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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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I'm pretty jealous of that LittleBigPlanet platinum, mainly because I didn't I haven't had the courage to go for it.


For you, I'm going to say Dishonoured. I still have that game in my backlog, and I hear its a toughy



Haha, I feel your pain...damn multiplayer trophies in general are the only ones standing in my way for several platinums *cough*resistance2*cough*killzone2*cough*. A few others here have the SFIV/SSFIV plats that I'm also very envious of...no small feat. :yay: Not only do I get massively pwned in mp there so no way will I win 10 online ranked matches in a row...or even 1, but those mother-effing hard trials make it impossible for me to ever get (especially since the DS3 controllers are horrible for those games imo and my hands/brain just don't move fast enough :unsure:). SFIV was one of the first games I got, well before I knew what trophies were...because I grew up playing SFII in the arcades way back when, and it's still fun for button mashing against a visiting friend though.


As for Brotherhood, fortunately I got it when the game was still active, 3 months or so before AC:R was released...almost all of it legit, except for one boosting session to get a triple escape and extreme variety for the AEOTM trophy (seriously, the conditions needed to get some of those were ridiculously obscure). But if you need an extra body to get a match going, you can set up a gaming session and I'd be glad to help.


To the next person posting on jealous plats, you can skip over me...I've already had my turn, I just wanted to reply. Heh.


Unreal Tournament 3. That plat can get crazy hard at times.

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Unreal Tournament 3. That plat can get crazy hard at times.


Beating the campaign on insane was definitely challenging (probably the only tough part)! Though you can work through each chapter on any difficulty and just beat the last mission of each on Insane to make it a bit easier...as I've been told after the fact.


Killing a godlike bot 20 times without dying for Untouchable seemed impossible but the cheap way to do it is to set up a deathmatch on the DM-Heat Ray map, use the weapon mutator and set all weapons to Impact Hammer (the bot can only pick up the BioRifle that way)...then just run around for 3 minutes until the Dark Walker vehicle spawns, hop in and humiliate that bot for 20 straight easy kills!


But for the online/mp ones you can actually do them all by yourself against all bots of any difficulty level...all other trophies are just grinds/not much skill needed. This is another nostalgia game for me, fond memories of UT '99 in 16 player LAN parties in my college days. :D

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Haha, I feel your pain...damn multiplayer trophies in general are the only ones standing in my way for several platinums *cough*resistance2*cough*killzone2*cough*. A few others here have the SFIV/SSFIV plats that I'm also very envious of...no small feat. :yay: Not only do I get massively pwned in mp there so no way will I win 10 online ranked matches in a row...or even 1, but those mother-effing hard trials make it impossible for me to ever get (especially since the DS3 controllers are horrible for those games imo and my hands/brain just don't move fast enough :unsure:). SFIV was one of the first games I got, well before I knew what trophies were...because I grew up playing SFII in the arcades way back when, and it's still fun for button mashing against a visiting friend though.


As for Brotherhood, fortunately I got it when the game was still active, 3 months or so before AC:R was released...almost all of it legit, except for one boosting session to get a triple escape and extreme variety for the AEOTM trophy (seriously, the conditions needed to get some of those were ridiculously obscure). But if you need an extra body to get a match going, you can set up a gaming session and I'd be glad to help.


To the next person posting on jealous plats, you can skip over me...I've already had my turn, I just wanted to reply. Heh.


Thanks for the offer but I traded in that game over a year ago. I got the game a few months after it was first released so the servers were busy, but I had read that the AEOTM trophy was near impossible without a headset and I didn't own one until a few days ago, so I gave up and moved on.


If I was to pick a second platinum of yours to have as my own I would have your Uncharted: Drake's Fortune platinum, I played it before trophies and it would be nice to have the full PS3 set of platinums for the series.


Christopher I would have your God of War II platinum, that game and it's sequel are the only games on my list that are less than an A rank  :shakefist:

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From all the platinums you have, I think the one I would like to have the most is BBCS, followed by the MGS HD ones (though I'm working on those with some hope of getting them, while I highly doubt I have any chance to get BBCS platinum, because of the trails... still I'm working on and of for level 50 online, so I can motivate me a bit more for the trials...).

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From all the platinums you have, I think the one I would like to have the most is BBCS, followed by the MGS HD ones (though I'm working on those with some hope of getting them, while I highly doubt I have any chance to get BBCS platinum, because of the trails... still I'm working on and of for level 50 online, so I can motivate me a bit more for the trials...).

I'm jealous of your 2 Demon's Souls Platinums. I've heard that it's good game, but never got it.

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Def W@W, I played that game on 360 and my file got corrupted with only two veteran levels left.


I like your All Stars plat.  I didn't have the money to get the game, and now too many other things have come up that I probably won't ever get around to buying it.

Edited by Sir_Bee
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Metal Gear Solid 4, on my to do list but i've  been delaying it for a while



Both Metal Gear 2 and 3...they're currently sitting on my shelf :holy: 


SIDE NOTE: people, since the updates, your cards all pull up three tabs and it's really annoying...fix that shit simply by re-copying them back into your sigs from the current trophy card page.  Thanks.

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