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Easy Platinum Exploit


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Let's not even bring Jesus into this conversation.


I'll wait for a price decrease, then I'll see how this game fares for myself and I'll play the 'normal way'. Because I find that to have far more satisfaction and taste than outright using an exploit just to get some quick trophy numbers, which is what some people are doing I'm certain.

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On 8/22/2020 at 4:16 PM, aZombieDictator said:

Why not just play the game yourself? It's a very good game with a fair and satisfying challenge. What's the point of having the trophies if you didn't earn them yourself?

I completely agree. I beat cuphead with a friend on PC for FUN (no trophies) and loved it. Sad to see people wanting to do this. These trophy whores have no skill or ethics.

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Well, since my question has been answered (sort of), I'll chip in with my 2 cents (and it's probably worth less).


I have zero problem with people using exploits to get trophies. My problem with these particular trophies is that I don't see how the use of this exploit and the use of save files can be distinguished. Even a game like Sound Shapes, where you can  (or, could) autopop the entire trophy list in seconds, needed the existence of one version of the game played legitimately on your profile. But here, it seems that trophies are just autopopping, without such existence. 


Again, what is the difference between autopopping the trophies mentioned here using a save file, and autopopping them using a local 2nd person? If there is some difference, then I'm perfectly fine with this glitch. Maybe I would use it, maybe I wouldn't, but I've used plenty of others over the years.


If there isn't any difference, I know it can't be outlawed altogether, but it seems vastly more shady. 


2 hours ago, BloodyRutz said:

Don't take it personally, but this is a load of bullshit. You can interpret it how you like but the concept of trophies is pretty simple. It's an award for achieving something. And the award is obtained for achieving something the intended legit way. Like in every other competition - sports, etc.


I see this to an extent, but having ground out plenty of JRPG plats, there's "legitimate" and there's legitimate, and I'm always concerned when the word "intended" comes up.


Star ocean required one of my characters to die 999 times. Like others, I set up a system where one of my own characters killed this person countless times over the course of a night. This is certainly not the intended way of doing this (though with the Japanese, who knows?).


If that's too ridiculous, consider DJ Hero 2, where you must reach an online level of 50 . Even assuming that online was richly populated (ha!), even assuming that Activision's shitty online was working perfectly (ha! ha!), such a level would take weeks, if not months, to achieve. As it turned out, it still took me days, despite the fact that I had a solid boosting system down with a silent partner.


Sometimes the intended way is just absurd.  

Edited by starcrunch061
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45 minutes ago, starcrunch061 said:

Again, what is the difference between autopopping the trophies mentioned here using a save file, and autopopping them using a local 2nd person? If there is some difference, then I'm perfectly fine with this glitch. Maybe I would use it, maybe I wouldn't, but I've used plenty of others over the years.



It comes down to a simple fact really. Did you achieve the trophy by yourself by auto-popping it by somebody else in a local multiplayer? No. Did you actually defeat the bosses you get trophies for? Again, no.



45 minutes ago, starcrunch061 said:

Star ocean required one of my characters to die 999 times. Like others, I set up a system where one of my own characters killed this person countless times over the course of a night. This is certainly not the intended way of doing this (though with the Japanese, who knows?).



This made me laugh so hard! So true! ???



45 minutes ago, starcrunch061 said:

If that's too ridiculous, consider DJ Hero 2, where you must reach an online level of 50 . Even assuming that online was richly populated (ha!), even assuming that Activision's shitty online was working perfectly (ha! ha!), such a level would take weeks, if not months, to achieve. As it turned out, it still took me days, despite the fact that I had a solid boosting system down with a silent partner.



I see your point regarding the "intended" way of doing things, but there's a big difference between boosting online level with a friend and somebody else getting you the trophies for something you were not skilled enough to do by yourself.


Edited by BloodyRutz
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"Don't take it personally, but this is a load of bullshit. You can interpret it how you like but the concept of trophies is pretty simple. It's an award for achieving something. And the award is obtained for achieving something the intended legit way. Like in every other competition - sports, etc."


Funny, because what we do is not a competition. There's no money on the plate. It's a hobby that has become insane due to the "elitists", who have to lay down the law.


"Also, what is even the point in playing Cuphead when somebody else basically plays it for you then? You said you will use the exploit only for Pacifist run, let's say I do believe you. I did the Pacifist runs in about 3 hours and I don't consider myself skilled. You on the other hand said you are skilled, so you're basically "saving" what - one hour?" Also, saving the time by NOT actually playing the game to get some trophies is what's wrong with many people on this site in my opinion. If I would ever get to this point, I would personally reconsider how am I spending my time. This is not aimed at you or anybody else, just my thought."


As i said many times before here and in the Hollow Knight topic, as for me, it's a matter of trust (or watch my videos on my channel, that i provide as an EVIDENCE to incinerate any kind of suspect about me [in addition to bringing some contents, obviously]. For Cuphead itself, you don't have to believe me. You can simply watch my trophy list, and you will see that all trophies will be obtained in "normal" time. I will go for the Pacifist Trophy at last. For the time, yes, even "one hour" saved for me it's good because with that hour, i can do other things, you know, in REAL LIFE (like spend some extra time with my girlfriend, for example).

"I don't mind how others play games or how many trophies they have, but is the concept of a devaluation of the reward when somebody else will get the exact same reward by cheating really that hard to grasp? I don't understand why it needs to be constantly discussed."
Maybe because it's useless? Devaluation of what? You spend blood, sweat, and tears to obtain that reward and nothing and no one will ever devalue that. I platted Hard Reset: Redux but, if tomorrow, somebody would find a "God Mode Glitch" that would render the plat much simpler to gain, i would be happy, because other people shouldn't go through the same calvary that i and other players before them did. You say it's "bullshit". I say it's MATURITY.
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If ppl want to miss out on one of the most fun, charming run 'n gun platfromers to come out ever by plating it unlegit.

Then I say thier loss, thier probbly too busy stacking thier 3rd sound shapes or my name is mayo to care about getting good anyways. ?

Edited by Wild-Arms-R
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On 8/23/2020 at 4:14 PM, APCGrayLocked said:

In my case, i use every means necessary (again, hacking and premade saves excluded) to save some precious time, because i've a giant backlog of games to PLAY (yes, PLAY, then "PLATTING") and i can't stay for months on a single game. It's not a matter of be low skilled (i'm skilled and i have no problems in doing hard things), it's just a matter of saving time. But this is my case.

This seems like a really arbitrary line to draw. If your argument is that trophy hunting shouldn't be skill dependent (or at least can require skills outside of those in the game) then why shouldn't people that hack or use pre-made saves be considered proper trophy hunters? Hacking, presumably, requires some degree of skill to pull off and its not clear to me how the people that go out and find or acquire pre-made saves fall foul of your rules on time saving. The point is not to say that these are "legitimate", but that if you are going to argue that exploiting the game is fine then you kind of have to accept that these are fine too. You don't really get to go outside of the 'dev intended' way to trophy hunt and claim that others that are doing the same thing but in a different way don't count. 

I want to be clear that I am not advocating for cheating here - nor am I even really disagreeing with you that using glitches or exploits is wrong. It is more that I think all hunters should be free to choose the way in which they go about hunting - even including the hackers and cheaters if they want. So long as they don't interfere with the ability of others to choose to genuinely hunt for trophies in the games they want (I don't, for example, think that it is ok to hack the leaderboard to make it impossible for anyone to legitimately claim a trophy) then I don't really care what others do. Their actions cannot devalue the effort and challenge that I experienced in my own games and that is what makes them worthwhile to me. All of the conditions we impose on ourselves in that pursuit are arbitrary to some degree - I have my own weird lines and rules that I don't cross when gaming. However, I wouldn't impose my own rules on others in order to determine who is and isn't a trophy hunter. 

To do that is a bit of a Richard relocation. 

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22 minutes ago, Stardroid said:

I'm always amused by some of you clowns proclaiming the people who get this legitimately call them elitist and too obsessed with trophies. Seems to me that the people who resort to cheap tricks like this hold the true obsession. You are only interested in popping trophies, you are not interested in obtaining them through effort. You are a serf to trophies, addicted. It's nothing to be proud of. 


Why do you care what people chose to do with their trophies/ account? Is it affecting you in any manner? 


Play the way you want and let others play how they want to. Nothing about trophy hunting is "proud" as you put it. Were hunting for fucking in game notifications. 


I really don't get why some people are so offended by how other people chose to spend THEIR time.


Im not saying I like seeing these exploits, but at the same time don't hate the player, hate the game 

Edited by WatertownsFinest
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7 minutes ago, Stardroid said:

And who says I care about how others do their trophies? I am making the observation. If we let players play the way they want, we'd just allow cheating. You are on a website that has a dedicated leaderboard. It has a cheater removal team and a whole bunch of mechanisms in place for a cleaner trophy hunting environment. There are rarity hunters, there are completionists, there are people who love events. This website has a wide variety if players wanting different things out of trophies and I'm tired of people like you being so simplistic about it. Want to participate in an event? Better let people play how they want with no rules. Want to have a leaderboard rank? Better let people play how they want with no rules. That's not how the real world works, and that's also not how this website works. 


You can also speak for yourself. I myself am quite proud of some hurdles I have overcome trophy wise. The trophy in itself is meaningless, the challenge behind it isn't. Which is why that people who just obtain trophies, for the sake of having said trophies are far more insane than anything else with regard to trophy hunting. 


I deffinetly understand where your coming from and agree with a lot of what your saying, I guess where I differ is that this is an outlier scenario. If every game could be cheesed like this we would be in a very fast sinking boat. I just think when stuff like this happens on occasion with games, people tend to immediately fly off the handle with "youre bad if you use this" kind of mentality which I think doesn't matter if this doesn't happen very often 

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@Tr1svZ "This seems like a really arbitrary line to draw. If your argument is that trophy hunting shouldn't be skill dependent (or at least can require skills outside of those in the game) then why shouldn't people that hack or use pre-made saves be considered proper trophy hunters?"

Because even if you use a glitch, a walkthrough, or an exploit, you're still playing the game and do the trophies on your own. Hacking directly the trophy or use a pre-made save to instantly unlock a majority of them or the platinum itself... that's the line that shouldn't be crossed.


@BloodyRutz "There needs to be money on the table for something to be considered a competition? There are many different prizes, virtual trophies being one of them. When we were kids we used to compete in many things like table tennis, running, even video games and we were broke. Anyway, I probably used bad wording here. I'm not saying I'm competing with people on this site, going for leaderboards or stuff like that. What I meant is that the trophy is supposed to be awarded for actually achieving something, it's even called Achievement on Xbox/Steam (if the word trophy is not clear enough). Because if not it really is just a digital image with a sound and I don't believe that was on Sony's mind when they decided to implement it. There is even Comparing option on PlayStation, no need to blame some "elitists". Competition can be healthy. The purpose of the trophy system is pretty clear."


First of all, yes, there must be something valuable on the table for something to be considered a competition. You talking about the prizes, but those prizes have no effective value, only personal (but we are discussing objectively here). As for the kid part, never done that, so i can't respond you on that topic. For Sony, no they implemented them because the people wanted them, not because Sony itself wanted. Microsoft introduced this feature on Xbox360 and it was so popular that people wanted Sony to porting them and only in 2009 we finally received them, along with the Platinum Trophy. It's for this that the titles pre-2009 are trophyless (like Call of Duty 3, for example). And finally... competition is not healthy. It's for this that i never "raced" to reach the top of the leaderboard in my country. Competition puts on yourself only the pressure to win. On the other hand, challenge yourself to improve your skills for yourself... that is healthy.


" I haven't played Hollow Knight and I'm not aware that you have a gaming channel. There's no reason to write real life using CAPS LOCK other than being passively aggressive. My relationship and my work (which is also my number one hobby) are my priorities. If I'm gonna spend one hour more on Cuphead, I will take that hour from another game, not my personal life. I don't feel the need to play hundreds of games. The point is if I would have a feeling that I need to save time by NOT playing something, I wouldn't be playing it at all. Hence, I would not feel the need to have a trophy on my profile for something I did not achieve because what's the point."


That's my defect, sorry (using the caps lock to give more importance to the words). For the rest, you don't feel the need, but i feel the need, because i'm interested in them all, and not because of the trophies, but because of the games themselves, their gameplay, their story, and their soundtrack. So, spending less time on one game to spend it on another one or spend it in real life to do some important stuff.. i do it.


"Probably the most important point and the reason why we disagree. You consider trophies useless then? If that's the case why going for (hundreds of) them? As I said, I don't mind how others play games. You're right no one will ever devalue the trophy - and this is important - FOR ME. But on the other hand, the trophy itself is devalued and I'm able to understand how people who want to have the same level playing field can feel about it."


You misunderstood me. I consider useless those complaints about the "devaluing of the trophies", not the trophies themselves. I love the trophies. If you go for them, you will explore every part of the game so it's amazing.


"You're saying you platted Hard Reset: Redux (again, I haven't played it) the legit way. Calling it calvary and that you would be happy for others to get the Platinum easier. Seems to me you did not enjoy that very much. Since you said you value your time, why not spend it on something else? Because if I was to recommend Cuphead to somebody I would tell them to go through that "calvary" (it was not that hard) because that's what makes it so great and the trophy feels like a nice award for it. To me it seems like you just wanted to pop the trophy for Hard Reset: Redux and that's about it. That is not the reason I'm going for trophies and I consider it being a massive waste of time."


I didn't like it so much that i put 10 as my personal vote to it, because it was an amazing cyberpunk game.


"Also, just to be clear. The thing I called "bullshit" is making the trophy system something which is not. So, I do not really understand the "maturity" reference. As I already mentioned, I don't mind how others play games. It doesn't mean I cannot write my view on this topic though."


And that's the point. All of you consider the trophy system something that in reality, doesn't mean anything. There's a reason why the normal gamers, don't give a shit about the trophies and are more interested in the no damage runs or speedruns. For the maturity reference, only a mature person can split the trophy hunting from normal gaming. Only a mature person can give a damn if is efforts are rendered vain by the arrival of a glitch/exploit of the last minute. And finally, only a mature person can be happy if someone uses a glitch to renders his life much easier than theirs.

Edited by APCGrayLocked
editing madness xD
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58 minutes ago, WatertownsFinest said:


I deffinetly understand where your coming from and agree with a lot of what your saying, I guess where I differ is that this is an outlier scenario. If every game could be cheesed like this we would be in a very fast sinking boat. I just think when stuff like this happens on occasion with games, people tend to immediately fly off the handle with "youre bad if you use this" kind of mentality which I think doesn't matter if this doesn't happen very often 

The way we are going, we may be headed there sooner then later. lol

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46 minutes ago, APCGrayLocked said:

@Tr1svZ "This seems like a really arbitrary line to draw. If your argument is that trophy hunting shouldn't be skill dependent (or at least can require skills outside of those in the game) then why shouldn't people that hack or use pre-made saves be considered proper trophy hunters?"

Because even if you use a glitch, a walkthrough, or an exploit, you're still playing the game and do the trophies on your own. Hacking directly the trophy or use a pre-made save to instantly unlock a majority of them or the platinum itself... that's the line that shouldn't be crossed.


But that's exactly the point - what does it even mean to say you're still playing the game? If the argument is that in order for any hunting to be considered legitimate that it has to be "playing the game" then that surely rules out an exploit like this Cuphead one? Or indeed, the Hollow Knight one. It just seems like such a weird position to take that some ways of "playing the game" are legit but others are not. Are hackers not playing the "meta-game" of trophy hunting? 

Just seems to me like if you are willing to make use of exploits in trophy hunting, you kind of forfeit the right to complain about the way others choose to go about it. Trying to defend your line forces you to twist into knots by forcing you to explain how what others do isn't ok but what you do is. The easier thing to do, in my humble opinion, is to just not care how others choose to do their hunting and hunt in a way that is satisfying and rewarding for you. It saves you the hassle of having to explain to others why it should be considered "legitimate" because the only person that needs to consider it legitimate is you. 

Edited by Tr1svZ
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13 minutes ago, Tr1svZ said:


But that's exactly the point - what does it even mean to say you're still playing the game? If the argument is that in order for any hunting to be considered legitimate that it has to be "playing the game" then that surely rules out an exploit like this Cuphead one? Or indeed, the Hollow Knight one. It just seems like such a weird position to take that some ways of "playing the game" are legit but others are not. Are hackers not playing the "meta-game" of trophy hunting? 

Just seems to me like if you are willing to make use of exploits in trophy hunting, you kind of forfeit the right to complain about the way others choose to go about it. Trying to defend your line forces you to twist into knots by forcing you to explain how what others do isn't ok but what you do is. The easier thing to do, in my humble opinion, is to just not care how others choose to do their hunting and hunt in a way that is satisfying and rewarding for you. It saves you the hassle of having to explain to others why it should be considered "legitimate" because the only person that needs to consider it legitimate is you. 


No, it doesn't rule out, because even with this exploit, you must still play the game to obtain all the coins and at least, beat one level in pacifist run, beat a boss, and perfect parry an attack. For Hollow Knight, even with the glitch, you must still go through all the bosses in the final Pantheon. Hacking is just that: hack the trophy directly. And for the "meta-game" part, i cannot respond you, because there are hackers that hack everything, hackers that hack a single trophy, hackers that hack the stacks, etc, etc.


For the second part, you shouldn't say those words to me. I'm not the problem here.


@Stardroid "I'm always amused by some of you clowns proclaiming the people who get this legitimately call them elitist and too obsessed with trophies. Seems to me that the people who resort to cheap tricks like this hold the true obsession. You are only interested in popping trophies, you are not interested in obtaining
them through effort. You are a serf to trophies, addicted. It's nothing to be proud of."


And i'm always amused how you elitists call us in different ways to fill up your ego. For the rest, that's your opinion and not the truth, luckily.


"And who says I care about how others do their trophies? I am making the observation. If we let players play the way they want, we'd just allow cheating. You are on a website that has a dedicated leaderboard. It has a cheater removal team and a whole bunch of mechanisms in place for a cleaner trophy hunting environment. There are rarity hunters, there are completionists, there are people who love events. This website has a wide variety if players wanting different things out of trophies and I'm tired of people like you being so simplistic about it. Want to participate in an event? Better let people play how they want with no rules. Want to have a leaderboard rank? Better let people play how they want with no rules. That's not how the real world works, and that's also not how this website works."


Too bad that there are some things called RULES, that establish what is "permitted" and what is not and as far i'm concern, this exploit has yet to be judged as "illegal". Also, if you're tired of us (the people so simplistic) you can always leave the site and go somewhere else. Nobody obliges you to stay here. If you want to stay here, you must accept that there are some people who are, as you said, "so simplistic".


"The trophy in itself is meaningless, the challenge behind it isn't. Which is why that people who just obtain trophies, for the sake of having said trophies are far more insane than anything else with regard to trophy hunting."


Ah ok. So if you don't do the trophy for the challenge, but just for the trophy itself, you're insane. This is the perfect example of a normal gamer that is incapable of split the trophy hunting from the normal gaming, as i already said before. Because a normal gamer goes for the challenge. A trophy hunter goes for the trophy. The words themselves say it XD.

Edited by APCGrayLocked
forgot to quote
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9 minutes ago, APCGrayLocked said:


No, it doesn't rule out, because even with this exploit, you must still play the game to obtain all the coins and at least, beat one level in pacifist run, beat a boss, and perfect parry an attack. For Hollow Knight, even with the glitch, you must still go through all the bosses in the final Pantheon. Hacking is just that: hack the trophy directly. And for the "meta-game" part, i cannot respond you, because there are hackers that hack everything, hackers that hack a single trophy, hackers that hack the stacks, etc, etc.


For the second part, you shouldn't say those words to me. I'm not the problem here.


Oh, so you must play part of the game, just not the parts relevant to the trophy - or more accurately the parts that YOU think are relevant to the game. Like if you can't see how silly that argument is then I really don't have much more I can give you. But keep gatekeeping if that's what makes your e-peen feel large.

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