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Trophy Hunting Ethics?


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Ok, so I was having a discussion with one of my friends about a month ago about using the Precursor orb glitch to get the plat in Jak 2, and he was pretty adamant to explain that was cheating, but I disagreed. So after a long discussion we came up with since its in the game its NOT considered cheating. BUT a week later I was working though the Borderlands DLC and I was contemplating to use a modded weapon/shield for Moxi's Underdome Riot,then him and I had a very similar discussion about trophy hunting ethics. So i'm coming to the No.1 source in the world for trophy hunters to ask, are there any commonly used practices you consider unethical? and if so explain why. Here more examples we could come up with

-Hacking (Obviously cheating and not justifiable by any means)

-Using a glitch (Its in the game so if it was an issue there would be a patch right?)

-Using modded weapons (I didn't actually alter a save or anything, I just got on a online game and found a bunch of weapons worth 999,999 moneys)

-Using a turbo controller(don't really see how but my friend decided to give it a mention)

If you can come up with anymore please share.

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-Using a turbo controller(don't really see how but my friend decided to give it a mention)


http://www.examiner.com/article/how-cheaters-cheat-turbo-controllers - I think this is the reason why it's consider as cheating...



it's weird that I think Jak 2 Precursor Orb glitch is not considered as cheating... my mind set is if the developer thinks it's cheating.. why didn't they put a patch to prevent this... even the PSV version has this glitch...  I think also that like exploiting games weakness ^_^... yeah I know I am defensive regarding this and yes I am guilty of doing it...

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If you're working within the confines of the game i.e still playing it, still going out of your way to play and get the trophy I'd say it's all good ;) 

Hacking trophies or using someone elses save file is just -,- c'mon son. Not cool :)

But you said you're working withing the confines the game, glitching is all good imo, I boosted to level 100 in gta online, that took fucking forever!

Is that me cheating? cheating on the game maybe but I still went out of my way and played for hours to get that trophy so imo I still earned it.


Just my take on it. ;P

http://www.examiner.com/article/how-cheaters-cheat-turbo-controllers - I think this is the reason why it's consider as cheating...



it's weird that I think Jak 2 Precursor Orb glitch is not considered as cheating... my mind set is if the developer thinks it's cheating.. why didn't they put a patch to prevent this... even the PSV version has this glitch...  I think also that like exploiting games weakness ^_^... yeah I know I am defensive regarding this and yes I am guilty of doing it...

I agree with that too you're just taking advantage of a games weakness. If the weakness is there and you really cba grind, abuse that weakness all day errrrr day  :awesome:

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I wouldn't say using a glitch or anything like a turbo controller for offline trophies would be cheating. That's just using the tools available to you. Hacking trophies and using a turbo controller for online trophies are the only ways to really cheat, in my opinion. Turbo controllers aren't a big deal if you're boosting and everyone is using a turbo controller, but if you're playing against random people, you definitely have an unfair advantage, and that's definitely cheating. Offline trophies it's whatever though. It's just there to help you get through things faster.

Forgot about the modded weapons, those are definitely a form of cheating. Even if you didn't personally hack them into the game, they were hacked, so using them is cheating. It's like if someone stole a car, then gave it to you. It's still just as illegal as the theft itself if you accept it and drive it around.

Edited by ExHaseo
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As a trophy hunter I have to agree that if anything you do is within the game then I do not see that as cheating.  Here is my personal opinion on various "ethics"


-Hacking: Absolutely no excuse, unacceptable by any means

-Glitching: Depending on the type, but all intents and purposes these are unintentional things that could always be patched out (for the most part)*

-Boosting: Nothing really wrong with this

-Modded equipment: Haven't really dealt with this one so no comment

-Turbo Controller: Sometimes your fingers need a rest as a hardcore RPG grinder sometimes I'll be pushing the X button several thousands of times without having to do anything else (don't have a turbo controller, but it would really be helpful at times)


*For MOST games people can bypass glitches that were patched out by deleting the patch update or system data depending on the game.  There ARE some games out there that will patch out certain glitches and make your save incompatible with older patches (perfect example would be the Disgaea 4 Duplication glitch via reverse pirating)

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Jak II has MISSABLE Precursor Orbs. That was the reason I used the glitch in Jak II. A few days later, I caught myself about to use the glitch to plat Jak 3 (Jak 3 does NOT have any missables) and wondered the same thing. I would say glitching is okay for trophies that are somewhat unnecessary like unstackable trophies and collectibles, (Tricking the Last of Us into thinking you're on survivor plus) especially when you've already played through the game and enjoyed it once.

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My personal opinion is as follows:


Hacking - An absolute no-no.

Boosting - Totally fine with this as long as it is done discretely and doesn't disrupt players playing "legit". Some trophies are virtually impossible to obtain without boosting anyway.

Glitching - Again, totally fine with this as long as it applies to offline modes only. If it's in the game, why not take advantage.

Turbo controller - Should only be used in offline modes.

Modded equipment - Possibly risky as it might break the game, but I guess it's fine as long as you only use it in offline modes.


So basically, with the exception of hacking obviously, anything is fine as long as you don't use it to get an advantage over other players online. Whatever you do in your game on your own is up to you.

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-Hacking: Absolutely no excuse, unacceptable by any means

-Glitching: Depending on the type, but all intents and purposes these are unintentional things that could always be patched out (for the most part)*

-Boosting: Nothing really wrong with this

-Modded equipment: Haven't really dealt with this one so no comment

-Turbo Controller: Sometimes your fingers need a rest as a hardcore RPG grinder sometimes I'll be pushing the X button several thousands of times without having to do anything else (don't have a turbo controller, but it would really be helpful at times)

Pretty much my thoughts on this.

I know I need a turbo controller for Spartacus Legends xD I think I'll brake my :square:  button before getting that 100%

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1. Hacking
I'm not really sure what you are considering under this field. I assume you're referring to any third party software used on a PlayStation system. Anything used to alter your games, or any  means to unlock trophies without the use of the game to unlock it, is usually frowned upon by anyone who actually earns their trophies.

2. Glitching
You're using what's already there in the game. Patches (usually) aren't mandatory either so it's really on the game designers.

3. Boosting
You mean co-operating? Working as a team to earn a trophy?

4. Modded Weapons/Equipment
This falls under Altering Save Files. Even if you gained a modded in-game item from someone else, it was written with third party software. People use programs like Xploder to manipulate their save files and even download others save files to combine it with their user information just to earn the trophies.

5. Turbo Controllers
They're just inputs. It's essentially a robot playing for you, or helping I suppose. I don't really have anything against it. Others might.

1 and 4 for me are the big no-no's.

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1. Hacking

I'm not really sure what you are considering under this field. I assume you're referring to any third party software used on a PlayStation system. Anything used to alter your games, or any  means to unlock trophies without the use of the game to unlock it, is usually frowned upon by anyone who actually earns their trophies.


2. Glitching

You're using what's already there in the game. Patches (usually) aren't mandatory either so it's really on the game designers.


3. Boosting

You mean co-operating? Working as a team to earn a trophy?


4. Modded Weapons/Equipment

This falls under Altering Save Files. Even if you gained a modded in-game item from someone else, it was written with third party software. People use programs like Xploder to manipulate their save files and even download others save files to combine it with their user information just to earn the trophies.

5. Turbo Controllers

They're just inputs. It's essentially a robot playing for you, or helping I suppose. I don't really have anything against it. Others might.

1 and 4 for me are the big no-no's.

If boosting was cheating then we all be banned from PSN.

To me boosting isn't really cheating,it's just helping each other out on a trophy.

Hacking & Modded weapons/equipment is cheating.


Where can I get a turbo controller? :hmm:

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Hacking - Don't do it


Boosting - Not that bad unless the booster over does it or makes the game harder for someone else if the boosting takes place in Multiplayer


Glitches - All in good fun


Mods/Controllers - Not too bad unless the user is trying to overcome another player by using the mods in that case it would be cheating.

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My opinions on each would be;


Hacking: This is 100% cheating and there are absolutely no exceptions to this.


Boosting: This is perfectly fine, just so long as you aren't ruining the experience for anyone playing the game normally, after all, that's one purpose for the Gaming Sessions page on this site.


Glitches: Offline the use of glitches is perfectly fine, as you're only gaining an advantage over the game's AI or exploiting a loophole, but online I'd say glitches are off-limits, as you are using these exploits against other players who may or may not be aware of the glitch's existence.


Mods: Here is a strange one, if the mod is purely cosmetic (ie, a texture swap), I'd say it should be fine, but mods that offer a ridiculously massive edge (ie, over-powered weapons/armour) are cheating, regardless of whether it's used against the AI or another player.


Turbo Controller: The same applies here as with my opinion on glitches, their use is acceptable offline, but not online.

Edited by Blanc
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