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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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Hmmm... since the only platinum you have is The Walking Dead and I already have that I'd have to say none, sorry.

Your Walking Dead plat, I really want to play it but it's not out in my country  :shakefist:

Edited by Azaan60
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Very jelous of you're Bulletstorm  :platinum: .I really want to do this plat and 100% someday , hopefully i will find a dedicated partener...


LE:hassr i only needed 2 plays and the stealth one i did it in 3 hrs:)


Good luck finding a dedicated partner, I had 6 different partners for the mp trophies. and Level 65 was very boring.

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Good luck finding a dedicated partner, I had 6 different partners for the mp trophies. and Level 65 was very boring.


I'm Jealous of your Need For Speed Shift platinum I could never really get into it that much and reaching max level always felt like such a grind 



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Your Brotherhood platinum, damn multiplayer trophies  <_<


Haha, I feel your pain...damn multiplayer trophies in general are the only ones standing in my way for several platinums *cough*resistance2*cough*killzone2*cough*. A few others here have the SFIV/SSFIV plats that I'm also very envious of...no small feat. :yay: Not only do I get massively pwned in mp there so no way will I win 10 online ranked matches in a row...or even 1, but those mother-effing hard trials make it impossible for me to ever get (especially since the DS3 controllers are horrible for those games imo and my hands/brain just don't move fast enough :unsure:). SFIV was one of the first games I got, well before I knew what trophies were...because I grew up playing SFII in the arcades way back when, and it's still fun for button mashing against a visiting friend though.


As for Brotherhood, fortunately I got it when the game was still active, 3 months or so before AC:R was released...almost all of it legit, except for one boosting session to get a triple escape and extreme variety for the AEOTM trophy (seriously, the conditions needed to get some of those were ridiculously obscure). But if you need an extra body to get a match going, you can set up a gaming session and I'd be glad to help.


To the next person posting on jealous plats, you can skip over me...I've already had my turn, I just wanted to reply. Heh.

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