it seems like quite a few other people are suggesting it. Good luck!

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I've been getting 'please wait' / four face button loading icons a shitload when trying to access anything on my account like settings, update wall, profiles, friend list and PStore since the latest software updates. Worked fine before. Have to log in/out or network test to reset whatever the prob is.


...oh, and when trying to sync trophies it stays at 0%, then suddenly when I check back later it syncs. Used to do it instantly.


When I first got the PS4 I was wowed over difference between PStore loading times and the like. Not so much now...

This guy gets it.  Yep, exactly what I am experiencing.

Things would load instantly with the first PS4 software. 

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Could be.  Shaw loves to throttle.....

Telus is better. We have the Telus 150 and our ps4's run fine, even when both are downloading plus we both are on our laptops downloading music as well. Id even suggest restarting your modem/router once your ps4 is off, and turn it back on once its reset


go to www.speedtest.com to see your internets speed.

Edited by LegacyJKO09
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My PS4 runs well.


But that could have something to do with the fact that I use it as an accessory :awesome:



Joking, it could have something to do with HDR updates for games. If you have many compatible games, PS4 Amateur may need time to adjust.

Should be 60MB Down, barely getting 3-5. 

Edited by DARKB1KE
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Been having a bit trouble on my end aswell, but mostly i've noticed it when I try to load up my trophies, it will just hang for a few minutes and then nothing, then when I try again it usually loads them.

But it feels like the overall smoothness of navigating the menus are lacking a bit too, but that might just be me...

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Its not bad internet or anything like that the UI is just slow as anything, I have a 42Mb connection which fluctuates from 31 to 42MB during peak hours and keeps solid otherwise and does not matter which the UI is still slow, with over 800GB of free space left too on my HDD not to mention that my HDD has a SSD 20GB partition which does ultimately nothing to correct this issue so i think its just Sony. 

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