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This is a lot harder than people are saying


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Picked this up late last year and didn't think the game was a masterpiece or anything but it's pretty decent. Started getting to the hard bits and I quickly realized that this is a lot harder then people are making it out to be.


I've seen a 7.5 been given? This is harder than meat boy. You basically have to play near perfect for the entire game from start to finish and if you fuck up once. Restart. 


Again. This is a good game but I just wanted to give people a heads up on the difficulty since I played a fair amount and didn't really mess up much on the selfish speedrun and barely scraped a gold ?


Anyone who has this is either found a exploit or is really downplaying there skill to do this so big props to anyone who has ?






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Same here. I don't know where you read that people are not giving proper credit for how difficult the plat is, but I've always heard that it's really difficult.


Also, only 5 people have the plat. I don't think they found an exploit, judging by the names of the achievers. Those guys are beasts.


I always mention this one as a harder platformer to complete than SMB. 


Soon... ?

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Definitely not a 7.5 in my opinion. I finished most of this game last year and I would say that this is currently the hardest platformer out there that has a platinum trophy. Much harder than the overrated and exploitable SMB, if I’m being honest. In fact, I can even list many more platformers that I found to be harder than SMB. 

From what I played, the main problem is the full game speedruns. The time requirements for all of these are very tight, which often means that one single mistake can cause you to lose a large amount of time. The problem with these speedruns is that you can’t opt to play too safely, otherwise you will end up missing out on the required time. When it comes to the selfish speedrun, if you aren’t earning a platinum medal for each level then you are already putting yourself at a disadvantage. Just to put it into perspective, I think I died less than 5 times during my selfish speedrun. In the end I just about managed to get the platinum medal by a few seconds.


I don’t think that the deathless run is that bad in comparison, unless you happen to get nervous under those sort of conditions. Some levels basically force you to speedrun them, which will only make things worse for those that can’t handle the pressure. Plus it takes about 40-45 minutes to finish the entire run, which is a lengthy amount of time to go without making a mistake. Still, I personally don’t think that it is as bad as the full game speedruns.


Fun game though. Might go back and plat this in the near future.

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11 hours ago, Smzthyy said:

Definitely not a 7.5 in my opinion. I finished most of this game last year and I would say that this is currently the hardest platformer out there that has a platinum trophy. Much harder than the overrated and exploitable SMB, if I’m being honest. In fact, I can even list many more platformers that I found to be harder than SMB.


What other platformers are harder than SMB?

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53 minutes ago, Smzthyy said:

Just to name a few...


Dustforce, Cloudberry Kingdom, VVVVVV, Leo’s Fortune, Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz, Kyurinaga’s Revenge, Super Rude Bear Resurrection, Chariot.

Monkey Ball is hard? I haven't played the Vita version but I'll take  a look.

Edited by The_UW_98
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  • 2 months later...
On 18/08/2020 at 5:39 PM, Danny_Johansen said:

I gave this a 10 because it is the hardest platformer out there with the exception of 1 game that is just a broken mess. Easily beating games like Cloudberry Kingdom, SMB and V6.

Out of curiosity which game are you referring to?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Recently got the plat for this and I would probably give Splasher a solid 9/10. In terms of difficulty I’d say that it’s on par with something like Cloudberry Kingdom. Definitely not a 10 in my eyes.

I would still agree with everything that I said previously. The full game speedruns are the biggest challenge in this game. Deathless is actually very easy in comparison, it’s just a case of not choking. 

My time to plat was around 50 hours but that figure is very skill dependent. If you enjoy fast paced platformers then this is well worth picking up at some point.

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I feel like deathless is a lot harder than speedruns simply because of the ink delay, if that was fixed it wouldn't have been nearly as hard. 


Speedruns were pretty challenging but at least you could make a 1-2 minutes of mistakes. 

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Deathless took me the longest. Standard speedrun two attempts after individual level practice, selfish speedrun around five and around the same for the 100 percent. A decently skilled player can look at around 80-100 hours I would say. Unless you have two accounts and don't account time spent on that one

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20 hours ago, MiIeski said:

I feel like deathless is a lot harder than speedruns simply because of the ink delay, if that was fixed it wouldn't have been nearly as hard. 


Speedruns were pretty challenging but at least you could make a 1-2 minutes of mistakes. 

That’s fair enough. I did run into that problem a few times but it was only noticeable for me during the speedruns. I made sure to take my time during the deathless run and that seemed to negate the issue entirely. I think my deathless run took me close to 47 minutes, so clearly I took the slow but steady approach.


3 hours ago, Stardroid said:

Deathless took me the longest. Standard speedrun two attempts after individual level practice, selfish speedrun around five and around the same for the 100 percent. A decently skilled player can look at around 80-100 hours I would say. Unless you have two accounts and don't account time spent on that one

I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at with your little snide remark at the end there, but I actually did include the time spent on my old account. 35 hours on this one (according to Exophase) and roughly 15 hours on my old one where I had only completed the Selfish Speedrun and IL Platinum Medals. 35 + 15 = 50, or at least it does according to my calculations. Feel free to correct me if you find my figures to be inaccurate since you obviously seem to know better.

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4 hours ago, Smzthyy said:

That’s fair enough. I did run into that problem a few times but it was only noticeable for me during the speedruns. I made sure to take my time during the deathless run and that seemed to negate the issue entirely. I think my deathless run took me close to 47 minutes, so clearly I took the slow but steady approach.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at with your little snide remark at the end there, but I actually did include the time spent on my old account. 35 hours on this one (according to Exophase) and roughly 15 hours on my old one where I had only completed the Selfish Speedrun and IL Platinum Medals. 35 + 15 = 50, or at least it does according to my calculations. Feel free to correct me if you find my figures to be inaccurate since you obviously seem to know better.

Not going to lie, I have a difficult time believing it. But let me explain. At first, I read that you said you already did the majority of the game on your alt. Now, that to me looks like a lot more than 15 hours. You said in your earlier post today you did not do most of the game but only the platinum medals and selfish speedrun. That is not my error. 


I know Danny Johansen did it in around 80 hours. So for me, when estimating how long it took you to do the majority of the game, when comparing to a great player like that, I surely wouldn't have guessed fifteen hours. Not that is matters though. Platting this game is worth a celebration for all players, regardless of hours spent on it ;)



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2 hours ago, Stardroid said:

Not going to lie, I have a difficult time believing it. But let me explain. At first, I read that you said you already did the majority of the game on your alt. Now, that to me looks like a lot more than 15 hours. You said in your earlier post today you did not do most of the game but only the platinum medals and selfish speedrun. That is not my error. 


I know Danny Johansen did it in around 80 hours. So for me, when estimating how long it took you to do the majority of the game, when comparing to a great player like that, I surely wouldn't have guessed fifteen hours. Not that is matters though. Platting this game is worth a celebration for all players, regardless of hours spent on it ;)



By “most” I meant purely in terms of trophy progression. You seem to have misinterpreted what I said which is fine, we all make mistakes. I had 70% completion in Splasher and I didn’t even attempt the Standard, Gotta Catch’em All, or Deathless trophies.


Now in regards to my time to plat, that’s also fine, you don’t have to believe me. I’m not here to have my ego stroked. At the end of the day my stats don’t lie. One thing that you should bare in mind is that I completed the deathless run in only my second attempt. You and Mileski have both stated that the deathless run took you the longest, so that’s already a huge amount of time that I managed to save when it comes down to earning the platinum. It also looks like you both did the deathless run before obtaining all of the platinum medals, which is possibly why you both found that to be harder than I did. 

In relation to Danny’s time, it’s very possible that he actually did it in much less than 80 hours. The time on Exophase (which is where I assume you got his stats from) includes time spent idling. I didn’t idle much so my time is pretty accurate, but I’m sure some of the other platinum achievers (including yourself) didn’t spend as much time on the platinum as what Exophase is suggesting. 

Anyway, the whole point of my original post was to provide a little bit more insight for those that may be interested in going for this platinum. I briefly posted my overall thoughts, Mileski then added his whilst respectfully disagreeing with me, and then you went ahead and added yours with a nice little sarcastic remark at the end. And to be perfectly honest, I’m not really surprised with your response. I don’t visit the forums that frequently but this isn’t the first time that I’ve seen you respond to something in a very snarky manner. It genuinely seems like a common occurrence for you. The funny thing is that more often than not you end up being wrong, which results in you then backtracking on your initial thoughts. I don’t really want to derail this thread any further, but don’t hesitate to PM me if you want to probe even further in order to find out how one can plat Splasher in 50 hours.

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7 hours ago, Smzthyy said:

By “most” I meant purely in terms of trophy progression. You seem to have misinterpreted what I said which is fine, we all make mistakes. I had 70% completion in Splasher and I didn’t even attempt the Standard, Gotta Catch’em All, or Deathless trophies.


Now in regards to my time to plat, that’s also fine, you don’t have to believe me. I’m not here to have my ego stroked. At the end of the day my stats don’t lie. One thing that you should bare in mind is that I completed the deathless run in only my second attempt. You and Mileski have both stated that the deathless run took you the longest, so that’s already a huge amount of time that I managed to save when it comes down to earning the platinum. It also looks like you both did the deathless run before obtaining all of the platinum medals, which is possibly why you both found that to be harder than I did. 

In relation to Danny’s time, it’s very possible that he actually did it in much less than 80 hours. The time on Exophase (which is where I assume you got his stats from) includes time spent idling. I didn’t idle much so my time is pretty accurate, but I’m sure some of the other platinum achievers (including yourself) didn’t spend as much time on the platinum as what Exophase is suggesting. 

Anyway, the whole point of my original post was to provide a little bit more insight for those that may be interested in going for this platinum. I briefly posted my overall thoughts, Mileski then added his whilst respectfully disagreeing with me, and then you went ahead and added yours with a nice little sarcastic remark at the end. And to be perfectly honest, I’m not really surprised with your response. I don’t visit the forums that frequently but this isn’t the first time that I’ve seen you respond to something in a very snarky manner. It genuinely seems like a common occurrence for you. The funny thing is that more often than not you end up being wrong, which results in you then backtracking on your initial thoughts. I don’t really want to derail this thread any further, but don’t hesitate to PM me if you want to probe even further in order to find out how one can plat Splasher in 50 hours.


When you look at the other times on this exophase site, it is not unreasonable to assume that the majority of the game in 15 hours may be a bit of a stretch, even when accounting for idle time. In reality, I would say it took me around 90-100 hours myself . I do have a lot of idle time on a lot of games, because I play FFXIV on PC with my controller and I often just swap them while having the game running. I even go to sleep while having the games I play running. It's not a great habit to have, I guess. 


Deathless is indeed what I spent most of my time on because I had around ten runs end near the end because of an ink delay somewhere, in sections where you can't really slow down or don't expect it. Level 15 and 18 and 19 in particular seemed to be the worst for this to happen to me. I am different to you in that regard. In my experience, I did not have trouble with the yellow ink delay nearly as much in the actual speedruns. Sometimes as well, it would seem the aiming was off too as I would in some scenario shoot yellow ink ahead instead of down and simply run off a platform, also ending no death runs. It was a frustrating experience for sure. 


But alright, I do not think it is unreasonable, in light of average time spent by other players (disregarding idle time and all that), that doing it in 50 hours spread over two accounts is questionable. Especially the 15 hour one. If you did all platinum medals for the individual levels, having played the whole game as well to while saving all prisoners (?) and complete a selfish speedrun platinum medal in 15 hours, you have about 15 hours of prog ahead you (and that's being generous), surely. 


This would mean on your first attempt at platting the game you would spend like 30 hours. This is more than half the time than some of the strongest times out there (even if we include potential idle time). Even if we give it 40 hours, giving you 25 hours after already having the majority of trophies, you'd still be at half of the time. I think some skepticism is warranted, but it is possible. If you are an incredibly gifted player. Which you may be! So please, stop pretending that me questioning the legitimacy of some claims is based on some bogus. 


Yes, unfortunately it was covered in a snarky remark, made by a snarky man, but seems like you are no stranger to snarky comments yourself. Maybe we should make up and love each other instead. Since you are not a fan of derailing the topic any further, I will gladly open my DMs to you. But, I don't think there is much left to say. 

Edited by Stardroid
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I am a flattered but you shouldn't use me as a comparison. The fact is that I am not that good in this game since I struggle with diagonal dpad movements on ps4. My left thumb would hurt after playing for only a couple hours when I have to use diagonals on dpad. People should be able to beat my time easily if they have no problem with that. For the same reason I rate Dustforce higher compared to other platformers.


When it comes to time, I always estimated it at around 60 hours. Part of this is because I am an idiot and forgot about the restart bug and some strange bug happened to me during the final level which made me hit the wall behind me with water and I fell down and dead. So I had to do it 3 times. I also did the collect 'em all twice since I forgot the last Splasher even though it is free since you would have 800+.


Most of my time was spent on doing individual levels, roughly 35-40 hours. The deathless/selfish/standard speedrun were pretty easy after this but I would still rate them higher than doing all the stand alone plat medals. The collect 'em all speedrun was the hardest of them all since you had to learn the entire game and even without any major mistakes it only had a couple minutes leeway on 75 minute run.





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  • 1 year later...

How the hell did you beat platinum time in Selfish speedrun?? Got every platinum on individual levels but speedruns are way way harder. Im doing very good but then I die 2, 3 times on levels 16, 19, 21 and they always ruin my run. I practiced them a lot but again they always ruin my run. This is the hardest game I attempted to platinum after Street Fighter IV.

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9 hours ago, crowizard said:

How the hell did you beat platinum time in Selfish speedrun?? Got every platinum on individual levels but speedruns are way way harder. Im doing very good but then I die 2, 3 times on levels 16, 19, 21 and they always ruin my run. I practiced them a lot but again they always ruin my run. This is the hardest game I attempted to platinum after Street Fighter IV.


Don't get discouraged though. The full-game speedruns are not as tight as the individual level time-attacks, but you can only afford 2-3 minutes of mistakes over the course of an entire run, which in the end means that you cannot really make many mistakes. 


Dying is not an issue as long as you don't die more than 2-3 times total. You are not required to do a deathless run to be able to beat the Selfish speedrun. I would also die on 16 due to the acid drops, until I told myself that slowing down in that part and waiting 5 seconds for the cycle to line up is preferable over dying to an acid drop. 


And yeah.. it's a pretty damn hard game to plat ? 

Edited by Arcesius
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  • 1 year later...

Finally just got around to finish this monster of a plat and my hands are still shaking and my ass crack still sweating from that last deathless run. This has to be amongst the most underrated plats out there period. The rarity and the fact that is soon to not even be a UR plat will deceive you but do not ever doubt the 10/10 on here since this is one of few games I consider a true 10/10 diff plat (I suck at 2D platformers). The plat is not even in my top 100 rarest plats and that’s crazy considering that it will likely forever stay among my top 5 hardest plats ever.

This is also one of two games so far that have cause me literal physical pain while playing and popping the plat. Soon after hitting the first brick wall in the game, the platinum medal for level 2, I realized that the ligament between my left thumb and index finger was sore I didn’t mind this at first but by the time I finished level 15 platinum the pain was extremely uncomfortable this only became worst by the time I started hitting the platinum times on the speedruns the nail on my thumb was literally purple and I couldn’t stand adding any pressure up against it I was in pain throughout most runs. I’ve just come to the realization that demanding 2D platformers that are only accurately controlled through the D-pad are just not worth the headache. The game however is really good and for everybody who actually got this done themselves you have my outmost respect.


Sadly and very unfortunately the plat nowadays has just lost all of the respect it once had for the community. Don’t get me wrong still most of the players that own the plat are beasts and I really think around 30 of those players that are there on the leaderboards actually got the job done legit, seriously just look at those profiles. But as most of you know now the plat has become a pay to unlock joke.

There’s this unemployed, virgin, secretly Amish asshole going around unlocking the plat for a certain amount of money or in exchange for other games or plats in return. He will literarily ask for full access into your account and do the job for you so there’s not a way to report them as the trophies will pop normally. I really don’t understand how that is not consider cheating but anyway. It’s a real shame truly don’t know what’s worst if the guy getting paid or the “players” that paid him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 19/04/2023 at 3:45 AM, Abraniell said:

There’s this unemployed, virgin, secretly Amish asshole going around unlocking the plat for a certain amount of money or in exchange for other games or plats in return. He will literarily ask for full access into your account and do the job for you so there’s not a way to report them as the trophies will pop normally. I really don’t understand how that is not consider cheating but anyway. It’s a real shame truly don’t know what’s worst if the guy getting paid or the “players” that paid him.

That might explain the random small accounts that I've been seeing popping Splasher with not much prior platforming experience, didn't think someone would do this plat out of all for money :(

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