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What should I aim at in my backlog?


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UPDATE: 09/10/2013


Hi all,


I've been getting through a few games recently and am looking for some games to keep me going until PS4!


Games I am playing now:


- FIFA 14 - nearly got the platinum here, will take me no longer than a week!

- Final Fantasy XIII - Started the other day but haven't played much at all...

- Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time - playing on hardest difficulty and have gotten stuck on a spaceship battle against one of the sisters :(


Other games yet to start:


- Far Cry 3 (completed on xbox already though)

- Dragons Dogma


What should I play until PS4 release guys?





Original post:


Hi guys,


I've got quite the backlog developing and was wondering, are there games you think I should definitely play or others I should give a miss? My list is as follows:


Games I'm Playing right now:


- Tekken Revolution - Very close to finishing this one, very nice game considering it is free, never liked tekken titles before but this is okay :)

- Motorstorm: Apocalypse - Getting there with this one, decent game but can be very frustrating!

- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - This game is decent, but i think it would have to be some serious hours put in before I finish this

- Fifa 13 - I started this on ps3 in preperation for Ultimate Team on 14, I've already completed all achievements on the Xbox so not worried about this too much

- Assassin's Creed III - Seriously disappointed with this, played until the end of the story but I won't be picking it up again!


Games yet to be played:


- Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

- Sports Champions

- Final Fantasy XIII

- Gran Turismo 5

- Fallout 3

- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

- Skyrim (Xbox)

- Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

- Shadow of Colossus

- Ico

- Demon Souls (heard bad news about this)


Games I want to buy:


- The Last of Us

- Final Fantasy X HD


What do you guys have in your backlog right now? Also which of these games would you recommend trying to platinum or not play at all?





Edited by Matthew_Banfield
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About Demon's Souls.. I suggest that if you want the platinum then I recommend that you go with duplicating items. If you dupe then you can finish it in pretty much 1 playthrough. Otherwise, you're lookin' at roughly a little over 3 playthroughs maybe more if you screw something up. Duping is an easy thing to do and can be done offline, no help from others needed. If you Youtube someone by the name of Ivan Drago he has a full Demon's Souls platinum trophy guide in where he explains duplicating items as well as world tendency and getting all the items you'll need for the platinum. 

Edited by Vacio_Luna
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Personally I have plats. in Ratchet and Clank:  Crack in Time, Fallout 3, and Uncharted 3.  None of them were too difficult.  If your going for plats. do them.



Ratchet & Clank always wins out :D


I think Ratchet and Clank takes an early lead here aha

Uncharted 3 or Final Fantasy XIII



Uncharted 3, Final Fantasy XIII or Fallout 3. All are pretty fun to play and 2 are easy plat (haven't earned FF XIII so not going judge that one)


With Uncharted, because I have downloaded it from PSN+ am I still able to Plat it? Am I right in thinking that there are only two multiplayer trophies (both quite simple)?

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I think Ratchet and Clank takes an early lead here aha




With Uncharted, because I have downloaded it from PSN+ am I still able to Plat it? Am I right in thinking that there are only two multiplayer trophies (both quite simple)?


You are correct only 2 required for the platinum, others are DLC (not required to my knowledge)

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UC3 and Ratchet and Clank are the shortest and are pretty easy Plats as well

UC3 and Ratchet and Clank are the shortest and are pretty easy Plats as well


You should go for Uncharted 3 and Fallout 3. I am currently trying to finish Killzone 2 just need one more trophy and then Infamous.  


I haven't played 3 but the first two Uncharteds were awesome so I vote UC3!

I'll definitely try those two games (ratchet and uncharted) just worried about my ps+ version of uncharted not allowing me to plat

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I'll definitely try those two games (ratchet and uncharted) just worried about my ps+ version of uncharted not allowing me to plat


To my knowledge the games you get through PS+ (or PSN in general) always are full versions. With online passes and the like. So go ahead :)



Edit: Just remembered, wasn't Uncharted 3 split into multiplayer and singleplayer parts for PS+? if that is the case, I don't know if you can play multiplayer.

I'd say just try it and in the worst case lend the game and finish multiplayer that way.

Edited by Kurorac
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The only game on your list that I played is FFXIII and I didn't really care for it. It takes 80-100 hours for the plat with the last 30 hours being a very tedious and repetitive grind of fighting the same monster like 50 times and apart from really good graphics for it's day it's a pretty boring game.


I did really enjoy Uncharted 2 but I've so far stayed away from 3 because I really like to get 100% in my games and just can't be bothered with all those DLC trophies. But if you don't care about doing the DLC's then that one would be my suggestion. I really doubt the PS+ version would be impossible to platinum, can't say for sure, but I've never heard of such a thing.

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Out of the games on your list I'd go with Gran Turismo 5, but that is purely from an entertainment standpoint as it is probably the hardest to platinum. I'd definitely suggest you but The Last of Us too, it is easily one of the best games this generation.




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There is only one thing to say about Demon's Souls and that is: The game is fucking hard (at first).


There is little to no learning curve with a lot of things that you need to take into account and attempt to understand for several mechanics of the game. Due to this, many people have complained and said the game is terrible, but this is wholeheartedly untrue. You will make a character, the game will turn it into a sheep and then start the game by throwing you into countless rooms full of hungry wolves . . . over and over again. Despite this, it is an amazing game, and beating it or even acquiring the :platinum: will likely make it your favorite one.


With that said, I'd recommend Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception first. You can get the :platinum: with the PS+ version. Sticking in line with Naughty Dog, go ahead and get The Last of Us. Don't think twice about it.


Considering you also want to get the Final Fantasy X HD Collection (I do too), you shouldn't shy away from Final Fantasy XIII (a shorter game and platinum than X will be, for sure!) or Kingdoms of Amalur


ICO and Shadows of the Colossus, especially, are some of the greatest games PS2 ever had. Don't sleep on them. Just be warned, they aren't the easiest of :platinum: 's to get.

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There is only one thing to say about Demon's Souls and that is: The game is fucking hard (at first).


There is little to no learning curve with a lot of things that you need to take into account and attempt to understand for several mechanics of the game. Due to this, many people have complained and said the game is terrible, but this is wholeheartedly untrue. You will make a character, the game will turn it into a sheep and then start the game by throwing you into countless rooms full of hungry wolves . . . over and over again. Despite this, it is an amazing game, and beating it or even acquiring the :platinum: will likely make it your favorite one.


With that said, I'd recommend Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception first. You can get the :platinum: with the PS+ version. Sticking in line with Naughty Dog, go ahead and get The Last of Us. Don't think twice about it.


Considering you also want to get the Final Fantasy X HD Collection (I do too), you shouldn't shy away from Final Fantasy XIII (a shorter game and platinum than X will be, for sure!) or Kingdoms of Amalur


ICO and Shadows of the Colossus, especially, are some of the greatest games PS2 ever had. Don't sleep on them. Just be warned, they aren't the easiest of :platinum: 's to get.

Great run down cheers! Will definitely give demon souls a go eventually, think I will need a lot of hours on my hands to get used to it... Uncharted is everyone's tip so far which is going to have to be the first one I attempt to plat after motorstorm, kingdoms will be a long term project I think.

Sounds like I have to get the last of us, and the final fantasy games will have to be tackled... Bloody hell I've got a lot to get on with! Ico and shadows have always appealed but I never knew whether to give them a go.

Also found out yesterday you can get both the ratchet and clank and jak and daxter trilogy's... Must be done before ps4!

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