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Mmm.. well my name's Laura, I'm 21. I've been playing videogames since the age of 5.

I'm looking for making some new PSN friends, play with them and have fun together :).


I love many types of videogames except sports games and some FPS, but I give everything a try.

Btw... I heard once that PS classics were going to have trophies support, but I'm really doubtful about that; does anyone heard the same?


Sorry if my english isn't good enough, it's not my native language you see haha.

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Hello and welcome to PSNP! Gotta love your Lenne avatar! ;)


The PS classics with trophy support is one of the many things that are doubtful about Playstation Now, the PS4 streaming service that will allow players to enjoy PS, PS2 and PS3 titles. Sony said this service will have online and trophy support, and I read something about making minor changes in games without changing their core data, which is what made people speculate about PS classics getting trophies.....I don't know if there's anything official on it, but it would be damn cool! 


Again, welcome and enjoy! 

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Welcome, and I have heard something about the classic games probably getting trophies added..I guess how that would work is that the they will have requirement triggers, instead of meddling with the games core structure...honestly i kinda don't understand this, since I don't know if this is just for the game U buy in PSN classics or for games that U have previously bought for a ps2(the disk).

He gives a better description over that then me, because I kinda don't feel too into it; since I've kinda have little interest to replay ps2 games that made me go through hell again.

Edited by DarknessKey92
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