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Do non stackable difficulty trophies bother you?


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Yea it bothers me.  Here is a what-if example that can probably counter any person who says otherwise...


Before I get harassed for using this game, I would like to say I have heard great reviews, plan on buying this game, and will probably at least try to plat it.


Ok, here is my what if...


What if Last of Us was non stackable?  Like I said, I already know that it is a really good (maybe the best this year???) game.  However, would you play the game eight times just to get the platinum?  I highly doubt it...but maybe some of you would.  :dunno:

I haven't played The Last of Us, but let me tell you something.  I have played Resident Evil 4 more than a dozen times, and it's a long game.  And of all the times I've played it, only one was on the PS3.  And I'm planning to play it again several more times.


I have a list of over 400 games on Steam.  From those I've only played a couple dozens, because I keep playing the same games I really like over and over.  My point is, if I like a game I will play it for fun many times.  If I don't like a game, trophies/achievements are never going to be reason enough for me to play more than once.


Edit: to further the subject, if you like to play games in hard difficulties and what bothers you is having to play the game in low difficulty modes, you can simply artificially extend the game's difficulty by your own means.  Like, say, forcing yourself to play the entire game only with your handgun, or not using mid-level save points, etc.

Edited by MacJunegrand
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On nearly every game I have, when applicable, I play it all the way through at least twice.  I always do my first run on the hardest difficulty available as well as do zero trophy hunting.  There has only been two cases where I didn't do consecutive back-to-back PTs: ICO and SotC.  For some reason, I loved both games on my first PT, however, I just couldn't bring myself to doing the multiple PTs on both until weeks or more after.  


On the flip side, I think I beat Enslaved twice after I plat it...just for shits and giggles.  I enjoyed it that much.


Oh yea...so no, it doesn't bother me to do multiple PTs...for trophies or otherwise.

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Have to be honest, it does annoy me to an extent. While I know I don't "have" to go for the trophies by completing the game multiple times, it's still a drag experiencing a story over and over. If there are alternate endings or something of that nature, it doesn't really bother me. However when it's simply a matter of the developer felt that they would expand the play time of their game by making you complete it multiple times on different difficulties rather than just adding more to the game itself. If I've completed expert, I'd think it's a safe bet that I would complete beginner. If you're not going to stack difficulties, you should have no more than three. Shadows of the damned only had three tied to trophies and it was still a drag. If you're going to force multiple plays, simply do it by making me unlock the hardest difficulty and let the trophies stack from there. Would I let non-stacking difficulties deter me? Not really. But do they annoy me on occasion? Certainly.

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If all the difficulty options are unlocked, it does bother me a bit yes. although trophies are the icing, I do like to plat the game, so adding 3 playthroughs 'just because' is quite an annoyance.


If difficulties unlock after a playthrough that's fair enough :) I often play games at least twice in any case, first time on 'easy/normal' to get a feel for the game and enjoy the story, then on hard for the challenge.

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Yes, I did 6 playhroughs of DMC and 4 playthroughs of Dead Space 3 in less than 30 days.  I know, I'm crazy.  I don't mind 2, when I start minding is when it's 3 and above, that sucks.  I'm not going to skip an awesome game just because it takes more than a playthrough to get the platinum though, that's silly.

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I'm wondering how this conversation transitioned to avoiding a game like "Killer is Dead"(which for all intents and purposes got mixed reviews at best) because the trophies don't stack to "avoiding an awesome game because trophies don't stack". :blink:


I have played games where trophies don't stack. Platinumed them too. Off the top of my head, Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw were two of them (Suda 51 games, go figure!)I have to admit, I liked each game on the first playthrough, got bored the second playthrough and was hating life on the 3rd playthough. I don't want to do that again because I feel it sucks and is lazy programming. If the producers want to increase playtime they should increase content, not make you play the same thing repeatedly.


I am at the point were I have enough unclaimed trophies on my account. If I put a game in my system, I am going for platinum. And with my limited time and my 100+ game backlog I don't want to waste my time playing the same thing over and over, even if I like it. I'd rather play something new. I know its weird but I'm the same with movies. If I see a movie I like I don't watch it repeatedly, I try to find something else I enjoy just as much.


So I'm clearly in the minority here. I'm absolutely fine with that. But just because my view is different from yours doesn't make it "silly". That's extremely biased and closed-minded.

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Yes, if I completed the game on normal, why do I have to play it again on easy? I don't see the point. I don't mind playing on hard because usually a second playthrough allows you to see and understand things that you werent able to on the first one.


Ex. at the start of Arkham Asylum Joker tells Dr. Young they have some catching up to do, at first I thought it was a random comment, you know Joker being Joker, but after you beat the game, and start a new one, thats when you say: Ohhh I know what that means. xD

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If the game's fun to play and doesn't take too long I don't mind playing it again, especially if I've missed any trophies on my first playthrough.


The Splinter Cell HD Collection difficulties don't stack and I don't mind that too much, but The Last Of Us irks me, I've finished it on Hard and will probably get round to doing it on Crushing at some point but I doubt I'll be bothered to do the + difficulties, when your game's trophies and predominately difficulty based, there's a problem, even if they stack.

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They don't bother me much, but it is a little ridiculous, the games like ohh heyy, I see you just demolished this game on super sayian insane holy shit how fuck are you this good this should be impossible difficulty, noooooow I'd appreciate it if you'd just go do it on easy, cause you know, replayability, aren't we the best? -_- ohh I forgot to mention why don't you go get our multiplayer trophies for the multiplayer we just tacked on at the end of the development for you know, replayability, what do you mean the servers are shut down? xD That wasn't us, good luck with the platinum I hope you enjoy your 60% because that's all you're getting. -____________- ahahaha fuck you. -_-

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It bothers me, for sure. It's a waste of time and makes me resent the producers for being lame with their lack of insight to the gaming world.

If I can beat it on hard, I can obviously beat it on easy. Don't make me play it again (and again). *coughcoughPrinceofPersiatrilogycoughcough

1 - 1.5 playthroughs: Necessary. Play the story and then maybe a little clean up for the collectibles and other trophies. Happens almost every time/to be expected/the norm etc.

2 playthroughs: It's kind of pushing it but, it's only one more, you know the levels/controls and it might be possible to do a speedrun (unless it's one of those games where your first run on hard unlocks a higher difficulty).

3+ playthroughs: I won't play it and the company can piss off. It's almost 2014; you should know better than to pretend to provide replayability. Lazy bastards. I'll give my money to the 2,000 other games that won't rape the hours of my life.

Edited by effdeegee
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I prefer when difficulty trophies stack but when they don't it doesn't bother me and it definitely won't keep me from purchasing a game I'm interested in.

ya it wouldnt affect me as far as purchasing game but it will more than likely keep me from platinum the game

It bothers me, for sure. It's a waste of time and makes me resent the producers for being lame with their lack of insight to the gaming world.

If I can beat it on hard, I can obviously beat it on easy. Don't make me play it again (and again). *coughcoughPrinceofPersiatrilogycoughcough

1 - 1.5 playthroughs: Necessary. Play the story and then maybe a little clean up for the collectibles and other trophies. Happens almost every time/to be expected/the norm etc.

2 playthroughs: It's kind of pushing it but, it's only one more, you know the levels/controls and it might be possible to do a speedrun (unless it's one of those games where your first run on hard unlocks a higher difficulty).

3+ playthroughs: I won't play it and the company can piss off. It's almost 2014; you should know better than to pretend to provide replayability. Lazy bastards. I'll give my money to the 2,000 other games that won't rape the hours of my life.

ya prince of persia series is next on my list and i will probably not plat the last 2 or 3 games

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