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Favorite Sega Franchise?


Favorite Sega Franchise?  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Sega Franchise?

    • Bayonetta
    • Phantasy Star
    • Shenmue
    • Shinobi
    • Sonic The Hedgehog
    • Super Monkey Ball
    • The House Of The Dead
    • Valkyria Chronicles
    • Virtua Fighter
    • Yakuza
    • Other (Leave Comment)

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15 minutes ago, Undead Wolf said:

Sega has a lot of great franchises but Sonic isn't one of them. :P


If I had to choose one, I'd go with Yakuza. I adore that series. Shout out to the Hatsune Miku and Valkyria franchises too. Awesome games.


Sonic is objectively one of them, the sales prove it. Just cause you dont like Sonic doesnt mean it's bad. Mechanically, graphically, and gameplay wise, they tend to be consistently very good actually, even the odd Werehog concept. We havent gotten a Sonic 06 or Shadow the Hedgehog since those games

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1 hour ago, Mar said:

Sonic is objectively one of them, the sales prove it. Just cause you dont like Sonic doesnt mean it's bad. Mechanically, graphically, and gameplay wise, they tend to be consistently very good actually, even the odd Werehog concept. We havent gotten a Sonic 06 or Shadow the Hedgehog since those games


Oh look, you continue to misuse the word "objectively". How cute.

Edited by Undead Wolf
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Good Sonic. Like Generations, man that game is incredible [other than the final boss].

Outside that, Bayonetta, Ristar and Phantasy Star are up there.

2 hours ago, Mar said:


Sonic is objectively one of them, the sales prove it. Just cause you dont like Sonic doesnt mean it's bad. Mechanically, graphically, and gameplay wise, they tend to be consistently very good actually, even the odd Werehog concept. We havent gotten a Sonic 06 or Shadow the Hedgehog since those games

Boom [Wii U] is arguably the level of Sonic '06. Never played Shadow, but it doesn't even look that bad to me.

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8 hours ago, Elvick_ said:


Boom [Wii U] is arguably the level of Sonic '06. Never played Shadow, but it doesn't even look that bad to me.


I thought Boom series was irrelevant, because its not canon to the mainline Sonic series nor is it made by the devs who makes the mainline console games, but realizing that Sega is still the publisher makes it count I guess, fuck. This is one of those examples where you need exp playing to know why it was bad. The controls werent as good as heroes or adventures (it came after those titles) and there were issues with the story and plot concepts. Theres more but thats all I can accurately remember.


Gens will never be my fav because

it takes assets from previous installments and uses them to be this fantastic game, creating a less unique and innovative (installment) sequel to Unleased. (Pretty overrated for a game which only praiseworthy and enjoyable aspect is its gameplay, and copied/pasted levels. Then again, it's a Sonic game, where people play solely for the GP, despite the consistent focus on storytelling, everytime.) The incredibly weaker production values, boring storyline, horrible voice acting, script, classic Sonic's bland character made me have to rely on the GP to stay motivated, whereas Unleashed's completely new concepts, entertaining story, and gameplay kept me going, all with a decent script and good voice acting that doesnt make me want to hit the mute button. Werehog was a turn off at first, concept wise as the gameplay was very good, till I realized the upgrades made the levels and combat much better on reruns. Without a second PT of SU, the score a lot people give the game is simply inaccurate. Werehog sucks at first because its new, you know no combos and enemies weakness, and youre under-leveled, plus other stuff.

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12 hours ago, Mar said:


Sonic is objectively one of them, the sales prove it. Just cause you dont like Sonic doesnt mean it's bad. Mechanically, graphically, and gameplay wise, they tend to be consistently very good actually, even the odd Werehog concept. We havent gotten a Sonic 06 or Shadow the Hedgehog since those games


Critical reception of PS3 titles doesn't back your statement.

11 hours ago, Undead Wolf said:


Oh look, you continue to misuse the word "objectively". How cute.


I have to agree. There is literally nothing "objective" in your argument. 

Edited by starcrunch061
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21 hours ago, starcrunch061 said:


Critical reception of PS3 titles doesn't back your statement.


I have to agree. There is literally nothing "objective" in your argument


The reception and vague reception have been critical of the Werehog concept because of its contradicting pacing to the speedy day time levels. Like I said before, the actual mechanics and gameplay behind the Werehog itself is completely fine, extremely good in-fact (Boom itself doesnt even come close, despite being combat heavy). You have a shield, a power up mode, platforming, very solid controls in all regards (climbing, swinging, jumping, walking, running, so fourth), an immense amount of combo potential and diversity that even rivals actual fighting games, diffculty, boss fights, good enemy variety, there are aerial attacks (depth) instead of just grounded attacks, grabs, special kills, elemental mechanics, status conditions, and much more. Essentially, any beat em up and platforming fan will adore Werehog levels.... for what they are. It's not meant to be fast paced so uneducated people need to stop judging it like one. For what it tries to do, it's pretty much perfect. It's not half assed, that's why it's completely fine.


It's all funny because the Werehog platforming is vastly superior to Sonic's because Sonic's levels are more speed-time based. There's hardly any depth to his gameplay than just boosting to the end. Werehog has more platforming, but is slower pace. Sonic is faster pace but has less platforming. There's clearly a fair amount of bandwagon to, btw.


Then both of you are simply uninformed. My statement is objective as Sonic games keep being made, usually always sell above 1mill, and so fourth. It's cute how neither of you know what yall are talking about.



(I could include sale numbers of some of the games themselves to.)


@Undead. Especially you, yall need to seriously stop falsely and irrationally claiming all these inaccurate statements about Sonic. You can biasly dislike him all you want, but the fact remains: his games sells, the franchise isnt dead, it's one of if not Sega's best franchises (I believe it is), games come out for him nearly every yr, a movie is development, the game's usually look great and play solid with the exception of a few games out of many, etc. And in reality whether you like it or not, Sonic has a lot of good 3D games.


I only defend what's defendable. I don't factor in my enjoyment with a game (heavily), I look at what it does and offer and judge it like that. Like, argubly the Werehog concept doesnt belong in Unleashed (gameplay wise, since the theme itself fits the dark-story being told), but for what it actually is and tries to do, it does really well. Platinum requires massive time with the game, so I know it well. Not all new themes a dev puts into their games actually work.


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As much as I love Sonic, which is a fucking lot,




Fucking. OutRun. Man.


I'd throw a large chunk of money at anyone here with the OutRun Online Arcade game willing to share it with me, which is mostly because OutRun 2006 is one of the few games I have on PS2 that don't work on the fat PS3.

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I don't have any particular favorite but I will have to say the 16 bit era brought some of the best SEGA games of all time. Golden Axe, Toejam & Earl, Sonic the Hedgehog and of course, Streets of Rage 2.


Huge fan of Sonic in the 1990s, still have a collection of old Archie Comics (even though neither that nor the two American Sonic cartoons had anything to do with Sonic canon in the games, which were made by Japanese), but once Sonic Heroes came out that's when the franchise left a bad taste in my mouth. The series is dead to me now, which is a crying shame considering the legendary rivalry of Mario vs Sonic, any kid who is now 28 to 38 years old probably knows what I'm talking about.


As far as modern gaming goes I hear Yakuza is the best, though I've yet to try the series out myself seeing as I still have a big backlog. I do plan on picking up Yakuza 0 at the end of this year, or sometime in 2018.


In all honesty we need more SEGA games with trophy support. Golden Axe II and III, Streets of Rage I and III, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, cmon those are good games and it's a dead shame they're not rereleased on a modern system. Sure you have Arcade Archives which have all time classics like Contra, but the trophy lists are ridiculous because they're too easy. One can only dream.


Personally I voted for Sonic even though I haven't been in Sonic fandom nor watched any of his cartoon shows (including anime) or read his comics in probably a whole decade. The entire 16 bit era has all my personal SEGA favorites that were exclusive to the Genesis/Mega Drive. The later eras had some great games as well, and they all need a revival in my opinion.

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51 minutes ago, Spaz said:

I don't have any particular favorite but I will have to say the 16 bit era brought some of the best SEGA games of all time. Golden Axe, Toejam & Earl, Sonic the Hedgehog and of course, Streets of Rage 2.


Huge fan of Sonic in the 1990s, still have a collection of old Archie Comics (even though neither that nor the two American Sonic cartoons had anything to do with Sonic canon in the games, which were made by Japanese), but once Sonic Heroes came out that's when the franchise left a bad taste in my mouth. The series is dead to me now, which is a crying shame considering the legendary rivalry of Mario vs Sonic, any kid who is now 28 to 38 years old probably knows what I'm talking about.


As far as modern gaming goes I hear Yakuza is the best, though I've yet to try the series out myself seeing as I still have a big backlog. I do plan on picking up Yakuza 0 at the end of this year, or sometime in 2018.


In all honesty we need more SEGA games with trophy support. Golden Axe II and III, Streets of Rage I and III, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, cmon those are good games and it's a dead shame they're not rereleased on a modern system. Sure you have Arcade Archives which have all time classics like Contra, but the trophy lists are ridiculous because they're too easy. One can only dream.


Personally I voted for Sonic even though I haven't been in Sonic fandom nor watched any of his cartoon shows (including anime) or read his comics in probably a whole decade. The entire 16 bit era has all my personal SEGA favorites that were exclusive to the Genesis/Mega Drive. The later eras had some great games as well, and they all need a revival in my opinion.


Wonder if the PS2 version caused this. It was the worse port on consoles, so if you played that, you experienced some exclusive PS2 issues.


Just because



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7 minutes ago, Mar said:


Wonder if the PS2 version caused this. It was the worse port on consoles, so if you played that, you experienced some exclusive PS2 issues.


Just because




Yeah definitely played it on PS2. Didn't like it, in fact I returned the game shortly after.


I'm really not bashing the Sonic franchise as a whole, there is still some good material. I think Sonic and the Secret Rings brought a little fun back into the series, after the god awful terrible mess Sonic 2006 was when it came out.


The biggest problem with the Sonic franchise is the divided fanbase. Coming from someone who grew up playing every Sonic game on the Genesis, watched most of the two American Sonic cartoons, read on various fandom and a few years subscriber to the Archie Comics Sonic, it disappoints me to know the Sonic fanbase will never again be what it once was. Most of us are Western (Europe and America) and well in our late 20s, some of us pushing 40 years old almost, so aside from some differences we grew up with the same sort of games. However for people much younger, who played the later era of Sonic games, and for those who are in Asia, their opinions on the franchise are much different. They missed out on the classic Sonic I loved so much, and SEGA no longer has the power to attract a huge audience like they did during the 1990s.

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9 hours ago, Spaz said:


Yeah definitely played it on PS2. Didn't like it, in fact I returned the game shortly after.


I'm really not bashing the Sonic franchise as a whole, there is still some good material. I think Sonic and the Secret Rings brought a little fun back into the series, after the god awful terrible mess Sonic 2006 was when it came out.


The biggest problem with the Sonic franchise is the divided fanbase. Coming from someone who grew up playing every Sonic game on the Genesis, watched most of the two American Sonic cartoons, read on various fandom and a few years subscriber to the Archie Comics Sonic, it disappoints me to know the Sonic fanbase will never again be what it once was. Most of us are Western (Europe and America) and well in our late 20s, some of us pushing 40 years old almost, so aside from some differences we grew up with the same sort of games. However for people much younger, who played the later era of Sonic games, and for those who are in Asia, their opinions on the franchise are much different. They missed out on the classic Sonic I loved so much, and SEGA no longer has the power to attract a huge audience like they did during the 1990s.


I know. 


Sonic is among one of the worse with the 3D and 2D fans yes, but there are other fanbases just as bad like the Pokemon fanbase with the 1st Gen/original 150 Pokemon were the best and all that matters fan-boys/girls, the Dragon Ball fanbase where the 2D games are best and 3D is shit, the Sword Art Online fanbase, the Smash Bros fanbase, etc. Pokemon specifically though has to be worse than Sonic, but Sonic's fanbase is ridiculous to.


Im one of the diversed fans who enjoy both the 2D and 3D games (actually, I enjoy all the aforementioned styles above for those franchises), with the preference of 3D for many reasons, (.1) including the characterization focus Sonic gets in the 3D games, (2.) being inmensely better/engaging story, and (.3) being the gameplay where (1.) the level design of the 3D games makes it actually possible to master a stage upon practice so you get S Ranks easier without having to worry about limited screen view (2D games) of the levels, unlike the 2D games where you can't really master them in the same regard (this means more rewarding for 3D games whichbalso means more satisfication and fun). Its not harder in the 2D games generally, the lvl design and camera just dont allow it. (2.) The combat and speed feels more fun and satisfying in them. (3.) Theres more depth in gameplay like homing attack combat platforming, wall jumps, boosting, riding on rails, and sliding under walls. (.4 Lastly) Aside from Lost World, the later 3D games after STH2006 innovated the GP by having a changing view of 2D and 3D seamlesssy throughtout each level during GP, catering to both fans, and because of more depth and better camera tracking, the 2D segments of the 3D games are actually better than the full 2D games (a statement Ive seen other fans of both styles claim). EDIT: Theres also the superior boss fights to with the 3D games.

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You'll be amazed at the countless number of times I've argued with another Sonic fan online somewhere simply for having different views on the games, or in some cases over fandom. These weren't agree to disagree situations, but very intense arguments that made me want to scream at the other person. 


Been an a very long time since I've looked at recent Sonic games. I was thinking of picking up Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, I still play on all three consoles even with most of everything now coming to the PS4. I have a huge backlog, probably looking at 40 - 50 games in total, a good 25 - 35 of which I haven't even put on my profile yet.



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Why is Virtua Fighter so heavily underappreciated? That franchise is one of the very few that has impressed me as a gamer deep down. I've played this franchise since VF4 Evolution and I got hooked into it. They have great fighting mechanics, character customization, stages, BGM, etc. But it does lack story mode unfortunately which need to be included and also VF6 must happen!

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45 minutes ago, Spaz said:

You'll be amazed at the countless number of times I've argued with another Sonic fan online somewhere simply for having different views on the games, or in some cases over fandom. These weren't agree to disagree situations, but very intense arguments that made me want to scream at the other person. 


Been an a very long time since I've looked at recent Sonic games. I was thinking of picking up Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, I still play on all three consoles even with most of everything now coming to the PS4. I have a huge backlog, probably looking at 40 - 50 games in total, a good 25 - 35 of which I haven't even put on my profile yet.




If it was Youtube that alone would be why. Any decently mature fan shouldnt have acted the way you described. Youtube in general has to have the most idiots in one place.


All 3 systems? Which exactly? 














Etc. There are many combinations lol. 


Also these could teach you a thing or two about the Adventure re-releases on consoles after Dreamcast-

You can stop watching after the 4min mark, since you wont care to play a modded superior version on pc.



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1 hour ago, hugglebunn-e said:

No love for Skies of Arcadia?




I never played them, unfortunately. I never owned a Dreamcast, and while I did have a Gamecube, I knew nothing about the series at that point. Seems like a good remaster candidate for the lonely JRPG fans who just can't get into today's offerings (and there are at least...one of us).

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29 minutes ago, starcrunch061 said:


I never played them, unfortunately. I never owned a Dreamcast, and while I did have a Gamecube, I knew nothing about the series at that point. Seems like a good remaster candidate for the lonely JRPG fans who just can't get into today's offerings (and there are at least...one of us).


There are dozens of us dozens.


I have struggled getting into modern JRPGs for years. The genre has moved on or changed or whatever, and that is fine. I am currently replaying FF1 on the MiniNES and loving it. And, every once in a while something interesting is announced, Project Octopath Traveler looks promising. But, back on topic.


Skies of Arcadia is really great. Airship battles, pirates, great soundtrack, not a super deep cast, but a lot of personality. It would be a good remaster candidate, but not likely. A dead franchise I'm afraid, besides cameos in Valkyria Chronicles.

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