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Smevin's Regular, Every Day, Normal Ass Gamer Attempts at Trophy Hunting


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18 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:



Gaming Hitlist


1. Norco



Because I played like five minutes and already need to know what happened, what's happening, and what's gonna happen. This bad boy is batting lead off for March, I got a good feeling about it!


2. Sea of Stars



Because I wanna play a new RPG, I wanna geek out for forty hours, and I wanna bathe in those Chrono Trigger vibes while technically playing some new shit. Also I'm not sure I'm ready for the ridiculous 1-2-3 punch of Final Fantasy IV-VI just yet!


3. Laika: Aged Through Blood



Because after My Friend Pedro, I want to shoot more stuff in slo-mo, and after Apotheon, I want to see more cool, unique art styles. It's funny how easily I bought this one... "Well, it's on sale! Guess I have no choice" and it's like a measly few bucks off of the normal retail price. Are they giving the good Doctor a cut yet for all the games he's selling? My man deserves it!

Goddaaamn, that’s some Doc-Approved gaming right there!

I know just what you mean about having a “screw-the-stats” month… I feel like I’m having one now!


Decided I wanted to play Balatro, despite being, conservatively, a 5,000 hour platinum… 

…and am mixing it up by playing a full playthrough of FFVIIR, which I can earn no trophies from 😂


Sometimes… you just gotta tell the brain to take a seat, and let the gut win!

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3 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I know just what you mean about having a “screw-the-stats” month… I feel like I’m having one now!


Decided I wanted to play Balatro, despite being, conservatively, a 5,000 hour platinum… 

…and am mixing it up by playing a full playthrough of FFVIIR, which I can earn no trophies from 😂


That's what's up! I remember when Freelancer came out, you did the same thing, like "welp, looks like trophies aren't gonna matter for a while!" That's the stuff that keeps the hobby fresh... speaking of which, I would LOVE to randomly start playing Hitman again😂


3 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Sometimes… you just gotta tell the brain to take a seat, and let the gut win!



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I spent most of last year working on a 100% at 100 plats goal. In the end it came down to one game.... Persona 4 Arena, a game so incredibly difficult and that I'd spent the majority of the year trying to finish. Yeah I made huge strides in getting better at the game, but I earned no trophies for about 6 or 7 weeks and I was still nowhere near the plat. In the end, I parked that goal I was working on and then spent the next month playing Baldur's Gate 3. It was quite liberating, and I still ended up with an excellent platinum #100.


I still play Arena, and I know I'll get there one day, but I'm not putting pressure on myself for it anymore. January was great for me because I ended up playing a lot of smaller games that I'd wanted to play for a while, and ended my trophy drought by getting 6 plats in January 😅

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9 hours ago, Heather342 said:

I still play Arena, and I know I'll get there one day, but I'm not putting pressure on myself for it anymore. January was great for me because I ended up playing a lot of smaller games that I'd wanted to play for a while, and ended my trophy drought by getting 6 plats in January 😅


Dude I find those Persona games so intimidating! Props for all the work you're putting in there, and also congrats on such a packed January, sounds like you kicked off the year with an explosion of productivity😎

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12 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:


Dude I find those Persona games so intimidating! Props for all the work you're putting in there, and also congrats on such a packed January, sounds like you kicked off the year with an explosion of productivity😎

I absolutely love Persona! Highly recommend if you're ever looking for a new JRPG series to get into. But probably not the Arena fighting game spin offs lol 😅

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  • 5 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, Mr_Wright95 said:

Really really love your trophy checklist / write ups and really enjoyed this month’s summary. Been lurking for a while! Good-luck in advance for plat 125! I will be following along to get some inspiration! 


Aayyyy thank you so much, I appreciate it😁🙏

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13 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

3. Seriously, pretty please, with sugar on top... write a fuckin review.


A Smevz review of Laika, Norco, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk or Viewfinder is literally everything that I'd like right now.


Also, you know how much I want you to play Outer Wilds and Bloodborne. 


Damn, I've been wanting a "super-like" on PSNP for ages... what's the chances of getting a "double-subscribe" for this checklist, too?


Edited by Platinum_Vice
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Damn Smevz, you’re playing so much shit I’ve loved in one month, it’s nuts! Viewfinder, Laika, Norco and Sea of Stars is a hell of a gaming smorgasbord- can’t wait to read those write ups - and particularly looking forward to Laika…

…because “Furry Furiosa” is so perfect a phrase that I am super pissed I didn’t think of it first! 😂

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/20/2024 at 7:21 PM, StraightVege said:

Whoa, that's quite the superb lineup you've got planned! Bloodborne, Hotline Miami 2, and Little Nightmares II must be among my favorite games of the PS4 generation, so I rather envy you getting to experience them for the first time. Yeah, I certainly understand your hesitance with HM2, because it's probably tougher than the original game, and definitely more troublesome than Hong Kong Massacre. However, considering you already finished those, you've undoubtedly got the skills to handle anything it can throw at you. Admittedly, several levels required a lot of practice for me to A+ (the angles which you can be sniped from are very surprising—goddamed windows!), but everything's surmountable regardless. Don't be intimidated! 😤


Hey, what's up man!


Yeah, I'm getting more and more excited for Bloodborne! I think I agree with you on Hotline Miami 2, I might actually like better than the first... though that excludes the Hard difficulty, which I'm yet to even start, and the A+ stuff is definitely trying! Lotta bullshit deaths, like some levels you die in a split second over and over at the very beginning of the screen before you can even formulate a plan!


And thank you for the encouraging words! It's definitely harder than HKM, but it'll get wrapped up sooner than later!


On 4/20/2024 at 7:21 PM, StraightVege said:

I'm also glad to hear that you enjoyed March's gaming escapades so much. You know, I recall learning about that intriguing Laika game on Podquisition some time ago, but I never did get around to checking it out, since the bike mechanics sounded far too irritating. A good thing you reminded me, though, because I should at least look at some gameplay before judging it. As for Sea of Stars, I suppose I just wanted Sabotage Studio to make The Messenger 2 so badly that I spitefully ignored it, but everything I hear from people makes me feel like I'm missing out. Moreover, I've actually never played its main inspiration Chrono Trigger, either, so the nostalgia factor simply isn't there to draw me in. Well, maybe someday.


Dude I feel like you would LOVE Laika. It's that sweet spot of challenge, interesting mechanics, and bleak story. I still need to try The Messenger, but as a total Chrono Trigger Stan, I could not resist going for Sea of Stars first😂 I will not harp on your not having played a certain classic SNES RPG, though I will say that even without that, it's still worth a try. It's a game very much made for gamers our age😄


On 4/20/2024 at 7:21 PM, StraightVege said:

Sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this thread, by the way. I haven't been especially interested in playing games lately, let alone discussing them online, but I'll try to pop in more often if I can. Best of luck in April, man!


Nah man, don't even trip! We've all got lives. And I feel you on that... sometimes the urge to game just isn't there. It's best to just let that ride out, cuz once you start forcing it, you just ensure that you'll REEEAAALLY not wanna play games for an even longer while, and that ain't nice.


Thanks a lot for stoppin by homie, always a pleasure!


P.S. Look into My Friend Pedro if you haven't already. That and Laika I think you might get a big kick out of!

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Oh, I'm more or less in the same boat when it comes to RE4, although probably for different reasons, and a bit more skewed towards the negative. When questions like "what's your least favorite RE game" come up, I always say that I'm among the few weirdos who wasn't particularly fond of it (original GameCube version). Didn't like the long escort mission; didn't like the series transition into a mediocre TPS; didn't like how unpredictable the DA system made enemy behavior and damage; didn't like the silly premise or the goofy one-liners. The last time I played it, I actually resorted to periodically shooting Ashley for a game over, and not primarily because babysitting her frustrated me, but to reduce my DA score. At least one aspect of the game tickled me, though: Krauser, who I find to be hysterically funny for some reason.



Like you, I'm American!


Strangely, I DID enjoy RE5 for the most part, despite it not being all that different. I think it's mainly because that game is just an absolute blast to play through with a co-op partner, and its Mercenaries mode whips ass—so darn fun! Perhaps I'd get along better with the RE4 remake, but I'm not exactly in a hurry to try it. Nevertheless, I got a real kick out of reading your thoughts on the classic version.


On 4/22/2024 at 4:43 PM, YaManSmevz said:

I think I agree with you on Hotline Miami 2, I might actually like better than the first... though that excludes the Hard difficulty, which I'm yet to even start, and the A+ stuff is definitely trying! Lotta bullshit deaths, like some levels you die in a split second over and over at the very beginning of the screen before you can even formulate a plan!


Yeah, regarding which is the better game, it's a toss-up for me, but I adore them both. I do recall Hard difficulty being worse than the A+ ranks overall, especially some of Manny's missions (the trial and error can be downright torturous, for sure), but I believe in ya! Just remember, to platinum this bastard of a game, you gotta have thick skin.




On 4/22/2024 at 4:43 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Dude I feel like you would LOVE Laika. It's that sweet spot of challenge, interesting mechanics, and bleak story.


The other night, I watched about 15 minutes of gameplay, and it's a gorgeous game at the very least. Visually, it kinda brings to mind Dust: An Elysian Tail, and that's definitely a good thing. Still, I don't know if I have the patience to traverse an entire Metroidvania experience on that dirt bike. Maybe if you could hop off the vehicle and engage in other types of gameplay to break things up a bit, but it didn't seem like that was a thing from what I saw. As enamored as I am with these types of games, I might just watch a playthrough of Laika, rather than pulling out what's left of my hair. 😅 Keep in mind, I also hated Excitebike as a kid, heh. I have to respect their commitment to trying something out of the box, though.


On 4/22/2024 at 4:43 PM, YaManSmevz said:

I still need to try The Messenger


Yes, you do! It's easily right up there with the all-time greats of the sub-genre. Once you grow accustomed to the mechanics, the movement is quite addictive and flows well. Basically, striking enemies or projectiles with your sword recharges your "Cloud Step," granting you another midair jump. Later, you unlock tools like the Rope Dart, making your movement even crazier. It features some extremely catchy tunes, too. I really hope they get around to creating a sequel someday.


On 4/22/2024 at 4:43 PM, YaManSmevz said:

I will say that even without that, it's still worth a try. It's a game very much made for gamers our age😄


That might be just what I needed to hear, haha. I do love strategic turn-based combat, after all, and there aren't enough RPGs that implement it anymore. Darkest Dungeon was fantastic, and Battle Chasers wasn't half bad, either, but not much else comes to mind among more contemporary titles. I'll certainly consider Sea of Stars, then!


On 4/22/2024 at 4:43 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Look into My Friend Pedro if you haven't already.


You know, I feel like I've heard that name a million times, but somehow, I still haven't bothered finding out what the game actually is yet. I appreciate the suggestion; will do!


Hope you enjoy the rest of HM2 and Bloodborne, sir! Always good talking to you.


Edited by StraightVege
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Ah... yeah, even though I'm a part of the hype for RE4 -- I know what it's like to sort of walk away with feeling lukewarm from a very popular and beloved game. Even though I adore RE4, it actually isn't my favorite in the series. I prefer the original game, the original remake, and the OG RE2 farrrrr more than RE4. But, being a Shinji Mikami directed title, it's still incredible, in my opinion. You definitely gave it its fair shake, so no one can reasonably fault you for it not meeting your expectations.


On 4/22/2024 at 6:24 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Hundo #20: Resident Evil 4


Time, time for some, time for some action


I think it's safe to say that most of us have a game or two that seemingly everybody loves, but never spoke to you in quite the same way. You don't dislike it necessarily, maybe you even get the praise and agree that it's a high quality game, but for whatever reason, it's just not for you. I hope that makes sense, because that's been my relationship with Resident Evil 4 since it came out all the way back in 2005.

Just to be clear, I am not at all an RE4 hater, more of a not-lover. It's for two chief reasons, the first being my own pettiness - after that knockout PS1 trilogy, the franchise was trying out new consoles, and it left this PS loyalist out in the cold.


"Wanna play Code Veronica? Or the remake of the original? How about Resident Evil 0, the prequel??"


"Oh my god, yes! I'd love to!"


"Well too fuckin bad, Sony boy. Here's three shitty FPS games instead."




Let's get the heads rolling!




Now, while I don't think Shinji Mikami for allowing the game to come to PS2 should be decapitated, nor should you for not loving the game like the rest of the crowd, even I feel like I need to meet my maker for this statement:


Shinji Mikami's final game, The Evil Within, I find superior to any Resident Evil game. I hope you consider giving that game a shot someday, as it's really incredible, and I think overlooked, compared to the Resident Evil series.




On 4/22/2024 at 6:24 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Stray Observations


- Not the sort of thing I try to bemoan regularly, but when it comes to this game I really gotta say it: y no platinum, dawg?


They had TWO opportunities to give a platinum, and they didn't. I agree that it's not always worth complaining about -- but dude, twice? The only RE4 platinum out there is the remake, and I'm a little jealous. I'd have liked to represent the OG with a plat, but oh well.

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16 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

I loved Leon's "...oohhh nnnoooooooo.." whenever Ashley would die. Like "She's dead... well, I'm fucked."


😆 Is it strange that I can still hear the line perfectly in my head? Man, I must've killed her an awful lot...


16 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

(that made me strangely sad to read, I loved Excitebike!)


Aw, sorry. I'm just comforted that someone else on here is old enough to even know what Excitebike is! Yeah, I had a childhood "friend" who always tried to make me play that game with him, and I made every excuse in the book to get out of there and go do something else.

Yes, I saw your "Most Recent Platinum" post regarding Hotline 2, so well done! That's a satisfying one to have in the collection, especially when it's been a bugbear for you for some time now.

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17 minutes ago, StraightVege said:

😆 Is it strange that I can still hear the line perfectly in my head? Man, I must've killed her an awful lot...


It absolutely is not, I can hear it perfectly in mine right now🤣


Or maybe is strange, and we both need to seek professional help. Either way, I feel you there!


17 minutes ago, StraightVege said:

Aw, sorry. I'm just comforted that someone else on here is old enough to even know what Excitebike is! Yeah, I had a childhood "friend" who always tried to make me play that game with him, and I made every excuse in the book to get out of there and go do something else.


"They say that when the winds blow, you can still hear the fiend whispering in the distance, 'Wanna play Excitebike?' Visitors and locals alike get a chill down their spine every time.."


Damn. As much as I loved that game, if every time I suggested playing it friends would be like "Hey, maybe instead we could like eat glass or something," I feel like I'd take the hint at some point😂


17 minutes ago, StraightVege said:

Yes, I saw your "Most Recent Platinum" post regarding Hotline 2, so well done! That's a satisfying one to have in the collection, especially when it's been a bugbear for you for some time now.


Thank you sir! Yeah, that one felt really good. I kinda wanna go back and play HM1 again now... with 2, I got so used to Hard and went back to Normal for the Genocide kills, immediately I was like "holy shit, they're so slow." I feel like I'd rip through HM1 like nothing after all that🤣

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7 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:

I kinda wanna go back and play HM1 again now...


Uh-oh... you've just made me realize that there's PS5 versions of both games now, with separate trophy lists and everything. How was I not aware of this?! Man, I just don't know if I have it in me to go through that struggle again, but I love Hotline way too much not to try! Provided, that is, I ever bother actually procuring a PS5.


I needed that laugh today (regarding Excitebike), so thanks!

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On 5/1/2024 at 10:14 AM, YaManSmevz said:

Little Nightmares. What a cool fucking game. I love how well it captures the vibe of a child's nightmare, they seriously nailed it. The floating quality the screen gets at times, the Brothers Quay-esque villains running around, and the incredible tension - I really did yelp like a little girl more than once while making a narrow escape in this thing!


Indeed. I also appreciated many aspects of the first Little Nightmares, but my gameplay frustrations with the controls, camera angles, and finicky item interactions really soured the overall experience for me, unfortunately. As a result, earning the "Hard to the Core" trophy was more irritating than it needed to be. The outstanding sequel, on the other hand, is one of the best horror games I've ever playedthat hospital level is amazing, seriously. If you're loving the original, then you're in for a real treat with the follow-up, my friend! I do wonder if the upcoming third game will reach the same heights, considering that it's being developed by a different studio.


Hope this month goes well for you; have fun!

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