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"What The Hell Is That Still Doing There" Backlog Event

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30 minutes ago, MarkusT1992 said:

I just completed Doki-Doki Universe. You can move this game to the completed pile whwn you update the op the next time.


I don't know what to play next. Maybe there is something for Falions event.


13 minutes ago, Edunstar84 said:

Next month's theme is to play a game with the Earth (cave/underground) element. Don't know if you own a game like that.


Skyrim B)


And hope you enjoyed Doki Doki, and didn't just play it for the trophies. I enjoyed the meteor tests, thought the rest of the game eas okay until I encountered the poopsnot planet.

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1 hour ago, Edunstar84 said:

Next month's theme is to play a game with the Earth (cave/underground) element. Don't know if you own a game like that.

I know what the them is. ;) I meant that maybe I have a game which counts for Falions and Billys event. If not I have The Legend of Korra for Falion


1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:

Skyrim B)


And hope you enjoyed Doki Doki, and didn't just play it for the trophies. I enjoyed the meteor tests, thought the rest of the game eas okay until I encountered the poopsnot planet.

Skyrim wouldn't qualify for this event. I want a game for both events. B)


Yeah, I enjoyed it. Like you I liked the personality test meteors. They even were somewhat accurate. I liked every planet but if I had to choose one I would say the Japanese planet was the best. The little sushis were great.

Unfortunately I had to replay three planets and don't know why. Probably because the message I got evertime at the start of the game, that there is a newer version save on the servers. The time I had to replay the planets I clicked yes and overwrote my save.


I even considered to buy the DLC to have a few more planets and test but decided against it for now. Maybe sometime later.

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Haven't made any progress in Destiny since my last post since I needed a break, so I decided to finish Rocket League instead. I plan to finish Destiny's story next (or at least play as much as I can be bothered to). Rocket League is a fun game, getting 100% isn't though. Tonnes of grinding solo and way too many DLC trophy packs, pretty glad I'm done with it now. Also want to add my next game after (or during) Destiny, which is Need for Speed: Most Wanted on PS3.

  • Rocket League: 1st Trophy (01/07/16), 100% (01/05/17)
  • Destiny: 1st Trophy (16/01/15), Latest (28/04/17)
  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted [PS3]: 1st Trophy (04/08/13)


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7 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Skyrim wouldn't qualify for this event. I want a game for both events. B)


Shadow Of Mordor then :D great game and very doable platinum.


7 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:


Yeah, I enjoyed it. Like you I liked the personality test meteors. They even were somewhat accurate. I liked every planet but if I had to choose one I would say the Japanese planet was the best. The little sushis were great.

Unfortunately I had to replay three planets and don't know why. Probably because the message I got evertime at the start of the game, that there is a newer version save on the servers. The time I had to replay the planets I clicked yes and overwrote my save.


I even considered to buy the DLC to have a few more planets and test but decided against it for now. Maybe sometime later.


I can't recall exactly but I had a replay problem as well, and I think it was with an online save too.

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Well, everybody should be up to date with new participants all added. Feel free to yell at me if I made a no-no.


Update for myself:


Since completing Black Flag, I've been putting focus on getting through some newer games (This War Of Mine which I started in KYC3 and wanted to get the platinum in, the Uncharted remastered trilogy which I had bought recently...) so I've been not as active for my old backlog. Last I did was playing through Uncharted 4 again and getting a load of trophies I missed the first time around, this would have been eligible for the event if I had done it two months later but coming down from the trilogy, I really wanted to play the one Uncharted game I actually thought was really good.


I played more on the Switch these past few days, mostly because of Mario Kart but also most of Specter Of Torment (all Knight levels finished now, onto the endgame). Might try to get some stuff done today/tomorrow.


On 28-4-2017 at 7:57 PM, LeetWolf2 said:

I managed to play for around 4 hours before deciding I can't be bothered to do any more today. Got 6 trophies (Update Latest: 28/04/17) so I'm pretty happy with that, but I just can't force myself with grinding. It just feels like an absolute chore, and I'm playing the story missions. According to the Destiny tracker I've only played it for 5 hours and 38 minutes altogether. I don't know how I could grind through Warhawk and Mortal Kombat (300+ hours each) but I can't continue playing this for more than a few hours.


Sorry for the mini rant, I just can't stand this game >.<


On 28-4-2017 at 7:57 PM, MosesRockefeller said:

Thanks for the confirmation that I made the right choice in never buying Destiny. I resisted despite all the hype, and I now have one fewer game in my backlog. :)


Same here, I'm usually not into multiplayer games but some stuff pre-release made me think I might enjoy Destiny.


On 28-4-2017 at 7:57 PM, MosesRockefeller said:

I meant to comment on this before. Bloom and Knightly are not great actors, I'll admit. But I liked both of them in PotC because their characters were interesting... until the silly ending Bloom got. I wonder how they'll move on from there. I like what I'm hearing about the 4th one, I'll have to check it out now.


Forgot to respond to this at first, then wanted to respond but real life got in the way.


I actually have it the other way around; I like Bloom and Knightley but I couldn't stand their "we need a boring romance for bland audience characters in this cool pirate movie" plot and characters.


As for Depp (which you talked about somewhere else), I got Depp-fatigue come the first Alice In Wonderland and I still have it a bit, though I did enjoy him afterwards in Mortdecai, Lone Ranger, Rango, Dark Shadows...


21 hours ago, Fitzquaid said:

Hello, thread!  Hope everyone's having a good weekend.


I can finally cross the first game off my list, Atelier Escha & Logy Plus.  I'm saving the plat for Platinum Rain Day (in theory), but everything else is wrapped up.  My NG+ playthrough really wasn't very exciting, but it went quickly enough and there were some fun extra scenes.


On deck next: Divinity: Original Sin for Falion's themed challenge for May, which is a mammoth of a game.  From memory, I left it right after the boss of Hiberheim after many, many hours of play; looking at the table of contents of a walkthrough, that's maybe halfway through.  Hmm.


I'd also like to pick up the original Uncharted just to finish the story.  I bought it with my PS3 back in 2010, but I didn't really click with the combat (and I remember hating some kind of jetski sequence) so I went back to my 360 at the time.  Might go with Easy mode and start over for the experience.


Congrats on the completion, and good luck on Uncharted. I think the series is overrated, it takes itself too seriously and it's best when it's doing the adventure pulp schtick. Uncharted 4 was the first game I really, really enjoyed - with the others, I enjoyed the story and pulp parts just enough to overcome the bland gameplay. I replayed the trilogy on Easy recently and it was weird how many big shooting sequences there still were that made me die over and over again, felt like more trouble than two years ago on Normal (and back then I even switched to Easy for U3). Perhaps now on a second run with my choice of weapons, it's going to be less of a hassle.


9 hours ago, JoaoQuique said:

Small update for me: please move Pixeljunk Shotter from my "game on card (primary list)" to "games working on" list - I will complete it for Monthly Madness also (this game even meets hardcore requirement...).


Really liked PixelJunk Shooter, I should play through the remainder of the game some time.


5 hours ago, LeetWolf2 said:

Haven't made any progress in Destiny since my last post since I needed a break, so I decided to finish Rocket League instead. I plan to finish Destiny's story next (or at least play as much as I can be bothered to). Rocket League is a fun game, getting 100% isn't though. Tonnes of grinding solo and way too many DLC trophy packs, pretty glad I'm done with it now. Also want to add my next game after (or during) Destiny, which is Need for Speed: Most Wanted on PS3.

  • Rocket League: 1st Trophy (01/07/16), 100% (01/05/17)
  • Destiny: 1st Trophy (16/01/15), Latest (28/04/17)
  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted [PS3]: 1st Trophy (04/08/13)


Congrats on your first completion and on being the first to have played through a game in May!

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2 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

I actually have it the other way around; I like Bloom and Knightley but I couldn't stand their "we need a boring romance for bland audience characters in this cool pirate movie" plot and characters.


As for Depp (which you talked about somewhere else), I got Depp-fatigue come the first Alice In Wonderland and I still have it a bit, though I did enjoy him afterwards in Mortdecai, Lone Ranger, Rango, Dark Shadows...

Well, if nothing else, the romance set up a love triangle with Norrington that made him a decent villain. I dunno, I enjoyed it alright. But then I'm a hopeless romantic so I'm pretty easy to please in that regard. :)


As for Depp, I tolerate him best in small doses. He's fun in 21 Jump Street (the movie, not the original show that I haven't seen) because he's only in it for about 2 minutes and (spoiler): 


then he gets killed. :P 

2 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Congrats on the completion, and good luck on Uncharted. I think the series is overrated, it takes itself too seriously and it's best when it's doing the adventure pulp schtick. Uncharted 4 was the first game I really, really enjoyed - with the others, I enjoyed the story and pulp parts just enough to overcome the bland gameplay. I replayed the trilogy on Easy recently and it was weird how many big shooting sequences there still were that made me die over and over again, felt like more trouble than two years ago on Normal (and back then I even switched to Easy for U3). Perhaps now on a second run with my choice of weapons, it's going to be less of a hassle.


You dislike Uncharted? You must be a Xbox fanboy! :P


Seriously though, I do enjoy the series (although I haven't played 4 besides the MP trophies yet). I can't say I'd ever accuse it of taking itself too seriously. Now I could maybe agree with gamers and Naughty Dog taking it too seriously, like it's the best game series ever. But in game? I don't think I agree. Maybe you could clarify what you mean by that? 



On the subject of my backlog, I have just a handful of missions left to be Story Complete in Senran Kagura. I also made some progress in my Shovel Knight New Game+ run. Doing that without dying is no joke! Yesterday I was fighting Treasure Knight and forgot to change to my second chalice after using the first (and believe me, you need both for every boss in New Game+), and I realized I had 1 health orb left when I had almost beat him. I came so close to dying and having to re-do the entire level (since I'm going for the no-deaths run), but I managed to barely use my second chalice in time. 

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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12 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Shadow Of Mordor then :D great game and very doable platinum.

Are there caves in this game? I only played for one or two hours befor I stopped. If it counts for Falions event I might do it beneath The Legend of Korra.

As another game I had Far Cry Primal in mind althought it won't count for your event.


But first I want Yooka-Laylee as my 30th platinum. I hope I can make it.

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30 minutes ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Are there caves in this game? I only played for one or two hours befor I stopped. If it counts for Falions event I might do it beneath The Legend of Korra.

As another game I had Far Cry Primal in mind althought it won't count for your event.


But first I want Yooka-Laylee as my 30th platinum. I hope I can make it.


Yes, there's a bunch of caves in the game, large and small, you can quote me on that to @xFalionx. Don't remember if it's true for the first DLC but at least the second DLC again partially takes place in a large cave (don't know for the DLC challenge if the main game needs to count for the requirement or the DLC as well).


Let me know what you think of Yooka-Laylee. I really want to play it but I'm waiting for the Switch version.

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19 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Yes, there's a bunch of caves in the game, large and small, you can quote me on that to @xFalionx. Don't remember if it's true for the first DLC but at least the second DLC again partially takes place in a large cave (don't know for the DLC challenge if the main game needs to count for the requirement or the DLC as well).


Let me know what you think of Yooka-Laylee. I really want to play it but I'm waiting for the Switch version.

I then might use this game for this month.


I loved the N64 Banjo game so much that I played both many times. They were one of the first games I bought on my 360 plus Nuts and Bolts. And Yooka-Laylee is just like the Banjo games.

The humour is great (at lest for me). The 4th wall is broken many times and I even encountered a easter egg character from another recent game in retro graphics.

Shovel Knight


Like in Banjo there's plenty to collect but you keep the collectibles after dying or leving the level. You don't need to collect averthing in one run like the notes in Banjo.

I don't want to spoil to much but the two worlds I played so far are two completly different enviroments which is great. The characters are diverse and can be anything so far.

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@Edunstar84 will do, my next update should be early next week, or perhaps even late this week.


Update for myself: continued on Witcher III, time will tell if I can complete it without being distracted again. My last trophy before today was two months ago - March 2, the day before the Switch was released. I recall playing a little bit of Witcher either during or shortly after Zelda, but I soon got distracted by other Switch and PS4 games. On the Switch side, after Zelda I played through Shovel Knight, Specter Knight and I started on Blaster Master Zero. On the PS4 side, after KYC3 I did a bunch of games  that did not take me that long (half a day of finishing up This War Of Mine, playing Late Shift, trying Feist and Life Goes On) but the most time consuming were going for the platinum in Black Flag and replaying the Uncharted quadrilogy.


I played through Mario Kart last weekend on 50cc and I have started on 150cc, I'm going to alternate this and Witcher III.

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Hey, people. I just wanted you to know that I'm leaving this site for good or for the time being, so that you don't end up wondering where I'm off to.


I've posted my exact reasoning in a really long post in my own event, but if you don't wanna read that I just want all of you to know that this is a completely personal problem of mine, and that you're still one of, if not the best community out there, and I'll be missing all of you. 

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4 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Hey, people. I just wanted you to know that I'm leaving this site for good or for the time being, so that you don't end up wondering where I'm off to.


I've posted my exact reasoning in a really long post in my own event, but if you don't wanna read that I just want all of you to know that this is a completely personal problem of mine, and that you're still one of, if not the best community out there, and I'll be missing all of you. 

I think you were in the Vita birthday event with me, but I haven't been on this site long enough to really know anyone. But anyway, I agree that it's a great community. Good luck in your personal endeavors. I have a second kid coming tomorrow so my participation will probably slow down a lot. 


As for this event, I completed the story in Senran Kagura this morning. Now I'm working on the Platinum grind, which doesn't seem too bad. 

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On 1-5-2017 at 9:41 PM, MarkusT1992 said:

I then might use this game for this month.


I loved the N64 Banjo game so much that I played both many times. They were one of the first games I bought on my 360 plus Nuts and Bolts. And Yooka-Laylee is just like the Banjo games.

The humour is great (at lest for me). The 4th wall is broken many times and I even encountered a easter egg character from another recent game in retro graphics.


  Reveal hidden contents



Shovel Knight




Like in Banjo there's plenty to collect but you keep the collectibles after dying or leving the level. You don't need to collect averthing in one run like the notes in Banjo.

I don't want to spoil to much but the two worlds I played so far are two completly different enviroments which is great. The characters are diverse and can be anything so far.


I thought Banjo let you keep the collectibles as well...


I don't think that character is a spoiler, wasn't it in the trailers? Or am I confused with Runner3? Anyway I knew he was in there, very popular character to put in your games these days - like Commander Video and Super Meat Boy were half a decade ago.


On 2-5-2017 at 11:47 AM, Edunstar84 said:

@BillyHorrible, Hey I'd like to switch Atelier Ayesha Plus for Dokuro. Very distracting for me to play 2 Vita games at once. 


Updated the OP, just changes for you and me this time.


My update:


Finally got through the main story of The Witcher III. Very glad I have finally played through such a large game. I'll get to the DLC after I have played through Horizon Zero Dawn, so I'm not working on anything for this event at the moment. Not everything has to be work, I realised with the X360 that only making me play old backlog games is a good way to getting me to not want to play any more.

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10 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

I don't think that character is a spoiler, wasn't it in the trailers? Or am I confused with Runner3? Anyway I knew he was in there, very popular character to put in your games these days - like Commander Video and Super Meat Boy were half a decade ago.


Yep, he was mentioned in a trailer and both YCG and Playtonic advertised this collaboration. Personally I hope that I will finish Dirt Showdown in the next few days so I can finally give all my new PS4-games a try, including Yooka-Laylee. xD


And congrats about Witcher. I'm still bugging my girlfriend and asking when she will finally start it.

Edited by Crimson Idol
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45 minutes ago, Vermachtnis said:

Finished Life is Strange.  Now for an actual game.  Time to do Dark Souls.


Ooooh, interactive movie burn!


40 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:


Yep, he was mentioned in a trailer and both YCG and Playtonic advertised this collaboration. Personally I hope that I will finish Dirt Showdown in the next few days so I can finally give all my new PS4-games a try, including Yooka-Laylee. xD


And congrats about Witcher. I'm still bugging my girlfriend and asking when she will finally start it.


Why not start it yourself? Or have you already played through it?

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8 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

Why not start it yourself? Or have you already played through it?


The sole reason why I bought the game was that my girlfriend watched a let's play of the game and the DLCs and liked it so much that she wanted to play it herself (even after watching it for 100+ hours or so). Personally western fantasy RPGs never really appealed to me but I might give it a try myself. Just want to clear some of the shorter games first.

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9 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:


The sole reason why I bought the game was that my girlfriend watched a let's play of the game and the DLCs and liked it so much that she wanted to play it herself (even after watching it for 100+ hours or so). Personally western fantasy RPGs never really appealed to me but I might give it a try myself. Just want to clear some of the shorter games first.


Wel, the game is massive for sure... It's saying something that I will probably get through Horizon Zero Dawn quicker than through the DLC of The Witcher III.

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1 hour ago, vin_rob said:

Do you guys still accept new gamers? =) 

I feel confident answering this one for Billy. Yes, feel free to sign up and if you want add projects you are aiming for or currently working in, though it isn't required. 


Now that I've finished working on Terraria, which I enjoyed way more than I originally expected, it's time to work on some way-back-log.  I restarted Kingdoms of Amalur two nights ago and I'm just about caught up to where I stopped playing... A whole hour and a half into the game. Hoping to make some good progress and maybe even earn the Plat eventually. 


I'll be playing KoA while my wife is awake,  and I think I've decided what game I'll play when she goes to sleep or isn't around. It also counts for this, but I won't announce it until I've actually gone back and tried to progress. 

Edited by Hemiak
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2 hours ago, Vermachtnis said:

I've heard the DLCs are games all on their own.


Yeah especially the second one is supposed to put main games of other franchises to shame in terms of content. Guess I'll find out soon enough...


2 hours ago, vin_rob said:

Do you guys still accept new gamers? =) 




1 hour ago, Hemiak said:

I feel confident answering this one for Billy. Yes, feel free to sign up and if you want add projects you are aiming for or currently working in, though it isn't required. 


^ what he said. If you want to join, then join B) knowing what you want to play next is permitted but not required. WORDS!

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6 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:


I thought Banjo let you keep the collectibles as well...


I don't think that character is a spoiler, wasn't it in the trailers? Or am I confused with Runner3? Anyway I knew he was in there, very popular character to put in your games these days - like Commander Video and Super Meat Boy were half a decade ago.

In the original N64 version you had to recollect avery note after dying or leaving the level. They changed that in the 360 version though.


I didn't know he was in a trailer. I never watched them.

3 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Now that I've finished working on Terraria, which I enjoyed way more than I originally expected, it's time to work on some way-back-log.  I restarted Kingdoms of Amalur two nights ago and I'm just about caught up to where I stopped playing... A whole hour and a half into the game. Hoping to make some good progress and maybe even earn the Plat eventually. 


I'll be playing KoA while my wife is awake,  and I think I've decided what game I'll play when she goes to sleep or isn't around. It also counts for this, but I won't announce it until I've actually gone back and tried to progress. 

Prepare for a very long journey. This game has so much sidequests. When I played it I spend more time doing sidequest than the main quests. Sometimes you have to travell very far to complete a quest.

Very good game though. I enjoyed every minute with it.


@BillyHorrible you can add Shadow of morder to the working on list. After you said there were caves I started to play it again. I allready got more trophies than a year ago. I got 3 today by the way. :D

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