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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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55 minutes ago, Hemiak said:

This thread will remain open and in use right up until the next event. People will continue posting updates about games they've returned to and Other random discussions will continue if the past is any indicator. I'll also announce here when the new link is active as well. As long as you check back here periodically you shouldn't miss the next one. 


That's good to hear! I was wondering if the thread would remain open because I intend to plat all the games I started through this event :) 

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10 hours ago, Myu said:


It's interesting to read your review as Conception II is one of my favourites among the dungeon-crawler category.

I don't see how this game can be compared to P4G (except for the fact that they are of the same genre? But then it's like comparing FFXIII to Tales of Xillia). It's been a while but from what I can recall, the gameplay is really not the same. I think Mind=0 was closer to P4G or Shin Megami Tensei than Conception II is.

While the story is not that great (few dungeon crawlers have a good story, unfortunately) I grew very fond of my last generation of children and it was kinda funny to see Mommy, Daddy and their new batch go kick some random monster's ass. I loved the chara-design too. 

I'm still hoping for a sequel :) 



Conception II does use P4G's engine tho. :P

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4 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

Game No. 7

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Trilogy Pack (PS4)





 You are Shao Yun, a young female ninja who jumps, hides, climbs and kills.

Shao Jun is actually an assassin, as the name of the game says. ;)

Fun fact: Shao Jun visited Ezio to learn how to rebuild the chinese brotherhood and get trained right before this game's plot.

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3 hours ago, Hemiak said:

I've been running one every 4 months or so, which puts the next one in July. Was thinking about bumping it to every 3 months after that, but haven't decided fully yet. 



You mean to tell me I only have 3 months to clean up these 10 games before the next event? Trophy ocd kicking in... :blink:

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24 minutes ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Shao Jun is actually an assassin, as the name of the game says. ;)

Fun fact: Shao Jun visited Ezio to learn how to rebuild the chinese brotherhood and get trained right before this game's plot.

It's actually quite interesting how all the Chronicles protagonists are tied into the overarching AC universe.

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My posts and reviews may be a little sparse for a few days.....my 'net has gone down :devil:

This happened to me in the previous event.. Hope you get things sorted soon. 


Have played for exactly 0 minutes, thus far. :/ Really need to get going, after I eat dinner. Sleeping more than usual, and ate chicken noodle soup last night. So, it's probable that I'm a little under the weather. 

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12 hours ago, Myu said:


It's interesting to read your review as Conception II is one of my favourites among the dungeon-crawler category.

I don't see how this game can be compared to P4G (except for the fact that they are of the same genre? But then it's like comparing FFXIII to Tales of Xillia). It's been a while but from what I can recall, the gameplay is really not the same. I think Mind=0 was closer to P4G or Shin Megami Tensei than Conception II is.

While the story is not that great (few dungeon crawlers have a good story, unfortunately) I grew very fond of my last generation of children and it was kinda funny to see Mommy, Daddy and their new batch go kick some random monster's ass. I loved the chara-design too. 

I'm still hoping for a sequel :) 



Actually I've previously compared FFXIII and Tales of Xillia easily since they both suck as JRPGs. It's like two train lines that share a few stops (bad story, unlikeable characters) and while each train line has its interesting trail (FFXIII with its visuals, ToX with its combat), the final destination is still going to suck just like the titular film series and don't get me started on that premise either.


In terms of story it's reminding me more of Persona 3 as the Aegis analogue has already shown up. Torri will probably have as much screentime as the rest of the heroines of this game, which is just her introduction and anything else is up to the player. I do have a few predictions of how the story will go and I'll put into spoilers for those who haven't played Persona 3:

a trio, albeit without a homicidal hippy Jesus lookalike, will show up to hinder the heroes, the enemies originated from the organization after a failed experiment, and the leader of the organization will reveal his scheme to summon something from the ashes of the fallen bosses.


Ugh, I'll have to eventually see how Mind Zero is in terms of ripping-off Persona 3 since MZ's main character looks just like the main character from P3. I might as well spoil it but Conception II is not in my bottom three of the month... for now. I'll try to finish it before July but if the story is insultingly dumb I'll swiftly drop its ranking. I had such low expectations of Sorcery Saga, another dungeon-crawler, and it surprised me in having a simple, logical story. I'll always bring that little game up if a game is going to waste my time with their garbage as I've seen some game stories in desperate need of a second draft or an actual writer(I'm looking at you Shinovi Versus).


9 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:



Want me to spoil it for you so you don't have to play the game any more?


  Reveal hidden contents

There are eventually a couple of chapters in a castle, but it's not Dracula's castle.


In fact, Dracula isn't even in the story at all, unless you think it counts that THE PLAYER CHARACTER WILL BECOME DRACULA, BUT ONLY A LONG TIME AFTER THE STORY OF THIS GAME HAS ALREADY CONCLUDED. A last second plot twist (seriously, it only becomes obvious in the cutscene after the final bit of gameplay has already concluded) that was completely spoiled (if you think about it for a moment) by making Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 where you "play as Dracula!"


By the way, I feel like Mendant wasn't correct in stating that all this game did was steal stuff from God Of War and Shadow Of The Colossus. It also stole from Dante's Inferno.


Yeah, Lords of Shadow's 2 promotional material kind of spoiled that. I doubt I''ll be seeing the type of transformation from Walter White to Heisenberg but more akin to Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. Now I just have to see if Gabriel Belmont is indeed dumberer than Anakin. As for it ripping off Dante's Inferno, ehh. Dante's Inferno ripped off God of War and the only thing I've seen it rip off from Dante's Inferno is the shit boss fights. If there's a cross shaped attack that makes the game into baby mode, then yeah Lords of Shadow ripped off something that made Dante's Inferno unique. If Satan shows up in a speedo with a mouth then I guess Lords of Shadow did remember a bit of Castlevania as Bloodlines had Dracula transform into that.


1 hour ago, Jaguargenie said:

You mean to tell me I only have 3 months to clean up these 10 games before the next event? Trophy ocd kicking in... :blink:

Don't worry about it. In the past two events no one has cleared their lists yet and only a few have been lucky to be half done.

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Yeah, Lords of Shadow's 2 promotional material kind of spoiled that. I doubt I''ll be seeing the type of transformation from Walter White to Heisenberg but more akin to Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. Now I just have to see if Gabriel Belmont is indeed dumberer than Anakin. As for it ripping off Dante's Inferno, ehh. Dante's Inferno ripped off God of War and the only thing I've seen it rip off from Dante's Inferno is the shit boss fights. If there's a cross shaped attack that makes the game into baby mode, then yeah Lords of Shadow ripped off something that made Dante's Inferno unique. If Satan shows up in a speedo with a mouth then I guess Lords of Shadow did remember a bit of Castlevania as Bloodlines had Dracula transform into that.


First of all, what's up with the quoting system not doing names etc in the header anymore?



In both Dante's Inferno and Lords Of Shadow, the endgame is getting your late wife back from Satan, that's what Castlevania ripped off of Dante's Inferno. Of course, Dante's Inferno watched God Of War closely so in a way, it's still ripping off God Of War. It's just that in God Of War, getting back his wife and killing Hades was never the endgame.

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First of all, what's up with the quoting system not doing names etc in the header anymore?





In both Dante's Inferno and Lords Of Shadow, the endgame is getting your late wife back from Satan, that's what Castlevania ripped off of Dante's Inferno. Of course, Dante's Inferno watched God Of War closely so in a way, it's still ripping off God Of War. It's just that in God Of War, getting back his wife and killing Hades was never the endgame.


That's it? I might as well say that Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell ripped off Dante's Infeno with that sole plot point. In the first chapter of Lords of Shadow it's prophecised that the Lords of Shadow's power will save the world and Sir Patrick Stewart said the power could revive her. Jeez, Lords of Shadow ripped-off Revenge of the Sith's story (prophecy of balance in nature, old figure being vague about power that could revive love ones, main character kills/already killed lover)  and who in their right mind would do that.

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Actually I've previously compared FFXIII and Tales of Xillia easily since they both suck as JRPGs. It's like two train lines that share a few stops (bad story, unlikeable characters) and while each train line has its interesting trail (FFXIII with its visuals, ToX with its combat), the final destination is still going to suck just like the titular film series and don't get me started on that premise either.


I enjoyed both of those games actually :P 

But I partially agree with you on the unlikeable characters. In FFXIII, I wanted to strangle Vanille, Snow and Sera but I really loved Fang and Lightning. Fang is still one of my favourites in the FF series (she's associated with Bahamut and her English voice actor doesn't suck for once :D) Same thing for ToX, I didn't like the main characters but the Elize/Teepo duo and Alvin had interesting backgroung stories. 

We're still far from a FFIX. I loved all the characters, the story, the music, the visuals, everything. I wish they'd still make games like that. 


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That's it? I might as well say that Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell ripped off Dante's Infeno with that sole plot point. In the first chapter of Lords of Shadow it's prophecised that the Lords of Shadow's power will save the world and Sir Patrick Stewart said the power could revive her. Jeez, Lords of Shadow ripped-off Revenge of the Sith's story (prophecy of balance in nature, old figure being vague about power that could revive love ones, main character kills/already killed lover)  and who in their right mind would do that.


Can we please stop putting spoilers not in spoilers, some people may still want to play the game.


And that's not just it, as the entire combat system is the same - so it's the full story and gameplay being copied. It's just that Dante's Inferno while Lords Of Shadow does a few forests and a castle first. It's obviously more than just a pacing glance similarity like Revenge Of The Sith.

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2 hours ago, DamagingRob said:




This game is fucking stupid. Do I win an award for shortest writeup? Probably not, so I guess I'll explain why I'm saying this. I played a few hours last night, and am still on Level 3. I technically beat it, and earned the trophy. But restarted 'cause the final bounty got himself blown the fuck up. By the spaceship. That was trying to blow me the fuck up. 



Time played: ~3 hours

Trophy progress: 2/13 for 9%


You are ripping on Star Wars!! In KYC events, that is known as committing 'Billy Blasphemy!' Pepare for the wrath!


Honestly, I have played many Star Wars games in my life but have given up on them, and haven't played any on PS4. They never seem to live up to the billing.  Disappointment began with that arcade game in the 80s. I was barely tall enough to peer through the viewfinder to play as you flew the Death Star destruction mission.  The graphics were basically a geometry project.

  The pod racer on PS2(?) was downright awful. Who was the designer of that vehicle? How are you supposed to market kids toys if they have two levitating engines?!? I'm glad I was childless when that garbage came out and not forced to buy it. 


Best game I can recall was the first Battlefront. Pretty sure that was on PS2.  The heavy MP-based play has made me stay away from the PS4 versions. 


Which leaves me with a question for KYCers - my son hasn't seen a Star Wars film yet so where should I start? (No, we don't live in a cave, he just latched onto Harry Potter first) The New Hope, like my generation was introduced to, or the Episode I Phantom Menace? 

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1 hour ago, PerryToxteth said:

Which leaves me with a question for KYCers - my son hasn't seen a Star Wars film yet so where should I start? (No, we don't live in a cave, he just latched onto Harry Potter first) The New Hope, like my generation was introduced to, or the Episode I Phantom Menace? 

Either would be fine. I watched a New Hope first with my kids, then about half of Empire before remembering just how dark the series gets at that point. My son was only 5 so we didn't finish it. He's 7 now so we need to get back at some point.


We watched Phantom Menace last year and he really liked it. He thinks Anakin is like Luke's brother or something though. :giggle: Haven't gotten around to number 2 yet for various reasons. I then took him to see Force Awakens with my dad and he loved that as well. 


I guess my point is that it's perfectly acceptable to watch them in either order, kids don't really care about continuity. 

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4 hours ago, DamagingRob said:




This game is fucking stupid. 


2 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:


You are ripping on Star Wars!! In KYC events, that is known as committing 'Billy Blasphemy!' Pepare for the wrath!


Honestly, I have played many Star Wars games in my life but have given up on them, and haven't played any on PS4. They never seem to live up to the billing.  Disappointment began with that arcade game in the 80s. I was barely tall enough to peer through the viewfinder to play as you flew the Death Star destruction mission.  The graphics were basically a geometry project.

  The pod racer on PS2(?) was downright awful. Who was the designer of that vehicle? How are you supposed to market kids toys if they have two levitating engines?!? I'm glad I was childless when that garbage came out and not forced to buy it. 


Best game I can recall was the first Battlefront. Pretty sure that was on PS2.  The heavy MP-based play has made me stay away from the PS4 versions. 


He's lucky I don't have a lot of time...


But yeah, the PS2 games are pretty disappointing. My brother had Bounty Hunter for his GameCube and I could not get through it, such a dull game... The last great Star Wars games I played were Rogue Squadron, Shadows Of The Empire and Star Wars Racer for the N64.


I feel like everyone should have tried Super Star Wars though, especially now that it's on the PS4. Epitome of awesome gaming with some nice difficulty to boot.




Which leaves me with a question for KYCers - my son hasn't seen a Star Wars film yet so where should I start? (No, we don't live in a cave, he just latched onto Harry Potter first) The New Hope, like my generation was introduced to, or the Episode I Phantom Menace? 


26 minutes ago, Hemiak said:

Either would be fine. I watched a New Hope first with my kids, then about half of Empire before remembering just how dark the series gets at that point. My son was only 5 so we didn't finish it. He's 7 now so we need to get back at some point.


We watched Phantom Menace last year and he really liked it. He thinks Anakin is like Luke's brother or something though. :giggle: Haven't gotten around to number 2 yet for various reasons. I then took him to see Force Awakens with my dad and he loved that as well. 


I guess my point is that it's perfectly acceptable to watch them in either order, kids don't really care about continuity. 


With my nephew who was six at the time, I wanted the right to introduce him to Star Wars and Jurassic Park, which I was allowed to do as long as I'd put it into context. Of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, I just showed him the cool dinosaur stuff. Of Star Wars...


I knew that a kid that young wouldn't be able to handle Empire (not only is it dark, but everything after Hoth is pretty dull and complicated until the awesome climax) but I couldn't live with myself if I would let him see Phantom Menace first... So we did A New Hope first, which he enjoyed a lot, and the next time he was with us we did Phantom Menace. Next time he's here, I'll do Attack Of The Clones. Force Awakens would be cool but he can't speak English so I'm going for movies with less talking en more action sequences - he just needed to see IV first, it's just right. Once he's a bit older and can read subtitles properly, we'll do the machete order.


P.S. I'm one of those people who thinks Empire is not the best Star Wars movie. I like Hope more for being less dark and slow, and for being self-contained. Rogue One is my second favourite Star Wars movie.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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2 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

You are ripping on Star Wars!! In KYC events, that is known as committing 'Billy Blasphemy!' Pepare for the wrath!


9 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

He's lucky I don't have a lot of time...

Well, I'm ripping on how stupid the trophy for capturing all bounties alive is. It's not that bad of a game. Just a terrible trophy idea, with how dumb the AI is. 


2 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

Honestly, I have played many Star Wars games in my life but have given up on them, and haven't played any on PS4. They never seem to live up to the billing.  

I would highly recommend the KOTOR games, if you haven't played them. It's what Bioware did before Mass Effect and Dragon Age. And they're the best Star Wars games I've ever played. The first 2 Battlefronts were good, too. 

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3 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:


Which leaves me with a question for KYCers - my son hasn't seen a Star Wars film yet so where should I start? (No, we don't live in a cave, he just latched onto Harry Potter first) The New Hope, like my generation was introduced to, or the Episode I Phantom Menace? 

Personally, I like to forget that Episodes 1-3 ever even existed. They should be tossed into a pit and lit ablaze. 

That being said, start with New Hope! 

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1 minute ago, BillyHorrible said:

So then you shouldn't have said "This game is fucking stupid" but "This trophy is fucking stupid".

Well, I explained why I thought it was stupid; because of that dumb trophy. :P This is one of those cases, where a trophy list will make you hate the game. I might end up just doing the rest, and never getting this one. 

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