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@Slava@Redgrave Do you guys recognize the voice in the Twitter video below?



Looks like I stumbled across on my Twitter (X) feed this afternoon the PL account for the talent who used to be Pomu Rainpuff. That voice is 100% her (dug up some videos on Youtube to compare the voice to, and it is most certainly her).

Glad that she seems to be doing well post-graduation, and it was nice to hear a familiar voice that I wasn't expecting to hear ever again (considering that she might never do V-tubing again now that she is focusing on college and other stuff going on post-graduation).



Edited by The Arizona Ranger
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Again a pretty light week for me. For Hololive I only watched Fauna, Subaru, Okayu, and Mumei briefly.


Fauna played the classic "Will You Press the Button?" game where more often than not it's pretty obvious you wouldn't or would press it but Fauna actually wound up getting some that actually felt thought provoking, like one of them was colonizing another world but she would die in five years from a disease from the world. Although she got a couple that didn't make sense or cancelled out like one where it was something like all your thoughts including stray ones become real which would be terrible :P Mumei also played it but I didn't see too much of it. I also saw she played Killer Frequency but admittedly it was kind of hard to follow so I wasn't too into it.


Subaru started MGS1 and got as far as the Hind D fight so she wound up not getting stuck on anything for long. I imagine she will beat it by the next stream. It's also kind of unusual for me hearing it in the Japanese dub but I've heard the dialogue so many times I could guess what they are saying in certain scenes :P Okayu started RE2 Remake and beat Leon's campaign. Not sure if she will do Claire's for the true ending but it would be nice if she did. However I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to run from Mr. X again but if she goes to RE3 Remake she won't like Nemesis all that much either.


Pippa looked at marriage proposal fails/cringe and some of them I didn't really see what made them fails or cringe even if they dropped the ring or something but there were a few that were pretty bad where the guy would get rejected and slapped or the girl would run away. This one probably being the worst one since if it's not staged like some people speculated it was then it was a really shitty thing to do :P She also looked at stuff about the Home Owners Association and I don't get how anyone can live in an area that has one because the people that run them seem to just use it as an excuse to be their own dictator and go after people for the most absurd things. The last thing she did was play Inscryption and get salty at it because she didn't like the roguelike elements. I suppose I don't blame her too much.


Amiya played some of the point and click Bladerunner game as well as Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman which is an IP that unfortunately won't see the light of day again because the studio that made it went under 21 years ago. Capcom or Platinum could make a pretty hype game of it I imagine. She also beat MGS2, managing to beat Fuwamoco to the ending. She sang along to I Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday and even played the freakin' epic skateboard game for a bit but apparently the controls for it were awkward so she didn't play it very long.

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10 hours ago, Slava said:


Those are some turbo gamer deep cut picks. Streamers rarely play PS1, let alone unknown titles like Rising Zan. I may have to watch a few minutes of the VOD.


Yeah, I don't think Amiya has to worry about permissions so she gets to stream stuff like that more often. She's also playing Bladerunner again as of writing this.

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