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I have 35 games, my first was Far Cry 4. The Last of Us came with my PS4, but I'm counting the first game that I actually purchased.

I don't think that he meant intentionally cut yourself, haha.

Same question.

Exactly, I just took the format of your question hehe


Gunblade for the win! ;)

Have you ever played spin the bottle

  Well, nope, I studied in a Male only High school.


Which artistic sport is your favorite to watch? synch swimming? ice skating? acrobatic gymnastics?

Edited by GoldenShaka
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Lol ya that would put a damper on spin the bottle if you're straight! (Edit: Btw just reread this and saw it could be taken wrong, there is no offense whatsoever to anyone!) :)

Ice skating absolutely, I remember watching Kristi Yamaguchi, Michelle Kwan, Hughs, and having a crush on Sasha.

One of your most scared moments

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I'm easily scared, so when isn't a scary moment? :P  I'll go with the time I was in a closed room at night and told my cat was out in the hallway.. then my cat meowed behind me. Black cat in a dark room = mind tricks. Basically, the cat snuck in before the door closed and we didn't know.


If you could be any character in any game, who would you want to be?

Edited by Royalredpanda
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Ohhh... that's hard... I think I will go with a rental store in my town. So many games and movies. Wish it was still open. Discovered some of my favorite games and movies there.


Speaking of stores, what was your favorite store/ rental store that got closed down?

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I used to be proficient at Trumpet. Can't play at all anymore, but I remember the scales like the back of my hand. I wish/hope to be able to play piano at some point in my life.

How many animals do you have if any?

Edited by Dav9834
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I'll assume you're just repeating the question so... Armored Core: Verdict Day (Since I knew it was just a continuation of the worst Armored Core game, Armored Core V).


Have you ever asked someone for help in regards to a game only to figure it out yourself almost immediately after?

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Yes when i first played Dark Souls i didn't know what to do at the intro boss. So i posted a question on a forum (not this one) on how to kill it or what to do. After i posted it, i tried to kill it again, and it slammed me to the left of the room, where to door was. I felt pretty stupid when i knew you just had to run that way through the door :P


If you had to change your real name, what would you change it to?

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I'll assume you're just repeating the question so... Armored Core: Verdict Day (Since I knew it was just a continuation of the worst Armored Core game, Armored Core V).

:facepalm: I was half asleep! Sorry! I'm coming up with a new illness "Sleep PSNP Posting"

"Reflect on your... Childhood...

Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions...

Time, it will not wait...

No matter how hard you hold on...it escapes you."


Currently thinking about besides this post

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