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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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Just now, MarkusT1992 said:

Game #6: Kholat (Day 1)




First off, what is this game? It's some kind of walking simulator with Slender vibes.

You start in a small town? beneath a train. You have no clue what to do. Nothing is told at all, except for the starting cutsceen which explains that in 1959 a group disappeared somewhere around here.

You then start walking. And you walk a lot. Fortunately the walking speed is all right and you can even sprint but only for a short while before you have to catch some breath.

You walk till at some point you fall a little and land at an empty field you can't see shit. After walking around there and probably in circles as well you finally reach a tent. That's where the game actually starts.

You get a map, a compas, a flashlight and a journal. From this point your goal is to walk around in an open world to find notes scattered around. There are different kind of notes to collect. The most important ones are the logbooks. These are needed to finish the game as they explain what happened back then.

Than there are diary entries, articles and reports which give you some more backround information and are needed to reach the true ending.

Each logbook is in some special place like a giant tree or a stone circle. The other notes are at more normal places. You can hear the notes flutter in the wind so you have a clue when you are close to one.

There are also tents around the world which are useed to fast travell between all your discovered tents.


What makes this a bit scarry are orange, shadowy things which will kill you when the touch you. They normaly are around logbook entries, but the apparently can find you when you use your flashlight to much. So far I try to never use it, only in pitch dark places.

Maybe you see why I said it has the Slender vibe. Collecting notes while avoiding creepy things.


I'm following a guid by the way, as I don't want to walk around the whole map several times to find all the 30+ notes. I first played without a guide and found two lodgooks but after learning that I need every note I restarted and followed a guid. I also got a trophy I missed the first time.


This game is based on a real incident that happend in 1959 called the Dyatlov Pass incident (link to the wiki article). I only read the intro text of the article but it sound like an interesting mystery. Nine of the ten people where found dead in a period of four months.


I guess with a guid you loose some of the feeling you would have when you explore this game on your own. Getting scared by the shadow things is part of the game after all.


Trophies: 7/15

Completion: 33%

Time played: I have no clue. Maybe 2h, maybe more?



The only tip I can give you is to take your time. Don't rush at enemies, especially on bosses. Learn their patterns so you know how to evade their attacks. It seems to be difficult at first but you learn how to play fairly quick.

Kholet is a game based on true events I think it's ported from pc and looks amazing and the voice acting by Sean bean is awesome, it's a very good game with a very weird trophy tied to it but none the less good luck on it and while your there don't forget to make a snowman☃

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1 hour ago, Fredoline05 said:

Game 7, Day 1: Lords of the Fallen




Time played: about 1 hour


So I went into this game completely blind, having no clue what to expect, many people say it's like Darksouls, but since I never played that either that doesn't help me much. I started the game and got some cinematics, immediately I saw this isn't a game for me. After the cinematics you run around in a room and they teach you how to attack a monster. Ok, so far still good but then. It took me about 10 minutes to find the key to that door, in which I took 3 trophies: 1 for finding your first collectable, 1 for dying a first time and 1 for retrieving your ghost (you go back to the place you died). Once I've opened the door I ran in to a bigger monster, a first boss actually. The rest of the time (50 minutes) I tried to beat that boss without succes. On my best try I managed to get him down to 1/4th of his lifebar. but most of the time I don't even reach half. Games like this are just not my cup of tea and I regret starting it but seeing I did and it's a game for this event I will not abandon it yet. I've got 2 days left and I will try to make some progress. If anyone has tips and wants to help me out I could really use some advice here!

I havent played this but hundredshe of hours in the Souls series. Everything i have read is that this is a pretty faithful souls clone. If so... Best advice is take it slow. Boss fights are made to be long and methodical. Your shield is your best friend and only attack when you have a window. Take your shots only when you can as the game is designed to punish impulsiveness. 

Good luck!!

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3 hours ago, Hemiak said:


Game 6 (I think) 2 hrs played, 3/12 trophies. 


So far : good but not amazing. 


My thoughts are similar. For me, it was a perfect PS+ throw-in game to fill out the monthly lineup: something I would never buy myself, enjoyed my time with it, fun while it lasted, but nothing special. The unique mechanics of turn-based mixed with real-time gameplay was interesting and memorable, but the rest was pretty forgettable after beating the game. 


On the bright side, it does have some very easy UR trophies. The "Immortal Technique" trophy (for beating the game without taking damage) would have been hard but it is glitched in a good way. All you have to do is simply replay a level after beating the game and the trophy will pop. Uhhhhh.......I mean I totally didn't do that and did it legit. ;)


1 hour ago, xFalionx said:

Game #7: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (on PSVita)

First day
Total playtime: about 3 hours



Well, this surely is an odd game. It's a bit of a mixture between the FPS and Adventure genre, and has you go from town to town to collect bounties. 


I see what you did there. :) Glad you seem to be enjoying the game so far. It was different but I had fun with it. You definitely picked the better Oddworld game to play. Do not......I repeat...DO NOT play Munch's Oddysee and expect something similar just because they are both Oddworld games. Don't be fooled by the name. They are completely different and Munch's Oddysee was a complete borefest that shows its age. Stay far away from that game. Well you can play it if you want, but don't say you haven't been warned. :P

Edited by MStalker58
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I just realised that now with INVI؟IBLE, INC after Tearaway Unfolded, I finally am at a lower completion percentage than at the start of this event... Guys, are you proud of me? Out of the three games I have left to go, I feel like none will actually improve my percentage any more. It's good that I finished Zelda, because now I can really get going on these bigger games.


8 hours ago, Fredoline05 said:

Game 7, Day 1: Lords of the Fallen




Time played: about 1 hour


So I went into this game completely blind, having no clue what to expect, many people say it's like Darksouls, but since I never played that either that doesn't help me much. I started the game and got some cinematics, immediately I saw this isn't a game for me. After the cinematics you run around in a room and they teach you how to attack a monster. Ok, so far still good but then. It took me about 10 minutes to find the key to that door, in which I took 3 trophies: 1 for finding your first collectable, 1 for dying a first time and 1 for retrieving your ghost (you go back to the place you died). Once I've opened the door I ran in to a bigger monster, a first boss actually. The rest of the time (50 minutes) I tried to beat that boss without succes. On my best try I managed to get him down to 1/4th of his lifebar. but most of the time I don't even reach half. Games like this are just not my cup of tea and I regret starting it but seeing I did and it's a game for this event I will not abandon it yet. I've got 2 days left and I will try to make some progress. If anyone has tips and wants to help me out I could really use some advice here!


I played it in KYC2. It is indeed a B-level Soulsborne clone. I got past the second boss during my three days, I never played it afterwards though because I did not enjoy it as much as the beginning of Bloodborne so I wanted to get through that one first.


As others are saying, it's basically a Soulsborne game so you can't just rush through it. Take your time, observe the boss and his move set, and if you still can't beat him then perhaps you'll have to level a bit (I forget, is it possible to grind before you beat the first boss in Fallen? Because in Bloodborne, once you've encountered a boss you can start grinding).


4 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

Game #7

Initial Impressions

Shovel Knight

Trophies: 6/40 (8%)

Completion: 73.51% (-1.62%)


What do you get when Mega Man has a one night stand with Ducktales and that child gets raised by Super Mario 3? Shovel knight of course!


The best parts of those games are all smashed together to get this 8 bit retro love letter. You play as the titular Shovel Knight and go from stage to stage that you select from an overworld map. The stages have a very Mega Man feel to them. Platforming and various different enemies that you encounter which change with the theme from the individual stages. Each stage features a 'Knight' that is the boss at the end. They all have their own powers and design which the stage then takes cues from.

Shovel Knight attacks in two ways with his shovel. A downward thrust like Ducktales is probably the most useful. It doubles as a sort of pogo stick to get through a lot of environmental hazards. He can also swing his shovel to hit enemies. The distance that the swing is effective though is negligible so it leads to getting hit before you can connect with the enemy more often than not.

The game is not easy, but not ridiculously hard either. Challenging but fair. The stages are long and checkpoints are scattered at reasonable points to allow for progression without frustration. Out of the hour I have played, I am enjoying the experience so far. The trophy list is a bear though. It's going to be tough since a lot of the trophies are tied to perfect runs in stages and the game as a whole. This is not a plat I will be earning...


Enjoy :)


I actually saw a moment yesterday to do some handheld gaming and I figured I'd start on Shovel Knight instead of doing more stuff in Zelda.


I really like it, even though 8-bit nostalgia is generally lost on me because games only really became interesting for me once the 16-bit era hit. It does feel right to play this on a Nintendo console, by the way.


I am glad that I don't have to play it on a big television screen though (and that I don't have to look at trophies, though the game on the Switch still has a feats list).

Edited by BillyHorrible
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9 hours ago, Fredoline05 said:

Game 7, Day 1: Lords of the Fallen




Time played: about 1 hour


So I went into this game completely blind, having no clue what to expect, many people say it's like Darksouls, but since I never played that either that doesn't help me much. I started the game and got some cinematics, immediately I saw this isn't a game for me. After the cinematics you run around in a room and they teach you how to attack a monster. Ok, so far still good but then. It took me about 10 minutes to find the key to that door, in which I took 3 trophies: 1 for finding your first collectable, 1 for dying a first time and 1 for retrieving your ghost (you go back to the place you died). Once I've opened the door I ran in to a bigger monster, a first boss actually. The rest of the time (50 minutes) I tried to beat that boss without succes. On my best try I managed to get him down to 1/4th of his lifebar. but most of the time I don't even reach half. Games like this are just not my cup of tea and I regret starting it but seeing I did and it's a game for this event I will not abandon it yet. I've got 2 days left and I will try to make some progress. If anyone has tips and wants to help me out I could really use some advice here!


If I were a sarcastic Souls fan, I'd say git gud :D.

I platinumed this game, so my advises are from experience. My overall tip for this warden (boss) is to dance around him in circles, as close as you can. Most people seemed to use shield, I just roll-dodged. And I think I went actually for middle range, since he uses then his overhead attack that is really easy to dodge and makes him stunned for a second. Get behind him and stab him with power attack (I wouldn't bother with regular attacks). For his second phase just stay as far as you can when he does his whirlwind thing. He does something like four circles in that technique and remains vulnerable when finishes, so go then for a kill. When he recovers, run to the other end of the room and repeat.


Generally, for a starting character I would go for a cleric/faith build. You 


get a hand cannon just before second boss fight that uses faith

 so you can cheese all the bosses with it. As for a platinum run - you have to finish game three times, once with every character type. DO NOT start NG+ as the final boss is a fucking douche that will wipe floor with you in that mode (bizarrely, the rest of boss crew is easier in that mode...). Just start the game anew when finished with last character. Good luck, it's an easy game when you learn all the enemy patterns and tactics.

Edited by zettlock
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12 minutes ago, Pickle2907 said:

Game 7: Invisible Inc

Time Played: Approx 1hr 30 mins

Trophies earned: 2.....A rating!


First Impressions


Well....RL got in the way and I missed a chance to play day 1, and have only had limited time on day 2, so I hope to get a good run on day 3.


Turn based, stealth-oriented. My blood ran cold....I have so many games on my backlog....why the hell did this make it and others didn't? Seeing @BillyHorrible write his first impressions I braced myself for the worst. My last two games have mugged me off a little, why not make it a trifecta. I'm usually impatient and for some reason too clumsy and inept to do stealth games. Turn based means I get to leave my character in the open without considering that maybe an enemy patrol can walk into the room and spot me out in the open. With hesitation and trepidation I fire up the game.......


Which is really quite good! I like the art style and there's plenty going on without it being too complicated. The turorial walks you nicely through the early game mechanics and then there's a lovely little cut scene to start the campaign. I decide beginner is where it's at judging my normal performance with these genres of game. 


I successfully beat the first mission....opening all safes....not getting detected....BAM! 2 trophies. A slight swing in my step, I'm not as bad as I expected. Mission 2....detention centre....opportunity to get a new agent in my squad...I'll take it. Half an hour or so of intense thought, atmospheric, tense music and the objective in sight. What a f@cking IDIOT!!! Why didn't I keep an eye on my power resource. I have none, zero, zip, nada. I need 2 to free my colleague, plus 1 to disable the camera that is blocking my way to the exit of the next room. I've no idea where the teleport pad is and security level is rising while the unconscious guard at my feet is coming to. SLAP! Normality is resumed.....lose that swagger young man, you're as sh!t as you first thought. Abolish your agency, cash in your XP and retry the level. Grrrrr.


Lesson learned....looking forward to my retry!


Yeah I'm playing on beginner as well :)


I've played for 24 hours (in-game) so I have that trophy but I haven't obtained the two that you have. Did a little check of the list now and I guess I'll get 7 trophies at the most.


Hope I can get some more done today/tomorrow.


Also... yeah, I told you during my own review... " just like with Flame Over you end up wanting to beat it even more after it knocks you down" B)

Edited by BillyHorrible
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19 minutes ago, Pickle2907 said:

Game 7: Invisible Inc

Time Played: Approx 1hr 30 mins

Trophies earned: 2.....A rating!


First Impressions


Well....RL got in the way and I missed a chance to play day 1, and have only had limited time on day 2, so I hope to get a good run on day 3.


Turn based, stealth-oriented. My blood ran cold....I have so many games on my backlog....why the hell did this make it and others didn't? Seeing @BillyHorrible write his first impressions I braced myself for the worst. My last two games have mugged me off a little, why not make it a trifecta. I'm usually impatient and for some reason too clumsy and inept to do stealth games. Turn based means I get to leave my character in the open without considering that maybe an enemy patrol can walk into the room and spot me out in the open. With hesitation and trepidation I fire up the game.......


Which is really quite good! I like the art style and there's plenty going on without it being too complicated. The turorial walks you nicely through the early game mechanics and then there's a lovely little cut scene to start the campaign. I decide beginner is where it's at judging my normal performance with these genres of game. 


I successfully beat the first mission....opening all safes....not getting detected....BAM! 2 trophies. A slight swing in my step, I'm not as bad as I expected. Mission 2....detention centre....opportunity to get a new agent in my squad...I'll take it. Half an hour or so of intense thought, atmospheric, tense music and the objective in sight. What a f@cking IDIOT!!! Why didn't I keep an eye on my power resource. I have none, zero, zip, nada. I need 2 to free my colleague, plus 1 to disable the camera that is blocking my way to the exit of the next room. I've no idea where the teleport pad is and security level is rising while the unconscious guard at my feet is coming to. SLAP! Normality is resumed.....lose that swagger young man, you're as sh!t as you first thought. Abolish your agency, cash in your XP and retry the level. Grrrrr.


Lesson learned....looking forward to my retry!


8 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Yeah I'm playing on beginner as well :)


I've played for 24 hours (in-game) so I have that trophy but I haven't obtained the two that you have. Did a little check of the list now and I guess I'll get 7 trophies at the most.


Hope I can get some more done today/tomorrow.


Also... yeah, I told you during my own review... " just like with Flame Over you end up wanting to beat it even more after it knocks you down" B)

Once you get to the final level (at least I think it is, I haven't gotten past it yet), you'll see why this game has such a rare plat. Even on beginner it's ridiculous, I don't want to know what that level looks like on Expert+.


Also it seems I completed two levels on LBP3 and then promptly forgot about it, so it's not an entirely new experience (though I don't know if it counts if I can't remember playing it :hmm: )

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@Hemiak Oh, don't get me wrong. I still fully intend to start Transformers. I just shuffled the deck a bit, so I can play it at the same time as FFHannibal. Shantae was originally going to be my 9th game. I dreaded starting Shantae for the longest time, because of those Ultra Rare speedrun trophies. And it turns out, they weren't so bad. Hell, I had way more trouble with Potion Smotions.. Really do appreciate these events, for pushing me to start some things. :)


Edit: And if it makes you feel any better, I likely will be getting another drop in my completion percentage soon. More Goat Simulator DLC incoming.. That fucking goat. :rolleyes:

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9 minutes ago, Hemiak said:

Isn't one of your remaining games Ultratron? I don't know if you're being ironic but this game can be 100% in under 2 hours and has basically no story. 


I was not being ironic, I knew the main game was short but I saw the low trophy percentages and figured the trophies were super tough.

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5 hours ago, DamagingRob said:

That about sums it up. :P This is pretty much gonna be a final review, 'cause I'm just about done with the game. The only trophy left is for completing the game in under 2 hours, which I'll give a try(at least you can pause the timer, unlike in Resident Evil <_<), but that's not going to tell me anymore about this game than I already know.


There's actually an out-of-bounds glitch you can do to warp straight to the final save room of the game in Risky's lair right after you get the Forest Key. It's a very precise ritual and requires you to use audio clues to void out into the final save room of the game but if you do it right after you get the key, you can get the under 2-hour speedrun done in 1 hour and 30 minutes(which I did). The final genie boss is really tough if you don't have a lot of healing potions but it can be defeatable with only three hearts. ^_^

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:


I was not being ironic, I knew the main game was short but I saw the low trophy percentages and figured the trophies were super tough.

The only reason this game isn't an Ultra common 100% I'd that it was on ps+ and it's a Retro looking twin stick Shooter. I hint a lot of people started it and just said "meh". 

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2 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Yeah, it's pretty unique. Huh, is Much's Oddysee really that bad? What about that New 'N Tasty game?


Yes it is pretty bad and that's coming from someone who absolutely loves platformers (both 2D and 3D). The game is just so painfully slow and boring. Honestly, they couldn't have done a better job of completely sucking all of the fun out of the genre even if they tried. A couple of things I hated the most just to give you a quick glimpse.


First, the simple task of moving in the game is a chore. Your character is literally a fish out of water. Imagine the excitement of controlling a fish on land. Yes, that is how slow the movement speed is when playing as Munch. Sure, they included a wheelchair to make it more bearable, but there is a trophy for not using the wheelchair at all so there goes that. Instead, you get to hop along at the speed of a snail. :angry:


Next up is the combat or lack thereof. The game is 3D platformer but the combat plays more like a slow-paced strategy or puzzle game. You have minimal ways of direct combat and they all suck. First, Munch can drink from a soda machine to get a "Zap" ability that shocks enemies. Sounds like it could be fun but the mechanics and how much damage enemies take are a mess. Basically, the power is timed and you can only get off a few shots before it runs out. Enemies take around 8-9 zaps before dying. Each encounter consists of zapping an enemy...they fall down...wait a few seconds for them to get back up....zap again...repeat this 8-9 times for several minutes until they die...go back and drink another "Zap" and do it all again. Then factor in situations where there are 9-10 enemies and it can take forever. Oh yeah, you will usually die during all of this but the damage you've done to enemies saves. So it's basically the pattern mentioned above with the addition of dying and respawning until you've taken out all enemies in the area.


The other method of combat is possessing enemies. That sounds fun, right? Sure, it can be entertaining at times but most of the time is just as boring. Basically, you possess an enemy, run towards another enemy and start slapping them. What follows is you two standing in place just slapping each other until one of you dies. Usually, the enemy you have possessed dies first so once that happens you possess the next enemy and repeat the same thing until all enemies finally die. That's pretty much the combat in the entire game.


I wouldn't say it is a horrible game, just a boring one and the least amount of fun I've ever had with a platformer. Not to mention that the plat requires multiple playthroughs and several glitched trophies. Hate might be a strong word, but there are 1000's of games I'd rather play than Munch's Oddysee. Don't take my word for it. Just summon @DamagingRob. He played it during the last KYC and I believe he hated it more than I did. :)


P.S: I haven't played New 'N Tasty yet but it is in my backlog. I've been meaning to play it for a while and hopefully will get around to it soon. Surely it has to be a lot better than Munch's Oddysee. 

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Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever go back to Munch's Oddysee. Painful experience. Lol.


In other news, Okage may have just elevated itself to :platinum: status. That ending was fantastic. :,) Boss was a joke, though, after they force you to level your party to 70. Went and stocked up on all kinds of healing items, and didn't use a single one. :lol:

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10 hours ago, Hemiak said:

The only reason this game isn't an Ultra common 100% I'd that it was on ps+ and it's a Retro looking twin stick Shooter. I hint a lot of people started it and just said "meh". 


I thought as long as it wasn't hard then the percentages on PSNP would still be through the roof, like Never Alone which has a super high completion percentage on here even though it's not really a good game.


6 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Yeah, it's pretty unique. Huh, is Much's Oddysee really that bad? What about that New 'N Tasty game?


4 hours ago, MStalker58 said:

Yes it is pretty bad and that's coming from someone who absolutely loves platformers (both 2D and 3D). The game is just so painfully slow and boring. Honestly, they couldn't have done a better job of completely sucking all of the fun out of the genre even if they tried. A couple of things I hated the most just to give you a quick glimpse.




P.S: I haven't played New 'N Tasty yet but it is in my backlog. I've been meaning to play it for a while and hopefully will get around to it soon. Surely it has to be a lot better than Munch's Oddysee. 


3 hours ago, DamagingRob said:

Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever go back to Munch's Oddysee. Painful experience. Lol.


I never played Munch's Oddysee but I've played Abe's Oddysee and the remake (New 'n' Tasty!) and I thought they were excellent, though you shouldn't try the old version at this point i you've never played it, just play the remake right away. I still haven't played any other Oddworld game.


By the way, speaking as a fellow platforming enthousiast, I'm really loving Shovel Knight.

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