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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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Entimecago, battlefield 3 hands down especially for 100% plat. Was going to comment on toxi Kirby about mirror's edge 100% that list is brutal for those time trials.


I'm Jealous of your CS: GO platinum as that's a game i'm still yet to play :D 



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What were you going to say :o


Anyways back to the game, I will say your latest plat Deus Ex is the one I am jealous of. It is sitting in my backlog and I will get to it eventually

Oh I was just saying some wierd stuff it didn't have anything about you, if you were wondering :D


L.A. Noire, I really need to get back to that as it seemed interesting enough just wasn't in the mood at the time.

Wow you have very interesting trophies and I can't really pick one, so I say I'm jealous of every japanese games you got there, that I'm never gonna play.

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