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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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3 hours ago, Myu said:

When I played Rebirth 1, I was very confused about the CPU Candidates and several other characters that you can unlock by using Plans towards the end of the game. (Again, that feeling of being totally lost, you know, who are those people??). When I started Rebirth 2 and Nepgear is trying to find the other candidates without knowing who they are, I was, again, confused. Maybe I shouldn't have played PP and Action U before the Rebirth games.  

Yeah, I've only played the first 2 Re;Birth games and Noire, myself. And there are quite a few characters, that I'm not even sure they properly introduce. Whether they first appear in a different game down the line, or they were just added in as more to use, I can't be certain. 


3 hours ago, Myu said:

The characters are funny from time to time but once you get used to it, it gets old pretty quick (like Compa's way of talking, or even Red in Rebirth 2.)

I didn't mind Compa so much, but yeah, the "wifey" shtick got a bit old. 

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1 hour ago, FFHannibal said:

So I know I promised to review Resident Evil and Amnesia: Memories, but I still haven't played Resident Evil more than those first 20 minutes. I'm giving myself till the end of the month to play more and write a review (if I don't feel free to come after me with your pitchforks and torches)


Started with: 42.45%

Now: 41.27%

Game #6: Amnesia: Memories (Vita)


Trophies: 15/26

Playtime: 7+ hours


Amnesia: Memories is another PS+ title. I don't know which month it was exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere in 2016. Amnesia is the first visual novel I've ever played (I think :hmm: ) and let's just say it hasn't exactly convinced me to play more titles like it. Halfway through I also found out there's an anime, but I'm not really sure which one came first I'm just going to guess the game is based on the anime. I'm probably going to go a bit in-depth to explain everything I want about the game, so expect some spoilers (without me using the spoiler tag unless it's actually necessary). Also I've added this bit once I finished writing my piece below and while I might not understand why games like this are made and liked, I'd never judge someone because of what they like. Also if someone wants to explain something to me if it appears I don't really know what I'm talking about (like Myu did with Catherine) feel free, because I enjoyed learning something extra about it :).

Yeah, Amnesia is probably a poor choice for a first VN, it's pretty mediocre all around. Code Realize: ~Guardian of Rebirth~, which was on PS+ the month after Amnesia I believe, is a lot better. It's the same dating guys thing but that one has a focus on the story which is actually really interesting before branching out into the different routes near the end of the game. I'd really advise you to check that one out before you give up on VNs. Other examples of great VNs (even if some of them aren't on PS consoles) are Saya no Uta if you're into some great cosmic horror (pretty grotesque but a true gem), Umineko no Naku Koro ni which should fit your mystery criteria nicely, Clannad if you're into sad romance stuff, Katawa Shoujo if you're into romance with a unique setting (it's about disabled people), or if you're into gore there'd be something like Corpse Party. All of these are great examples of what VNs are capable of. A bit different than your usual VNs would be the Danganronpa franchise which has you trapped in a school with other students trying to kill each other to get out, and you have to find the culprit as well as the mastermind behind it all. I've heard that the Zero Escape franchise is also really great and shares some similarities with Danganronpa, but I haven't played that one yet.


I guess the story of Code Realize could also fit into the mystery genre as you're trying to find out what happened your father and why you're poisonous to everyone around you. Anyways, all I'm saying is that Amnesia is a bad apple in the pile which shouldn't deter you from the genre as a whole. 

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3 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

These guys be talking smack about Amnesia, bruh. Time for fisticuffs! 

I had my fun with the game but I played a lot of VNs that were better than this one, and I feel like it would give the wrong impression to someone who were to play it as their first experience with a VN. I really liked Kent though, he's basically me. ^_^ 

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Just now, xFalionx said:

I had my fun with the game but I played a lot of VNs that were better than this one, and I feel like it would give the wrong impression to someone who were to play it as their first experience with a VN. I really liked Kent though, he's basically me. ^_^ 

Well, otome is pretty niche to begin with. I would recommend Danganronpa, the Zero Escape games, most likely Stein's Gate, and more, myself, before those. But both Lion and I felt Amnesia was better than Code: Realize(although, we seem to be in the minority...). 

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7 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

Well, otome is pretty niche to begin with. I would recommend Danganronpa, the Zero Escape games, most likely Stein's Gate, and more, myself, before those. But both Lion and I felt Amnesia was better than Code: Realize(although, we seem to be in the minority...). 

Huh, really? I guess it's mostly because I'n not that much of a romance guy and I'm more into the games' stories. I'm also a huge sucker for steampunk, so that's a given with Code Realize. :D 

I feel like Amnesia went pretty much all out with romance, while CR was mainly focused on the storyline with the romance only really starting towards the end of the game.

Overall I did think that the Code Realize characters were better written but that may also be because they're basically fantasy characters, which is a setting that I usually tend to prefer above realistic settings. Then again, I also think that Amnesia made me choose things for the good endings, which I would have never chosen if I was the protagonist.

Edited by xFalionx
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@FFHannibal Just like @xFalionx said, Amnesia is really not a good example of what a VN should be (that route with the cage...). I also recommend Code:Realize in the otome genre or Steins;Gate, which is more gender neutral. Danganronpa too. I've read a lot of VNs and this one is at the very bottom of the list, along with Norn9. I didn't like it because it's not realistic enough for me to believe in the story and most routes are way too far-fetched. Also, as a girl, I wanted to slap some faces regurlarly while playing it (main character included). 



On another note, I should be playing Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons right now but I just realized that I had the trial version on my PS3. I've bought the game right away on the PS4 store but there is more than 8Gb to download and it will probably take all night (or even more). I don't know if I'll be able to play it before the 3rd day of the event. 



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1 hour ago, xFalionx said:

I had my fun with the game but I played a lot of VNs that were better than this one, and I feel like it would give the wrong impression to someone who were to play it as their first experience with a VN. I really liked Kent though, he's basically me. ^_^ 

You're lucky, compared to the other ones Kent is a saint and the most normal out of all of them. Thanks for the suggestions too ( @Myu you too), I'll look into them sometime and I won't write off all VNs for now :P.


33 minutes ago, Myu said:


On another note, I should be playing Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons right now but I just realized that I had the trial version on my PS3. I've bought the game right away on the PS4 store but there is more than 8Gb to download and it will probably take all night (or even more). I don't know if I'll be able to play it before the 3rd day of the event. 



Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is amazing. I've played it on PC and while it's short it's pretty great.


Prepare for tears though...

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11 minutes ago, MarkusT1992 said:

I just want to recommend Root Letter.

I don't play much VNs but this one was very interesting for me.

Besids that one I played Higurashi When They Cry, which was good as well. Although I only played a part of the first chapter.


Watched the Higurashi anime which was pretty damn great. It's a spiritual prequel to Umineko, which I mentioned in an earlier post, by the way. ^_^ 

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3 hours ago, DamagingRob said:




These guys be talking smack about Amnesia, bruh. Time for fisticuffs! 


1 hour ago, TigressLion said:


You shall have my blade




And my axe!


11 minutes ago, Hemiak said:


Game 6 (I think) 2 hrs played, 3/12 trophies. 


I got Nova 111 past year on plus and immediately filed it away. After someone else played it in a previous KYC I thought it sounded pretty interesting. 


Yeah it was my #10 for KYC1, though I think others have played it as well in KYC2 (I'm not sure about that one).


Cool game for as long as it lasts, pretty forgettable.

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My first VN was Fate/Stay Night and it left a very strong impression on me. The choices you make actually matter and I was scared as hell most of the times while playing it. I was so afraid of making the wrong choice and dying in an horrible way (again). I still remember that moment when Shirou, the main character, was peacefully strolling down the street and the screen goes suddenly black and "die, die, die, die" fills the screen more and more as you keep clicking. 

I also loved how Taiga would come and scold you right after your death "What were you thinking? Why didn't you run you idiot???" 

That game has a special place in my heart :) 


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3 hours ago, DamagingRob said:

Well, otome is pretty niche to begin with. I would recommend Danganronpa, the Zero Escape games, most likely Stein's Gate, and more, myself, before those. But both Lion and I felt Amnesia was better than Code: Realize(although, we seem to be in the minority...). 


I haven't gone through a lot of otome but there were aspects of each that I liked.  The steampunk atmosphere worked well for Code Realize but I found the stories for all but the Count felt pretty similar to me. Amnesia was interesting with some of the underlying backstory but I thought the cage story was just distasteful and dumb (IMO).  The side characters in Amnesia were generally more interesting than the main ones though.


I found Hakuoki far more interesting than either of these titles, personally. Both the feudal Japan setting for a neat storyline and the characters themselves.

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21 minutes ago, Kevvik said:


I haven't gone through a lot of otome but there were aspects of each that I liked.  The steampunk atmosphere worked well for Code Realize but I found the stories for all but the Count felt pretty similar to me. Amnesia was interesting with some of the underlying backstory but I thought the cage story was just distasteful and dumb (IMO).  The side characters in Amnesia were generally more interesting than the main ones though.


I found Hakuoki far more interesting than either of these titles, personally. Both the feudal Japan setting for a neat storyline and the characters themselves.

I think everyone hated that cage story. Lol. The "Good" ending for that route was really dumb, too.. 


I haven't played Hakuoki.

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2 hours ago, FFHannibal said:

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is amazing. I've played it on PC and while it's short it's pretty great.


Prepare for tears though...


I hope I'll like it :D 


17 minutes ago, Kevvik said:


I haven't gone through a lot of otome but there were aspects of each that I liked.  The steampunk atmosphere worked well for Code Realize but I found the stories for all but the Count felt pretty similar to me. Amnesia was interesting with some of the underlying backstory but I thought the cage story was just distasteful and dumb (IMO).  The side characters in Amnesia were generally more interesting than the main ones though.


I found Hakuoki far more interesting than either of these titles, personally. Both the feudal Japan setting for a neat storyline and the characters themselves.


Hakuoki! Yes! I forgot about this one! I got so obsessed with this game that I actually did some research on the characters, I read history books on this era and I even watched the musicals !

I would love to have a sequel but the only thing they do is try to release it on every available platform. 

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Just now, Fredoline05 said:

Game 7, Day 1: Lords of the Fallen




Time played: about 1 hour


So I went into this game completely blind, having no clue what to expect, many people say it's like Darksouls, but since I never played that either that doesn't help me much. I started the game and got some cinematics, immediately I saw this isn't a game for me. After the cinematics you run around in a room and they teach you how to attack a monster. Ok, so far still good but then. It took me about 10 minutes to find the key to that door, in which I took 3 trophies: 1 for finding your first collectable, 1 for dying a first time and 1 for retrieving your ghost (you go back to the place you died). Once I've opened the door I ran in to a bigger monster, a first boss actually. The rest of the time (50 minutes) I tried to beat that boss without succes. On my best try I managed to get him down to 1/4th of his lifebar. but most of the time I don't even reach half. Games like this are just not my cup of tea and I regret starting it but seeing I did and it's a game for this event I will not abandon it yet. I've got 2 days left and I will try to make some progress. If anyone has tips and wants to help me out I could really use some advice here!

U can do it mate, my motto is never give up u sould make it yours to. It's a tough game but games are ment to be beaten. It's also a good plat for your collection, stick with it.

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