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Site Suggestion: New Monthly/Yearly Leaderboards

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I enjoy the current leaderboard. But I’d like to see more. 

I think it be cool to see who the top “monthly” trophy leaders are. Who’s gained the most for this, that month, as well as yearly.


I don’t know much about the “work” it would take to do something like this, but I think it be an awesome improvement to the leaderboards!!


Feel free to add me on PSN, always looking to add fellow trophy hunters and collectors. :)




happy hunting :)



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14 minutes ago, MonaSaxPayne said:


more work than it takes to finish those games u play 

Why spend $70 for a game when you can get 100 platinums for the same price? 

im a trophy hunter. gotta do it. Not my choice PlayStation allowed these so called games to be released in the store. 

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55 minutes ago, LukeTheGooner said:

it would be pretty much who paid for the most jumping games

The same individuals who are currently at the top of the regular leaderboard, thus making a monthly/annual leaderboard redundant.

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I know this idea has been kicked around before. Hopefully, something will come to fruition eventually as I do think it'd be a nice addition. Though, personally, I think they'd need to cut out newer accounts so a smurf doesn't just create new accounts every month because they like to see their name on top.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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I like it, but it won't change a thing, it'll just be a reflection of the current leaderboards on a smaller scale minus a couple big trophy hunters who have retired. 

What I'd rather see is a version like @BlindMango suggests. A rarity leaderboard. Perhaps even filtered by ultra rare/very rare/rare etc. 
I have a crap ton of shovelware on my profile because I like increasing my rank, but as a personal goal I want to try getting a bunch of ultra rare trophies on the side. 
I think a new leaderboard based solely on that would incite people to hunt for those ultra rares too, just like people try to climb game leaderboards by speed running. 

It would definitely "encourage" me to try and climb higher on those boards as well. 

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I’m not sure I see much value in adding temporary Leaderboards to judge permanent profiles.


Even if the site could exclude Trophy-Farming Software, and avoid such a Leaderboard being simply a race to see who could buy a turbo controller and 100 copies of The Jumping Foodcrimes the fastest…


… I think the last thing this community needs is further encouragement to sprint through thier games as fast as possible.


Grinding through games chasing “fastest” times, researching every game ahead of time to ensure it’s possible/ easy/ quick, playing with guides to “optimise” (minimise) engagement with games that are supposed to be about enjoyment, and feeling like one needs to 100% a game right away, before moving onto another one, is what leads to burnout, and is ruining the experience with games for great swathes of “trophy hunters.”


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I'm not entirely convinced this is a bad idea. I understand everyone's point of view of the issues that could arise, but it still might be possible. If these new leaderboards were constantly rolling over to display new top tier players wouldn't this dissuade others from paying to be at the top. I mean, would you want to pay $$ every month to be at the top of a monthly leaderboard. Even if you could, wouldn't it be impossible to do after the first time you did so for a specific game. You can't earn trophies for a second time. Granted, you can create a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. account. However, even this can be tracked and exclude those individuals. I can see this being a money pit for the developer though. If possible, I'd love to see these ideas come to fruition, this way all my X pressing means something. ?

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