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It took me 2 months to find 2 hats, it is almost always really hot where I live and I often wear a hat regardless of my messy hair, whats a comb? I bought these in 2 different stores in Papau New Guinea. It doesn't sound important but that's the kind of thing I buy in different countries and it's important to me.



Do you need a haircut? I need a Haircut

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That question is hard to answer with any accuracy, as there are many standards that can be used to determine whether something is "needed" or not. But if we are speaking from a personal standpoint, no, I do not believe I do. It is just right.


Have you ever attempted to jump off of a sixty-foot high buildiing?

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I really need to answer this one. No, I haven't attempted to jump from a 60 foot building, I have however fallen off a building higher than that. Put me in a Coma for months, then a dribbling mess for months afterwards until one morning the weirdest thing happened. I woke up and said to myself, Holy fuck, you fell off a building. Here's the kicker, I had no voice, my larynx was fucked so it took over an hour for me to get the message across that I was back to normal---ish. Sounds bad but really it wasn't.


Does the existence of uber suck?

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If you're referring to the service that most (practically all) of the taxi companies are complaining about here, I'd say yes, it just doesn't seem trustworthy to me.


What is the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep? For me, 3 days.

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Sometimes when I'm upset, I'll tightly hug my pillow as I fall asleep, crying, drowned in my own tears




So, what is the meaning of life if a chicken is able to successfully interbreed and produce fertile offspring with a Wunderpus Photogenicus?


show working

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History can be painted  into art as art can express the history of one's painting.... so that count as both?  B)


With so many reboots in the movie industry, do you feel it's ruining films in general, disrespect to the original, or let's go all out with huge explosions Michael Bay style?: 

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